Francesco Raffaele
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Important Articles
- Part 1 (Part
2: HERE)
( Abbreviations
- Notes d' epigraphie Archaique (B. Grdseloff) ASAE 44, 1944,
Deux notes d'Epigraphie Thinite (G.Godron) RdE 8, 1951, 91-100
- Horus Den "Cutter", "Severer (of heads)"?
(E.S. Meltzer) JNES 31, 1979, 338-9 (DEN's name)
- King "ADIEBIS" (J. Cerny) ASAE 42, 1943, 348-50
- Sur le nom de "l' Horus Cobra" (J.S.F. Garnot)
MDAIK 16, 1958, 138-46
- The Personal Name of King Serpent (A.H. Gardiner) JEA 44,
1944, 38-39
- Les Monuments Archaiques- I.1- LA TABLETTE EN IVOIRE DE
NAQADA (V.Vikentiev) ASAE 33, 1933, 208-34
- Les Monuments Archaiques- I.2- LA TABLETTE EN IVOIRE DE
NAQADA (V.Vikentiev) ASAE 34, 1934, 1-8
- Les Monuments Archaiques- II. - LA TABLETTE EN IVOIRE DE
NAQADA (V.Vikentiev) ASAE 41, 1941, 277-94
- Les Monuments Archaiques-III. - LA TABLETTE EN IVOIRE DE
NAQADA (V.Vikentiev) ASAE 48, 1949, 665-85
- The Tablet of Mena (J. Garstang) ZÄS 42, 1905, 61-4
- Stone Bowls of KHABA (A.J. Arkell) JEA 42, 1956, 116
- Stone Bowls of King KHA'BA (A.J. Arkell) JEA 44, 1958, 120
- Les Vases de El-Beda (M.J. Cledat) ASAE 13, 1913, 115-21
- Jean Clédat et le site de Béda: données nouvelles sur une découverte protodynastique dans le Sinai septentrional (C. Meurice, Y. Tristant), BIFAO 104/2, 2004, 457-476
Jasejem y Ta-Sty (A. Jimenez-Serrano) BAEDE 12, 2002/..
Review: Dreyer, Elephantine VIII. (A.J. Spencer) JEA 76, 1990, 226
A fragment from the Cairo Statue of Khasekhemwy (B. Adams) JEA 76, 1990, 161-163
A Propos d' une inscription de l' Horus Khasekhem (G. Godron) CdE 43, 1968,
- A Stela of Khasekhemuy from Abydos (R.A. Farag) MDAIK 36,
1980, 77-9
- A Foundation Scene of the Second Dynasty (R. Engelbach)
JEA 20, 1934, 183-4
Narmer and the Coptos Colossi (B. Williams) JARCE 25, 1988, 35-59
A Revised View of the Narmer Palette (W.A.Fairservis Jr.) JARCE 28, 1991/
1-20 + (R.Amiran) JARCE 7, 1968
- Traditionen um Menes (S. Morenz) ZÄS 99, 1972, X-XVI
- The Three Colossi from Koptos and their Mesopotamian Counterpart
(E. Baumgartel) ASAE 48, 1948, 433-53
- Das Schriftzeichen "Rosette" und die Gottin Seschat
(T. Schneider) SÄK 24, 1997, 241-67
- Scorpion and Rosette and the Fragment of the Large Hierakonpolis
Macehead (Baumgartel) ZÄS 93, 1966
- Some Remarks on the Origins of the Titles of the Archaic
Egyptians Kings (E. Baumgartel) JEA 61, 1975, 28-32
- The Red Crown in Early Egypt (G. A. Wainwright) JEA 9, 1923,
- Review : Arcaic Egypt - W.B. Emery (J.P. Lauer) RdE 14,
1957, 113-8
- Quelques Remarques sur la 1° Dynastie (J.P. Lauer) BIFAO
64, 1964, 169-84
- Etudes sur l'Epoque Archaique (G. Godron) BIFAO 57, 1958,
143-55 (Djer Plaque, mot Inw in Peribsen/Sekhemib)
- The Narmer Macehead and related objects (N.B. Millet) JARCE
27, 1990, 53-59
The Carnavon Ivory (G.Benedite) JEA 5, 1918/ 1-15, 225-41 - Symbolic Roles of Canine Figures on Early Monuments (J.
Baines) Archéo-Nil 3, 1993, 57-74
Sépultures à chiens sacrifiés dans la vallée du
Nil (C. Bonnet- L. Chaix- P. Lenoble- J. Reinold- D. Valbelle) CRIPEL 11,
1989, 25-39
Autruches et flamants- les oiseaux représentés sur la céramique
prédynastique ... Decorated (S. Hendrickx) CCdE
1, 2000, 21-52
Une scene de chasse dans le desert sur le vase prédynastique Bruxelles,
M.R.A.H. E.2631 (S. Hendrickx) CdE 67 (133), 1992, 5-27
Peaux d'animaux comme symboles prédynastiques... sur les vases White
Cross-lined (S. Hendrickx) CdE 73, 1998, 203-230
A Decorated Knife Handle from the 'Main Deposit' at Hierakonpolis (H. Whitehouse)
MDAIK 58, 2002, 425-446
Early Dynastic art and iconography (S. Hendrickx, F. Förster), in: A.B. Lloyd (ed.), The Blackwell companion to ancient Egypt, Cambridge, in press [+ doc]
Ein Fragment eines verzierten Dolchgriffs aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos... (U. Hartung), in: Engel, Müller, Hartung (eds.), Zeichen aus dem Sand... (FS Dreyer), 2008, 183-194 [+PDF]
Motive und datierung der prädynastischen dekorierten
Messergriffe (G. Dreyer) in: C. Ziegler (ed.), L' Art de l'Ancien Empire ègyptien.
Actes du colloque... Louvre. 1999, 195-226 [+]
- A Fragment of Late Predynastic Egyptian Relief from Eastern
Delta (H.G. Fischer) Artibus Asiae 21, 1958, 64-88
A New fragment of an Old Palette (B. von Bothmer) JARCE 8, 1969, 5-8
A Predynastic Egyptian Hippopotamus (B. Von Bothmer) BMFA 46, 1948, 64-69
A New Date for an Old Hippopotamus (P. Lacovara) JMFA 4, 1992, 17-26
Some additional Remarks on the Hierakonpolis Ivories (E. J. Baumgartel) JARCE
8, 1969, 9-10
About some ivory Statuettes from the Main Deposit at Hierakonpolis (E.J.Baumgartel)
JARCE 7, 1968, 7-14
Some predynastic carvings (G.D. Hornblower) JEA 13, 1927, 240-246
A Carved Slate palette in the Manchester Museum (W.M. Crompton) JEA 5, 1918,
57-60 (Ostrichs palette)
Was Osiris an ancient king subsequently deified ? (A. H. Gardiner) JEA 46,
1960, 104
A New fragment of the Battlefield palette (J.R. Harris) JEA 46, 1960, 104-5
(Lucerne fragm.)
Zur Erklärung einiger Denkmäler aus der Frühzeit der ägyptischen
Kultur (K. Sethe) ZAS 52, 1914, 55-60
The "Trees and Towns" Palette (A. Nibbi) ASAE 63, 1977, 143-54
Flint dagger from Gebelein (J.E. Quibell) ASAE 2, 1901, 131-132
Le Decor Asiatique du Couteau de Gebel el-Arak (Comte du Mesnil du Buisson)
BIFAO 68, 1969, 63-82
Gebel el Arak- und Gebel el Tarif-Griff: keine Falschungen (R.M. Boehmer)
MDAIK 47, 1991, 51-60
(Alla fine mio riassunto di Hayes, CdE 22 (43), 1947, 220-2: Manico di coltello
del Metropolitan Museum of Arts)
Contribution a l' Etude de la societe Predynastique: Le cas du Couteau "Ripple-Flake"
(B. Midant-Reynes) SÄK 14, 1987, 185-224
Rev. H. Asselberghs 'Chaos en Beheersing...' (G. Godron) BiOr 20 5/6, 1963,
Deux fragments en relief de Hierakonpolis (K.M. Cialowicz) Etudes et Travaux
18, 1999/ 36-46 (Royal- and Bearers- maceheads in UC)
La composition des scenes avec des animaux sur les palettes predynastiques
tardives (K. Cialowicz) S.A.A.C. 5, 1992 (Prace Arch. 54) 7-18
Problemes de l' interpretation du relief predynastique tardif. Motif du palmier
et des girafes (Cialowicz) SAAC 4, 1992 (Pra. Arch. 53) 7-18
Varia Aegyptiaca (H.G. Fischer) JARCE 2, 1963, 17-51 (Men skin, iaw ,insript.,
a censer, Den stelae, Srr, Bat)
- La Primière Architecture en Egypte (A. Badawy) ASAE
51, 1951, 1-28
- Etudes d'Epigraphie Protodinastique -II. (V. Vikentiev)
ASAE 56, 1959/ 1-30
- Remarks on the Horian elements in the Royal Titulary (J.G.
Griffiths) ASAE 56, 1959/ 63-86
- Deux Rois de la période Thinite (E. Naville) ZÄS
47, 1910/ 65-71
- A Propos du Nom Royal NARMER (G. Godron) ASAE 49, 1949,
217-20 + Tavola e Nota Complementare.
- Note on the name of King Narmer of the Egyptian Predynastic
period (G. Tacacs) Folia Orientalia 33, 1997, 139-142
An Archaic Statuette From Abydos (S.R.K. Glanville) JEA 17, 1931, 65-6 [also on PDF]
- Nar-Ba-Thai (V.Vikentiev) JEA 17, 1931, 67-80 (Narmer' s
name reading)
- A Problem in Egyptian Geometry (T.E. Peet) JEA 17,
1931, 100-6
- The Tomb of Queen Inhapi - An open letter to the Editor
(H.E. Winlock) JEA 17, 1931, 107-10
- A Flint Knife of King Djer (W. Needler) JEA 42, 1956, 41-4
- A preliminary report on the First Dynasty copper treasure
from North Saqqara (Emery) ASAE 39 /427-37
- A Statuette of King Nyneter (W.K. Simpson) JEA 42, 1956,
45-9 (Ninetjer-Nineter) [also in PDF]
- King HWDJEFA (Hans Goedicke) JEA 42, 1956, 50-3
- The Serekh as an Aspect of the Iconography of Early Kingship
(A. O' Brien) JARCE 33, 1996, 123-38
- An Early Dynastic serekh from the Kharga Oasis (S. Ikram, C. Rossi) JEA 90, 2004, 211-215 [Hor-Aha, i.m.o.]
A new King in the Western Desert (Toby A.H. Wilkinson) JEA
81, 1995, 205-10
- The Identification of Tomb B1 at Abydos: Refusing the existence
of a King Ro / *Iry Hor (T.A.H.Wilkinson) JEA 79, 1993, 241-3
- The Metropolitan Museum Knife Handle and ..... imagery before
Narmer (Williams,Logan) JNES 46, 1987
- Appendix A : A Concordance of Archeology,Early Documents
and Rulers ''
- Appendix B : Note on the Representation of Sacred Barks
in Early Egypt ''
- Appendix C : The Gebel Sheikh Suleiman Monument: Epigraphic
Remarks (W. Murnane) ''
- Le plus ancien témoignage de la tradition du Heb-Sed?
(K.M. Cialowicz) Folia Orientalia 33, 1997, 39-48
Forbearers of Menes in Nubia : Myth or Reality ? (B. Williams) JNES 46, 1987,
- Chronologie des Rois de l' Epoque Archaique (E. Amelineau)
RE 12, 1907, 185-204
- Chronologie des Rois de l' Epoque Archaique (E. Amelineau)
RE 13, 1909, 163-180
- Chronologie des Rois de l' Epoque Archaique (E. Amelineau)
RE 14, 1914, 153-172
- J.P. Lauer ' La Pyramide à degrés III '
1939 (review by R. Weill) RdE 5, 1946, 192-6
- J. Vandier ' La Religion Egyptienne' 1944 (review by R.
Weill) RdE 5, 1946, 196-7
- J. Vandier 'Manuel d' Archeologie Egyptienne' t. I, vol.
2 (review by J.P. Lauer) CdE 57, 1954, 13 pages
La Danse de MWW et ce qu'elle peut représenter. Le MWW et le Tjeknw
sacrificiel....... (R. Weill) RdE 5, 1946, 256-8
- Rewiews: 'Excavations at Saqqara 1937-8. Hor AHA' - W.B.
Emery 1939 (R.O. Faulkner) JEA 33, 1947, 103-4
- W.B.Emery 'The Tomb of Hemaka' (review by R. Weill) RdE
4, 1940, 137-48
- Una Nouvelle Mention de la Dèesse Mafdet sous la
I Dynastie (G.B. Delapierre) RdE 4, 1940, 220-1
- Sur un Graffito de la I Dynastie au Ouadi Abad (R. Weill)
RdE 4, 1940, 221-22 (Djet)
- Deux Mots de la I Dynastie,aux inscriptios du tombeau "de
Hemaka" à Saqqara (R. Weill) RdE 4, 1940, 222-3
- Notes d' Epigraphie Thinite (G. Godron) ASAE 54, 1956, 191-206
(Nibbio; Narmer; DEN; MSN; Paleografia IB Cuore)
- Some Early Dynastic Contributions to Egyptian Architecture
(I.E.S. Edwards) JEA 35, 1949, 123-8
- W.B. Emery 'Hor AHA' 1939 (review by R. Weill) RdE 5, 1946,
Evolution de la tombe royale egyptienne jusqu'à la Pyramide à
degrés (J.P.Lauer) MDAIK 15, 1957, 148-65
- Le Developpement des Complexes Funeraires Royaux en Egypte
(J.P. Lauer) BIFAO 79, 1979, 355-94
- La signification et le role des fausses-portes de palais
dans les tombeaux-type Naqada (Lauer) MDAIK 37
- Sur le Dualisme de la Monarchie Eg. et son Expression Archit.
sous les I° Dyn. (Lauer) BIFAO 55, 1955, 153-71
- Le Premier Temple de Culte Funeraire en Egypte (J.P. Lauer)
BIFAO 80, 1980, 45-67 [also in PDF]
- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Orientalische Einflüsse auf verzierten Messergriffen aus
dem prädynastischen Ägypten (R.M. Boehmer) Arch. Mitteil. Iran 7, 1974, 15-40
Das Rollsiegel im prädynastischen Ägypten (R.M. Boehmer) Arch. Anzeig.
4, 1974, 495-514
Predynastic Egyptian seals of known provenience in the R. H. Lowie Museum
of Anthropology (P.V. Podzorski) JNES 47, 1988, 259-268
Neues zur Frage der ältesten ägyptisch-babylonischen Kulturbeziehungen
(A. Scharff) ZAS 71, 1935, 89-106
The Early Relations of Egypt with Asia (H.J. Kantor) JNES 1, 1942, 174-213
The Final Phase of Predynastic in Egypt (H. Kantor) JNES 3, 1944, 110-136+
Further evidence for early Mesopotamian relations with Egypt (H.J. Kantor)
JNES 11, 1952, 239-250
- Uräus und Sonnenscheibe (W. Westendorf) SAK 6, 1978,
Glyptic evidence for a connection between Iran, Syro-Palestine and Egypt in
the fourth and third Millennia (B.Teissier) IRAN 25, 1987, 27-53
Das Messer vom Gebel el-Arak (U. Sievertsen) Baghdader Mitteilungen 23, 1992,
- The Pig and the cult-animal of Set (P.E. Newberry) JEA 14,
1928, 211-225 (also cf. G. Schweinfurth in: ASAE 13 infra)
Some remarks on Ass and Horse in Ancient Egypt and the absence of the Mule
(A. Nibbi) ZAS 106, 1979, 148-168
Pendeloques en forme d' insects (M. L. Keimer) ASAE 34, 1934, 177-143
Deux representations Egyptiennes du Gerenuk (M. L. Keimer) ASAE 41, 1942,
161-181 (Battlefield palette verso)
Notes sur les RHINOCEROS de l'Egypte Ancienne (L.Keimer) ASAE 48, 1948, 47-54
- Le CARACAL dans l'Egypte Ancienne (L.Keimer) ASAE 48, 1948,
- Evidence for early cat taming in Egypt (V. Linseele, W. Van Neer, S. Hendrickx), JAS 34, 2007, 2081-2090
- The Iconography of the Hyena in Ancient Egyptan Art (S.
Ikram) MDAIK 57, 2001, 127-140
Le Porc-épic dans l'Égypte Ancienne (L. Keimer) ASAE 49, 1949,
Notes de Lecture (L.Keimer) BIFAO 55, 1955, 7-20 (Hyena)
- Some remarks on Deer (Cervidae) in Ancient Egypt (P.F. Houlian)
JEA 73, 1987, 238-243
A Guide to the Wildlife Represented in the Great Swampland Scene in the Offering-chapel
of Ti (n. 60) at Saqqara (P.F. Houlihan) GM 155, 1996, 19-53
- C-ware Cairo Dish CG 2076 and D-ware flamingos: prehistoric
theriomorphic allusions to solar myth (C. Wolterman) JEOL 37, 2002, 5-30
Clarifications on the Gerzean Boat scenes (F. El-Yahki) BIFAO 85, 1985, 187-195
Drei Altägyptische Totenboote und vorgeschichtliche Bestattungsgefässe
(Negade II) (E. Brunner-Traut) RdE 27, 1975, 41-55
Balsam für die Ewigkeit (U. Bilow) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 09/20/2003,
p. 34
La Pintade, le soleil et l'éternité. À propos du signe [NH] (G21) (N. Beaux), BIFAO 104/1, 2004, 21-38
L' Identification de l'hiéroglyphe NH (L. Keimer) ASAE 38, 1938/ 253-263
+ Notes Additionelles ibid., 689-690
Quelques nouvelles remarques au sujet de l' Hieroglyphe NH (L. Keimer) ASAE
41, 1942, 325-32
- The "Was-Sceptre" Sub-gang of workmen at Meidum
(A. Rowe) ASAE 41, 1942, 339-341
Some remarks on "A collection of hieroglyphs from the monuments of Hor-Aha..."
(A. Rowe) ASAE 41, 1942, 342-345
Corrections and additions to "Report on Tomb-pit opened .... 1901, in
the Valley of the Kings..." (A. Rowe) ASAE 41, 1942, 346-347
- Handles for copper piercers or gaming pieces? (Z.Y. Saad)
ASAE 38, 1938, 333-346
Bemerkungen zur Schiefertafel von Hierakonpolis (I. Dynastie) (L. Keimer)
Aegyptus 7, 1926, 169-188
Der ägyptische Seelenvogel (L. Klebs) ZAS 61, 1926, 104-108
Mehen, and Resurrection from the Coiled Serpent (P.A. Piccione) JARCE 27,
1990, 43-52
Le Jeu du Serpent (P. Montet) CdE 30 (59), 1955, 189-197
- Bovines in Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic Iconography (S. Hendrickx)
in: F.A. Hassan (ed.), Drought, Food and Culture. Ecological change and Food
Security in Africa's Late Prehistory, New York 2002, 275-318
- Continuity and Change in the visual representations of Predynastic Egypt (S. Hendrickx, M. Eyckerman), in: Incordino, Nuzzolo, Raffaele (eds.), ANSE 2008 Napoli Conference. 2009
- Hippopotamus Hunters and bureaucrats. Elite Burials at Cemetery U at Abydos (U. Hartung), in: Incordino, Nuzzolo, Raffaele (eds.), ANSE 2008 Napoli Conference. 2009
- Engraved Bovine Heads in the Elkab Area (Ilona Regulski) CdE 77, 2002, 5-22
(Gebel el-Waz graffito: falcon + curved-down horns bucrania)
- Nahal Tillah reed decorated pottery: Aspects of Early Bronze age IB ceramic
production and Egyptian counterparts (E. Kansa/ S. Hendrickx/ T.E. Levy/ E.C.M.
van den Brink) in: E.C.M. van den Brink - E. Yannai (eds.): In Quest of Ancient
Settlements and Landscapes. Archaeological studies in honour of Ram Gophna,
Tel Aviv 2002, 193-218
- Wine jars with Serekhs from Early Bronze Lod: Appellation Vallée
du Nil Controlée, but for whom? (E.C.M. van den Brink- E. Braun), in:
van den Brink - Yannai (eds.) 2002, 167-192
- Predynastic Maritime Traffic along the Carmel Coast of Israel: a submerged
find from North Atlit Bay (J. Sharvit- E. Galili- B. Rosen- E. van den Brink),
in: ibid. 2002, 159-166
- Las representaciones de aves y su valor simbòlico en la Baja Nubia
a finales del cuarto Milenio A.C. (A. J. Serrano) BAEDE 8, 1998/ 3-13
- Fue Horus-Pe monarca de la Baja Nubia? Discusiòn e hipòtesis
acerca de un serekh predinàstico encontrado en la tumba L2 de Qustul
(A. Jimenez Serrano) BAEDE 9, 1999, 7-17
- Los reyes del Predinàstico tardìo (Naqada III) (A. Jimenez
Serrano) BAEDE 10, 2000, 33-52
Die frühen Schriftzeugnisse aus dem Grab U-j in Umm el-Qaab (J. Kahl)
CdE 78, 2003, 112-135
Die Schriftzeugnisse des Prädynastischen Königsgrabes U-j in Umm
el-Qaab: Versuch einer Neuinterpretation (F.A.K. Breyer) JEA 88, 2002, 53-65
Zu den frühzeitlichen Königen "Fingerschnecke" und "Fisch" aus dem Grab U-j in Umm el-Qaab (M. Höveler-Müller) SÄK 37, 2008, 159-167
Les premières attestations de l'écriture hiéroglyphique (P. Vernus) Aegyptus 81, 2001, 13-35
I Musei egizi "minori" in Italia (S. Curto) Aegyptus 79, 1999, 33-37
Le collezioni egizie minori del Piemonte ed aree limitrofe (E. Leospo) Aegyptus 79, 1999, 39-43
The Geographical, Spatial, and Temporal Distribution of Predynastic and First
Dynasty Basalt Vessels (L.M. Mallory-Greenough) JEA 88, 2002, 67-93
An Early Dynastic dish from Thomas Shaw's travels (H. Whitehouse) JEA 88,
2002, 237-242
Reviews - K. Kroeper - D. Wildung: Minschat Abu Omar I-II (W.M. Van Haarlem)
JEA 88, 2002, 254-255
Reviews - G. Dreyer: Umm el-Qaab I... (W.M. Van Haarlem) JEA 88, 2002, 255-256
Reviews - U. Hartung: Umm el-Qaab II... (T. Wilkinson) JEA 88, 2002, 256-259
Reviews - H. Altenmuller: Die Wanddarstellungen im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara
(N. Strudwick) JEA 88, 2002, 259-261
Reviews - G. Dreyer: Umm el-Qaab I ... (E. van den Brink) JARCE 39, 2002,
Reviews - T.A.H. Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt (K. Bard) JARCE 39, 2002,
A Consideration of differences between the pottery showing Palestinian characteristics
in the Maadian and Gerzean Cultures (S.O. Tutundzic) JEA 79, 1993, 33-55
Experimental Archaeology concerning Black-Topped pottery from Ancient Egypt
and the Sudan (Hendrickx - Friedman - Loyens) Cahiers de la Céramique
Egyptienne 6, 2000, 171-187
Inscriptional Evidence for the Relative Chronology of Dyns. 0-2 (J. Kahl), in: E. Hornung, R. Krauss, D. Warburton (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Chronology, 2006, 94-115
Zwei änigmatische Relieffragmente aus Beit Khallaf (J. Kahl), in: A.I.
Blöbaum, J. Kahl, S.D. Schweitzer (eds.), Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien
zu Ägypten... FS E. Graefe, 2003, 149-166
"Er ist ein Liebling der Frauen" (P. Kaplony) Ägypten und Levante
13, 2003, 107-126
I dieci 'tagliati' o della morte sacrificale al tempo di Narmer (S. Vinci)
in: Pernigotti - Vinci (eds.), REAC 6, 2004, 9-22
L'Egitto tardopredinastico tra serekh, gerarchie e territorio (S. Vinci) REAC 11, 2009, 9-22
Review Feature - T. Wilkinson, Genesis of the Pharaohs... [papers by T. Wilkinson
(2), K. Butzer, D. Huyge, S. Hendrickx, T. Kendall, I. Shaw], CAJ 14:1, 2004,
Der astrale Gott Osiris (A. M. Saied) DE 46, 2000, 79-89
Götterglaube und Gottheiten in der Vorgeschichte und Frühzeit Ägyptens
(Ahmed Mohamed Saied) ASAE 77, 2003, 175-179
Context, Function and Program: Understanding Ceremonial Slate Palettes (D.
O'Connor) JARCE 39, 2002, 5-25
A Theriomorphic Predynastic Stone Jar and Hippopotamus Symbolism (S. Hendrickx
- D. Depraetere) in: Hendrickx et al. (eds.), Egypt and its Origins..., 2004,
Some Prehistoric vases in the British Museum and remarks on Egyptian Prehistory
(A. Scharff) JEA 14, 1928, 261-276
Vorgeschichtliches zur Libyerfrage (A. Scharff) ZAS 61, 1926, 16-30
Two predynastic decorated vases from Hammamiya (Upper Egypt) (R. Fattovich)
Oriens Antiquus 17, 1978, 199-202
Sur deux vases prédynastiques de Khôzam (L. Keimer) ASAE 35,
1935, 161-181
Violence and Kingship : The Evidence of the Palettes (E. Finkenstaedt) ZÄS
111, 1984, 107-10
Regional Painting style in Prehistoric Egypt (E. Finkenstaedt) ZAS 107, 1980,
The location of styles in Painting: White Cross-lined ware at Naqada (E. Finkenstaedt)
JARCE 18, 1981, 7-10
Egyptian ivory tusks and tubes (E. Finkenstaedt) ZAS 106, 1979, 51-59
Cognitive vs. Ecological niches in Prehistoric Egypt (Elizabeth Finkenstaedt)
JARCE 22, 1985, 143-147
A Predynastic Ostrich Egg with incised Decoration (H.J. Kantor) JNES 7, 1948,
Casse-Tête préhistrorique en bois de Gebelein (M.G. Daressy)
ASAE 22, 1922, 17-32
Egyptian predynastic Stone vessels (A. Lucas) JEA 16, 1930, 200-212
The cemeteries of Abydos: Work of the season 1925-26 (H. Frankfort) JEA 16,
1930, 213-219
An Archaic representation of Hathor (A.J. Arkell) JEA 41, 1955, 125-126
Modern designs on predynastic Palettes (A.J. Arkell) JEA 41, 1955, 126
An archaic representation of Hathor (A.J. Arkell) JEA 44, 1958, 5
The reconstruction of the Hathor bowl (E.M. Burgess/ A.J. Arkell) JEA 44,
1958, 6-11
Burial customs and Beliefs in the Hereafter in Predynastic Egypt (M. Murray)
JEA 42, 1956, 86-96
The jackals of the sun-boat (M.H. van Voss) JEA 41, 1955, 127
The costume and insignia of the king in the Sed-festival (J.G. Gryffiths)
JEA 41, 1955, 127-128
Neue Frühdynastliche Funde aus dem Delta (H. W. Müller) RdE 27,
1975, 180-194
Forged decorations on Predynastic Pots (J. Crowfoot Payne- A. Kaczmarczyk
- S.J. Fleming) JEA 63, 1977, 5-12
Modern painting on Predynastic pots (G. Brunton) ASAE 34, 1934, 149-156
- L' Horus Qahedjet: Souverain de la 3e Dynastie? (J.P. Pätznick) IXth Congress of Egyptology, OLA 150, 2007, 1455-1472 ["Horus Qa-Hedjet" Louvre stela as an archaicizing work of the New Kingdom]
New considerations about the dating of the Wep-Wawet relief from Lisht (C. De Araujo Duarte) IXth Congress of Egyptology, OLA 150, 2007, 379-385 [Qahedjet stela datation]
Proto-Dynastic and Early-Dynastic Necropolis of Minshaat Ezzat and El-Samarah (El-Dakahlia province "North-East Delta") (S.G. El-Baghdadi) IXth Congress of Egyptology, OLA 150, 2007, 487-499
Death and the Origins of Egypt: Mortuary variability as an indicator of socio-political change during the Late Predynastic to Early Dynastic period (J.M. Rowland) OLA 150, 2007, 1629-1643
Materialisations of Memory: Remembering and Forgetting the Pyramid Kings (S. Love) IXth Congress of Egyptology Proceedings, OLA 150, 2007, 1169-1180 [stone architecture, annals, early kings]
A propos du déterminatif du tronc de pyramide dans les Textes des Pyramides. Sémantique et Archéologie (J. Cervello-Autuori) IXth Congress of Egyptology Proceedings, OLA 150, 2007, 303-311
New perspectives on the Development of Mummification and funerary practices during the Pre- and Early Dynastic periods (J. Jones) IXth Congress of Egyptology, OLA 150, 2007, 979-989
Les représentations prédynastiques d'Oryctéropes (G. Graff) IXth Congress of Egyptology, OLA 150 , 2007, 829-835
Prä- und frühdynastiches Steingefäße - Chronologie und soziale Divergenz (P. Kopp) MDAIK 63, 2007, 193-210
Ein verzierter Stabteil aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit (L. Borchardt) ZÄS 66, 1931, 12-14
Zur Erklärung und Datierung des "verzierten Stabteils aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeir" (A. Scharff) ZÄS 66, 1931, 100-104
The Side-striped Jackal, Canis Adustus: A new Element of Egyptian Bestiary? (N. Manlius) JSSEA 35, 2008, 153-158 [canids, foxes, jackals]
Une représentation de prisonniers décapités en provenance de Hiérakonpolis (X. Droux) BSEG 27, 2005-7, 33-42
A propos d'une brasseuse de biere prédynastique: evolution iconographique et attestations archeologiques (G. Graff) JSSEA 35, 2008, 133-151
Zur vorgeschichtlichen bedeutung von Hierakonpolis (W. Kaiser) MDAIK 16, 1958,
- Excavations at Hierakonpolis Fort,1905: A preliminary Note
(B.J.Kemp) JEA 49, 1963, 24-28
- Excavations at Hierakonpolis, at Esna, and Nubia (J. Garstang)
ASAE 8, 1907, 132-48
- Preliminary Report on the First two Seasons at Hierakonpolis
p. I (W.A. Fairservis) JARCE 9, 1971, 7-27
- Preliminary Report on the First two Seasons at Hierakonpolis
p. II Early Dynastic Palace (K.R. Weeks) JARCE 9, 1971, 29-33
- Preliminary Report on the First two Seasons at Hierakonpolis
p. III Occupation ... Kom el Ahmar (M. Hoffmann) JARCE 9, 35
- A Model of Urban Development for the Hierakonpolis Region
...(M.Hoffman, Hamroush, Allen) JARCE 23, 1986
Recent excavations at Hierakonpolis and their Relevance to Predynastic Production
and Settlement (J.R. Geller) CRIPEL 11, 1989, 41-52
Preliminary Report on Field Work at Hierakonpolis: 1996-1998 (R. Friedman et al.) JARCE 36, 1999, 1-35
Review - B. Kemp: Ancient Egypt. Anatomy of a Civilization (J.J. Janssen) JEA 78, 1992,
- Review - B. Adams: The Fort Cemetery at Hierakonpolis (R.F. Friedman)
JEA 78, 1992, 322-24
The 2005-2006 Field Season of the Hierakonpolis Expedition (R. Friedman, T. Hikade, M. Baba, J. Major, J. Paulson) ASAE 82, 2008, 89-111
- Excavations in the Predynastic Cemetery at Hierakonpolis Locality HK6: 1999-2000 (B. Adams) ASAE 78, 2004, 35-52
Security and the problem of the city in the Naqada period (B.B. Williams)
in P.Silverman ed. 'For his Ka - Essays in memory of K.Baer' ..... 1994, 271-83
Cemetery T at Naqada (W. Davis) MDAIK 39, 1983, 17-28
Bericht uber eine archaologisch-geologisch Felduntersuchung in Ober- und Mittelagypten
(W. Kaiser) MDAIK 17, 1961, 1-53
La naissance de la nation de ville dans l' Egypte Ancienne, un acte politique?
(M. Bietak) CRIPEL 8, 1986, 29-35
Les raisons d' une fouille et d' un survey: le site de Naqadah (Claudio Barocas)
CRIPEL 8, 1986, 17-28
Fouilles de l' Istituto Universitario Orientale (Naples) a Zawaydah (Naqada,
"South Town") Camp. 1984 (C. Barocas) BSAK 2, 1988, 299-303
Italian Archaeological Mission of I.U.O. (Naples) to Upper Egypt. 1979-1982
South Town/Zuwaidah. Prel. Rep. on the Pottery (R. Fattovich)
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Zuwayda (C. Barocas-S. Durante- R. Fattovich-M. Tosi) 1982
Naqada (Petrie's South Town): the sealing evidence (Rita Di Maria) in print for the Naqada 2007 Conference
On the Threshold of Glory: The Third Dynasty (A. Dodson) KMT 9/2, 1998, 27-40
- The Mysterious Second Dynasty (A. Dodson) KMT 7/2, 1996,
- The so called Tomb of Osiris at Abydos (A. Dodson) KMT 8/4,
1997, 37-47
- The Second Dynasty and related problems (aavv) (www) EEF
online arch. Nov. 1998 / 30 pag.
- Why "Menes"? (D. Lorton) V.A. 3, 1987, 33-38
Menes als Schopfer (H. Brunner) ZDMG 103 (28), 1953, 22-26
Gab es einen Konig "Menes"? (W. Helck) Z.D.M.G. 103 (28), 1953,
Aha or Narmer. Which was Menes ? (J. Kinnaer) KMT 12/3, 2001, 75-81
King Scorpion (aavv) (www) EEF online arch. Sett. 1999 / 6 pag.
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writing origin, 1 on C14 results)
- Nubia (B. Williams) (www) online article of an Exibition
Chicago June 1998 / 4 pag.
- Egyptian jar sealings (Evans) online www
- New light on King Narmer and the Protodynastic Egyptian
presence in Canaan (Levy-van den Brink-Goren-Alon) Bibl. Arch. 58, 1995
- The Theban Desert Road Survey - Gebel Tjauti (3 Annual reports
1996-98) www
- Ships of the Desert (M. Morrow - M. Morrow) www
- Rock Drawings of the Eastern Desert (T.A.H. Wilkinson) www
The Earliest Pharaohs and the University Museum - Old and New Excavations:
1900-1987 (D. O' Connor) Expedition 29/1, 1987, 27-39
A Hundred Years at Abydos (G. Dreyer) EA 3, 1993, 10-12
Sensing the past (I. Mathieson - A. Tavares - D. Jeffreys) EA 16, 1995, 26-7
The Earlies Royal Boat Graves (D. O'Connor) EA 6, 1995, 3-7
Notes and News / Digging Diaries (L.L. Giddy) EA 3 -on (Ninetjer tomb, Gisr
el Mudir, Abydos, Hierakonpolis etc.)
A new survey of Saqqara (D. Jeffreys) EA 16, 2000, 3-5
Excavations at Helwan (C. Kohler) EA 17, 2000, 38-40
Preliminary Report on the 4th Season of Excavations at Helwan / Ezbet el-Walda... (E.C. Kohler) ASAE 77, 2003, 83-90
Egypt's earliest historical event (G. Dreyer) EA 16, 2000, 6-7
Report on the Season 2003/2004 at the Tomb of Ninetjer in Saqqara (Causeway of Unas) (G. Dreyer) ASAE 80, 2006, 153-165
Temples as symbols, guarantors and participants in Egyptian civilization (J.
Baines) in: S. Quirke (ed.), The Temple in AEg, 1997, 216-241
Les Monuments Archaiques VI. La Tablette ... Fonctionnaire du Roi de la Ire
Dynastie ... (V. Vikentiev) BIE 36/2, 1955, 293-315
The Set rebellion of the IInd Dynasty (P.E. Newberry) A.E. 7, 1922, 40-6
The Wooden and Ivory Labels of the First Dynasty (P.E. Newberry) PSBA
34, 1912, 279-289
The Tablets of Negadah and Abydos (F. Legge) P.S.B.A 29, 1907, 21-4, 70-73,
101-106, 150-154, 243-250
Reviews 'Die Inschrifen der agyptischen Fruhzeit' - P. Kaplony
(I.E.S.Edwards) JEA 52, 1966, 181-84
The Art of Predynastic Period (T.E.Peet) JEA 2, 1915, 88-94 - Two tantalizing biographical fragments of historical interest
(H. G. Fischer) JEA 61, 1975, 33-37
La Stele Funeraire sous l'Ancien Empire. Son Origine et son fonctionnement
(A. Badawy) ASAE 48, 1948, 213-43
- The So-Called Stelae of Abydos (M.A. Shoukry) MDAIK 16,
1958, 292-297
- Objects from the Dutch Excavations at Abu Rawash in the
Egyptian Museum Cairo, and the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden (J. van
Wetering - P. Haanen) in press
Les Tombes des premières dynasties à Abou Roach (Y. Tristant) BIFAO 108, 2008, 325-370
Tombeaux de la I et IV dyn. a Abou Roach (P. Montet) Kemi 7, 1938, 11-69
- Tombeaux de la I et IV dyn. a Abou Roach (P. Montet) Kemi
8, 1946, 157-227
- Abydos and the Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty (B.J.Kemp)
JEA 52, 1966, 13-22
- Trone et dieu: aspects du symbolisme royal et divin des
temps archaiques (J. Baines) BSFE 118, 1990, 5-37
The early development of towns in Egypt (B.J. Kemp) Antiquity 51, 1977, 185-200
Murs à redans encadrés par les "tombs of courtiers"et"forts"d'Abydos
(J.P. Lauer) MDAIK 25, 1969, 79-84
- Sur le "Fruit" des murs Exterieurs dans les Monuments
de Thinite et de l'Ancien Empire (Lauer) BIFAO 59
- A First Dynasty Cemetery at Abydos (L. Habachi) ASAE 39,
1939, 767-75
- The Osiris Temple of Abydos (B.J. Kemp) MDAIK 23, 1968,
138-55 + Tav.
- The Osiris Temple at Abydos. A Postscript to MDAIK 23 (B.J.
Kemp) GM 8, 1973, 23-25
Smsj-Hrw der agyptischen Vor- und Fruhzeit (J. von Beckerath) MDAIK 14, 1956,
Einige Bemerkungen zur agyptischen Fruhzeit. I - Zu den Shemsu Hor (W. Kaiser)
ZÄS 85, 1960, 118-37
- Einige Bemerkungen zur agyptischen Fruhzeit. III - Die Reichseinigung
(W. Kaiser) ZÄS 91, 1964/ 86-125
- Zu den koniglichen Talbezirken der 1und 2 Dynastie in Abydos
und zur Baugeschichte des Djoser Grabmals
- ......... (W. Kaiser) MDAIK 25, 1969/ 1-21 (Petrie's Tombs
of the Courtiers at Abydos)
- Possible sa - sign from the tomb of Djet (Uadji) (B. Adams)
JEA 80, 1994, 183-7
- Zu den "Talbezirken" in Abydos (W. Helck) MDAIK
28, 1972, 95-99
- Abydos (B. Kemp) L.Ä. I, 1975, 28-41
- Funerary Enclosures. Early Dynastic "Forts" Reexamined
(D. Sharp) KMT 12/1, 2001, 60-72
New Funerary Enclosures (Talbezirke)of the Early Dynastic Period at Abydos
(D.O'Connor) JARCE 26, 1989
The Egyptian Ist Dynasty Royal Cemetery (B.J. Kemp) Antiquity 41, 1967, 22-32
Thinis L.Ä. VI (E. Brincks) 475-86
Thinitenzeit (W. Helck) L.Ä. VI, 486-93
Die Khentyw-She, der Konigsbezirk She n Pr 'Aa und die Namen der Grabanlagen
der Fruhzeit (Stadelmann) Suppl. BIFAO 81, 1981, 153-64
Sur quelques noms Royaux des Seconde et Troisieme Dynasties Egyptiennes (J.
Sainte Fare Garnot) BIE 37/1, 1956, 317-28
Nouvelles Lumieres sur les noms Royaux des trois premieres Dynasties (R. Weill)
CdE 11, 1931, 290-293
Two Representations of Gods from the Early Old Kingdom (D. Wildung) Miscellanea
Wilbouriana 1, 1972, 145-60
Sur un régicide obscur (M. Campagno) Archéo-Nil 10, 2000, 113-124
La Dualita' di tombe dei re della Prima Dinastia: un' interpretazione storico-religiosa
e sociologica (J. Cervello Autuori) Atti VI° Congresso........... 1992,
Back to the Mastaba tombs of the First Dynasty at Saqqara. Officials or kings?
(J. Cervelló Autuori) in: R. Pirelli ed., Egyptological Essays on State
and Society, 2002, 27-61
Gedanken zum Ursprung der Agyptischen Schrift (W. Helck) BdE 97/1 (Mel. Mokhtar),
1985, 395-401
Ein Fruhdinastisches Konigsfigurchen aus Elephantine (G. Dreyer) MDAIK 37,
1981, 123-4
Pyramid Origins: a New Theory (D. O'Connor) in: E. Ehrenberg (ed.) Leaving
No Stones Unturned. Essays on the Ancient N. E. and Egypt in Honor of D.P.
Hansen, 2002, 169-182
Boat Graves and Pyramid Origins- New Discoveries at Abydos, Egypt (D. O' Connor)
Expedition 33/3, 1991, 5-17
Umm-el-Qaab 7./8. (Dreyer, Engel, Hartung, Hikade, Kohler, Pumpenmeier, Driesch,
Peters) MDAIK 52, 1996, 11-81
- Zu de Konigsgraben der I. Dynastie in Umm el-Qaab (W.Kaiser)
MDAIK 37, 1981, 247-54
Umm el-Qaab : Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof 2. Vor.
(W. Kaiser, G. Dreyer) MDAIK 38, 1982
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3./4. Vor. (G. Dreyer) MDAIK 46, 1990
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5./6. Vor. (G. Dreyer) MDAIK 49, 1993
- Zum Siegel mit Fruhen Konigsnamen von Umm el-Qaab (W. Kaiser)
MDAIK 43, 1986, 115-9
- Ein Siegel der fruhzeitlichen Konigsnekropole von Abydos
(G. Dreyer) MDAIK 43, 1986, 33-43
Umm-el-Qaab 9./10. (Dreyer, Hartung, Hikade, Kohler, Muller, Pumpenmeier)
MDAIK 54, 1998, 77-167+ Tav.
- C 14 Dating results of the Archaic Royal Necropolis Umm
el Qaab at Abydos (Gorsdorf, Dreyer, Hartung) MDAIK 54, 1998, 169ff.
- Archaic Shrine Models from Tell Ibrahim Awad (W. M. Van
Haarlem) MDAIK 54, 1998, 183-5
Pradynastische Siegelabrollungen aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umme el Qaab)
(Ulrich Hartung) MDAIK 54, 1998, 187-217
Zur Entwicklung des Handels und zum Beginn wirtshaftlicher Administration
im pradynastischen Agypten (Hartung) SÄK 26, 1998, 35-50
Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der Beziehungen Agyptens zu SudKanaan in spatpradynastischer
Zeit (U. Hartung) MDAIK 50, 1994, 107ff
Zur Entstehung des gesamtagyptischen Staates (W. Kaiser) MDAIK 46, 1990, 287-99
- Zum Friedhof der Naqadakultur von Minshat Abu Omar (W. Kaiser)
ASAE 71, 1987, 119-125
Latest findings from Minshat Abu Omar (K. Kroeper) BSAK 2, 1988, 217-228
Zur Sudausdehnung der vorgeschichtlichen Deltakulturen und zur fruhen Entwicklung
Oberagyptens (Kaiser) MDAIK 41, 1985, 60-87
- Ein Gefas mit Ritzmarke des Narmer (Gunter Dreyer) MDAIK
55, 1999, 1-6
Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof 11./12. Vor.
(G. Dreyer) MDAIK 56, 2000, 43-129
- The Royal Tombs of Umm el Qaab. Report on the 12th and 13th
campaign 1997/98 and 1998/99 (Dreyer - Hartung) ASAE 75, 1999-00, 25ff
- The Ideology of the Superstructure of the Mastaba-tomb in
Egypt (A. Badawy) JNES 15, 1956, 180-3
Das Dreikammersystem der Konigsgraber der Fruhzeit und des Alten Reiches (Rainer
Stadelmann) MDAIK 47, 1991, 373-87
Sandtumulus oder Ziegelplatte? Zur Oberbau reconstruction des Abydosgrabes
Z. (R. Mainz) DE 26, 1993, 25-46
- Uberlegungen zur Fassadengliederung der grosen Mastabagraber
aus der 1. Dynastie (J. Dorner) MDAIK 47, 1991, 81-92
- Koniginnengrab und Pyramidenbezirk im Alten Reich (R. Stadelmann)
ASAE 71, 1987, 251-60
- Ein Kultbezirk des Konigs Den in Sakkara (W. Kaiser) MDAIK
41, 1985, 47-60
Sacrifice for the State: First Dynasty Royal Funerals and the Rites at Macramallah's Rectangle (E.F. Morris) in: N. Laneri (ed.), Performing Death..., 2007, 15-37 [whole book in PDF]
Zur Reconstruktion der Oberbauten der Konigsgraber der 1. Dynastie in Abydos
(G. Dreyer) MDAIK 47, 1991, 93-104
- Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof
13./14./15. Vorbericht (G. Dreyer, R. Hartmann, U. Hartung et al.) MDAIK 59,
2003, 67-138
Zwei vermutlich aus der Westwüste stammende Gefäße im prädynastischen Friedhof U in Abydos (U. Hartung, R. Hartmann) MDAIK 61, 2005, 211-218
- Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof
16./17./18. Vorbericht (Dreyer, Engel, Müller, Hartmann, Lacher et al.) MDAIK 62,
2006, 67-129
Die Entwicklung des Systems der ägyptischen Nomoi in der Frühzeit (E.-M. Engel) MDAIK 62, 2006, 151-160
Report on the 20th Campaign of Reexamining the Royal Tombs of Umm el-Qaab at Abydos 2005/2006 (G. Dreyer) ASAE 82, 2008, 49-59
L'Origine de l'alabatre à la Ire dynastie d'après
les inscriptions des vases provenant des galeries de la pyramide à
degrés (S.H. Aufrère) BIFAO 103, 2003, 1-15
La mise en place des structures étatiques dans l'Egypte du IVe millénaire
(B. Menu) BIFAO 103, 2003, 307-326
Frühe Schrift und hohe Kultur im Alten Ägypten: Aspekte von Ideologie auf Beischriften der Nar-mer-Palette (L.D. Morenz), Orientalia 72, 2003, 183-193
Why Year-Names? An Exploration into the Reason for their Use (Malcom J.A. Horsnell), Orientalia, 72, 2003, 196-203 [Akkad, Ur III, O.B.]
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Administration territoriale et organisation de l'espace en Egypte au troisième millénaire avant J.-C.: grgt et le titre '(n)D-mr grgt (J.C. Moreno Garcia) ZAS 123, 1996, 116-138
King Den in Oxford (H. Whitehouse) Oxford Journal of Archaeology 6, 1987,
La Prédynastie égyptienne. Anciens et nouveaux concepts (J.
Vercoutter) CRIPEL 13, 1991, 137-146
Le role des artisans dans la naissance de la civilisation égyptienne
(J. Vercoutter) CdE 68, 1993, 70-83
Reviews: The Fort Cemetery at Hierakonpolis (C.H. Hope) CdE 68, 1993, 118-119
La nécropole nagadienne d'Adaima. Distribution par age des sujets du
secteur est (Coqueugniot- Crubézy- M. Reynes) BIFAO 98, 127-137
Le site prédynastique d'Adaima. Le secteur d'habitat. Rapport de la
neuvéme... (M. Reynes- Bavay- Buchez- Baduel) BIFAO 98, 1998, 263-290
La rôle des parures dans les cérémonies funéraires
au prédynastique: ... sépoltures d'enfants à Adaima (Duchesne,
Petit, Baudel, Midant-Reynes, Crubézy) BIFAO 103, 2003, 133-166
Les mines du ouadi Um Balad désert Oriental (G. Castel-E.C. Köhler-
B. Mathieu- G. Pouit) BIFAO 98, 1998, 57-87
Kôm al Khilgan (Delta) (N. Buchez et al.) BIFAO 103, 2003, 601ff.
Excavating in the Museum: The Stone Vessel...Umm el-Qaab...Brussels MRAH (Hendrickx-
Bielen- De Paepe) MDAIK 57, 2001, 73ff
Black topped ware in Early Dynastic contexts (K.N. Sowada) JEA 85, 1999, 85-102
Bemerkungen zu einigen mit "Rkhyt" gebildeten Beamtentiteln (A.
Farouk) ASAE 76, 2000-2001, 13-21
Choix d'objects pré-pharaoniques appartenent à des collections
de Suisse (H. Wild) BIFAO 47, 1948, 1-58
Zur Inneren Chronologie der Naqadakultur (W. Kaiser) Archaeologia Geographica
6, 1957, 69-77 (+ 12 plates)
A quantitative analysis of the predynastic burials in Armant cemetery (K.
Bard) JEA 74, 1988, 39-55
Review - P.J. Ucko, G.W. Dimbleby - The Domestication and Exploitation of
Plants and Animals (H.S. Smith) JEA 56, 1970, 198
Review - P.J. Ucko - Anthropomorphic Figurines of Predynastic Egypt and Neolithic
Crete with comparative... (E. Baumgartel) JEA 56, 198-201
Review - P. Posener-Kriéger - Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum.
Fifth Series. The Abusir Papyri (R.O. Faulkner) JEA 56, 1970, 201-202
Review - A. Piankoff - The Pyramid of Unas (R.O. Faulkner) JEA 56, 1970, 202-203
Review - H. Goedicke - Königlische Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich (T.G.H.
James) JEA 56, 1970, 203-204
Review - H.G. Fischer - Ancient Egyptian Representations of Turtles (G.T.
Martin) JEA 56, 1970, 204-205
Review - M.A. Hoffman - The Predynastic of Hierakonpolis, 1982 (P. Lacovara)
JEA 74, 1988, 265-268
Review - W. Needler - Predynastic and archaic Egypt in the Brooklyn Museum
(A.J. Spencer) JEA 74, 1988, 268-269
Review - T.A.H. Wilkinson: State Formation in Egypt
(B.G. Trigger) BiOr 55, 1998, 105-109
Review - T. von der Way: Untersuchungen zur Spätvor- und
Frühgeschichte Unterägyptens (T.A.H. Wilkinson) BiOr 55, 1998, 109-113
Review - T. von der Way: Tell el-Fara'in. Buto I. Ergebnisse ... 1983-1989
(T.A.H. Wilkinson) BiOr 55, 1998, 764-768
Review - T.A.H. Wilkinson: Royal Annals of Ancient Egypt (M. Baud) CdE 78,
2003, 145-148
Review - B.E. Shafer (ed.): Temples of Ancient Egypt (P. Derchain) CdE 78,
2003, 152-153
Review - T. von der Way: Tell el-Fara'in. Buto I. Ergebnisse ... 1983-1989
(K.M. Cialowicz) CdE 78, 2003, 153-157
Review - E.C. Köhler: Tell el-Fara'in.
Buto III (T.A.H. Wilkinson) CdE 78, 2003, 157-162
Review - N. Grimal (ed.): Les Criteres de datation stylistiques à l'Ancien
Empire (C. Vandersleyen) CdE 78, 2003, 174-176
Review - J. Eiwanger: Merimde-Benisalame II. Die Funde der mittleren Merimdakultur
(B. Williams) JARCE 27, 1990, 219-220
Review - B. Williams: The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L (K.
Grzymski) JARCE 27, 1990, 230-232
Review: D.B. Redford - Pharaonic King-lists, Annals and Day Books (C. Vandersleyen)
JEA 76, 1990, 210-211
Review: P.F. Houlian - The Birds of Ancient Egypt (H.M. Strudwick) JEA 76,
1990, 211-214
Review: T. A.H. Wilkinson - State formation in Egypt. Chronology and Society
(S. Hendrickx) JEA 85, 1999, 241-245
Review: J. von Beckerath - Chronologie des Pharaonischen Agypten ... (K.A.
Kitchen) JEA 85, 1999, 245-248
Review: B.E. Schafer et al. - Temples of ancient Egypt (B. Harnig) JEA 85,
1999, 248-249
Review: A.M. Roth - Egyptian Phyles in the Old Kingdom... (J. Baines) DE 26,
1993, 91-96 (also see CdE 1996)
Review: J. Vercoutter - L' Egypte et la vallée du Nil. I (J. Malek)
DE 26, 1993, 107-112
Review: S.B. Johnson - The Cobra goddess of Ancient Egypt. Predynastic, Early
Dynastic and Old kingdom (I. Franco) CdE 71, 1996, 67-73
Rev.: A.M. Roth - Egyptian Phyles in the Old Kingdom. The evolution of a System
of Social Organization (P. Posner-Krieger) CdE 71, 1996, 73-79
Rev.: D. Kessler - Die heiligen Tiere und der König, I (B. Van Rinsveld)
CdE 71, 1996, 79-81
Rev.: J. Vercoutter - L'Egypte et la vallée du Nil, I. (B. Trigger)
CdE 71, 1996, 265-269 ... + other reviews
Review: W. Davis - Masking the Blow (K.M. Cialowicz) BiOr 52 5/6, 1995,
Review: W. Davis - Masking the Blow (R. Tefnin) CdE 71, 1996, 274-276
Review - R. Tefnin: Art et magie au temps des pyramides: L'énigme des
têtes dites "de remplacement" (S.E. Thompson) JNES 55/4, 1996,
Review - G. Godron: Etudes sur l'Horus Den et quelques problèmes de
l'Egypte archaique (S.E. Thompson) JNES 55/4, 1996, 310-312
Review - R. Hanning: Ägyptisches Wörterbuch, I. Altes Reich und Erste Zwischenzeit (S. Uljas) JEA 90, Rev. Suppl., 1-3
Review - S. Hendrickx, B. Midant-Reynes, W. Van Neer: Maghar Dendera 2 (Haute Egypte), un site d'occupation badarien (K. Cialowicz) JEA 90, Rev. Suppl. , 3-4
Review - K.M. Cialowicz: Les Palettes égyptiennes aux motifs zoomorphes
et sans décoration (B.G. Trigger) BiOr 50, 5/6, 1993, 621-622
The Predynastic of Egypt (F.A. Hassan) JWP 2.2, 1988, 135-185
Narrativity and the Narmer Palette (W. Davis), in: P.J. Holliday (ed.) Narrative
and Event in Ancient Art, 1994, 21(?)-54
Political systems and Archaeological data in Egypt: 2600-1780 B.C. (David
O' Connor) WA ... 15-37
- Toward an Interpretation of the Role of Ideology in the
Evolution of complex Society in Egypt (K. Bard) JAA 11 (1), 1992, 1-24
The dynamics of a riverine civilization: a geoarchaeological perspective on
the Nile Valley, Egypt (F. Hassan) WA 29/1, 1997, 5-74
- The origins of the Egyptian Civilization: a working model (F.A. Hassan) ASAE 65, 1983, 135-148
The Egyptian Predynastic: A review of the Evidence (K. Bard)
J.F.A. 21 (3), 1994, 265-88
- The State of Research on Late Predynastic Egypt: New Evidence
for Development of the Pharaonic State? (C. Kohler) GM 147, 1995
Trial and Error (W. Kaiser) GM 149, 1995, 5-14
The Geography of Excavated Predynastic Sites and Rise of Complex Society (K.
Bard) JARCE 24, 1987, 81-93
- City and Palace in the New Kingdom (D. O' Connor) CRIPEL
11, 1989, 73-87
- Egypt: Origins of Complex Societies (R.J. Wenke) A.R.A.
18, 1989, 129-55
- The rise of Egyptian State and Carneiro circumscription
theory (A. Perez Largacha) CRIPEL 18, 1996, 107-118
Patterns of Predynastic Settlement Location,social evolution, and the circumscription
theory (Bard-Carneiro) CRIPEL 11, 15-23
- La Chronologie de la prehistoire tardive et des debuts
de l' histoire de l' Egypte (S. Hendrickx) Archéo-Nil 9, 1999, 13-81,
99-107 + C14 tables
Narmer and the Unification of Egypt: A Revisionist view (A.R. Schulman) BES
11, 1992, 79-105
- The Unification of Egypt (G.P. Gilbert) (www) EEF 99/2
Suppl. 2000/ 2 p.
- Ancient Near Eastern Raised-Arm figures and iconography
of ... Min (R.H. Wilkinson) BES 11, 1992, 109-18
- Ethnological models and processes of state formation- chiefdom
survivals in the Old Kingdom (C.E. Guksch) GM 125, 1991, 37-49
- "Figurative discourse" and "Communication"
in the emerging state of Egypt (J. Endrodi) GM 125, 1991, 21-36
Ethnological models and processes of State formation - chiefdom survivals
in the Old Kingdom (C.E. Guksch) GM 125, 1991, 37-50
Zur Agyprtische Kuche (W. Helck) GM 125, 1991, 51
- The Allure of the Holy Glyphs: A Psycholinguistic Perspective
on the Egyptian Script (Goldwasser - Laor) GM 123, 1991, 37-51
- Egyptian Myth and Discourse: Myth, Gods, and the early written
and iconographic record (J. Baines) JNES 50, 1991, 81-105
- Communication and Display: The integration of Early Egyptian
art and Writing (John Baines) Antiquity 63, 1989, 471-82
- The Canonical Theory of Composition in Egyptian Art (Whitney
Davis) GM 56, 1982, 9-26
- Review of O. Goldwasser 'From Icon to Metaphor: Studies
in the Semiotics of the Hieroglyphs' (J. Kahl) BiOr 1/2, 1998, 91-4
Image et histoire. Reflections sur l' usage documentaire de l' image ... (Roland
Tefnin) CdE 54, 1979, 218-44
- Eléments pour une sémiologie de l'image égyptienne
(R. Tefnin) CdE 61, 1991, 60-88
An Early Dynastic quarry for Stone vessels at Gebel Manzal El-Seyl, Eastern
Desert (J. Harrel-M. Brown-M.S. Masoud) JEA 86, 2000
Early Dynastic Egypt: A Socio-Environmental/Anthropological Hypothesis of "Unification" (D.B. Proussakov), in: L.E. Grinin, R.L. Carneiro et al. (eds.), The Early State, Its Alternatives and Analogues, 2004, 139-180
What a king is this: Narmer and the concept of the Ruler (T.A.H. Wilkinson)
JEA 86, 2000, 23-32
Political Unification of Egypt : towards a reconstruction (Toby A.H. Wilkinson)
MDAIK 56, 2000, 377-95
- The Early Pharaohs: State formation and Ideology in Ancient
Egypt (Kathryn A. Bard - Rodolfo Fattovich)
- Interpretation...Documents Concernant l'Unification de l'
Egypte I. SD 40-Scorpion (J. Monnet Saleh) BIFAO 86, 1986, 227-38
- Interpretation...Documents Concernant l'Unification de l'
Egypte II. Scorpion-Merynar (J. Monnet Saleh) BIFAO 90, 1990, 259-79
- Les Monuments Archaiquues IV.-V. Deux rites du Jubilé
Royal à l' Epoque Protodynastique (V. Vikentiev) BIE 32, 1950, 171-228
- On the mending of pottery and stone vessels (H.S.K. Bakry)
MDAIK 24, 1969, 43-50
"Falke des Palastes" als ältester Königstitel (W. Barta)
MDAIK 24, 1969, 51-57
Zum Konigskonzept der Thinitenzeit (H. Goedicke) SÄK 15, 1988, 123-41
Predynastic Egypt (S. Hendrickx), in: Shaw (ed.), ..., in press [+ doc]
Descent Group Competition and Economic Strategies in Predynastic Egypt (S.H. Savage) JAA 16, 1997, 226-268
Some Recent Trends in the Archaeology of Predynastic Egypt (S.H. Savage) JAR 9:2, 2001, 101-155
Die Funde aus dem 'Menesgrab' in Naqada: ein Zwischenbericht (J. Kahl- T.
Bagh- E.M. Engel- S. Petschel) MDAIK 57, 2001, 171-85
Slate palette from Hierakonpolis (J.E. Quibell) ZÄS 36, 1898, 81-84 (Narmer
- Palettes as Early Evidence of Egyptian Writing (S.L. Gosline)
GM 169, 1999, 65-72
- Remarques sur la palette de Narmer (H. Senk) CdE 53, 1953,
Die altesten geschichtlichen Denkmaler der Agypter (K. Sethe) ZÄS 35,
1897, 1-6
- Ein neues Denkmal aus der Fruhzeit der agyptischen Kunst
(W. Spiegelberg) ZÄS 35, 1897, 7-11 (Den label of 'Iabtyw')
- Vier Siegel der Fruhzeit im Leipziger Museum (E. Freir)
ZÄS 107, 1980, 52-6
- Bemerkungen zum Narmer-Pavian (Berlin 22607) (R. Krauss)
MDAIK 50, 1994, 223-230
Die Sockelinschrift des Narmeraffen (E. Schott) RdE 21, 1969, 77-83
- Fortresses, ou Villes-Protégées Thinites?
(J. Monnet-Saleh) BIFAO 67, 1969, 173-87
- Bemerkungen zu den Funden von Abydos (A. Erman) ZÄS
35, 1897, 11-12
- Horus Qa-a in the Elkab area, Upper Egypt (D. Huyge) OLP
15, 1984, 5-9
- Das Grab des Menes (L. Borchardt) ZÄS 36, 1898, 87-105
Eine Statue der Frühzeit (G. Steindorff) ZAS 56, 1920, 96-98
Die Schlangensteine und ihre Beziehungen zu den Reichsheiligtümern (H.
Kees) ZAS 57, 1920, 120-136
Les métamorphoses d'Andjty (O. Perdu) BSFE 159, 2004, 9-28
Zur Konstruktion der Agyptischen Konigsnamen I. Die Thronnamen vom Alten Reich
bis ... (W. Barta) ZÄS 114, 1987, 3-10
- Zur Konstruktion der ... II. Die Horus, Herrinnen und Goldnamen
von der Fruhzeit bis zum ende ... (W. Barta) ZÄS 114 , 105-113
- Nota su un rilievo proveniente da Gebelen nel Museo Egizio
di Torino (S. Curto) Aegyptus 33, 1953, 105-24
- Eine Schminkpalette von Konig Skorpion aus Abu Umuri (..
zur altesten Horustitulatur) (P. Kaplony) Orientalia 34, 1965, 132-67
- Sechs Konigsnamen der 1. dynastie in neuer Deutung (P. Kaplony)
Orientalia Suecana 7, 1958, 54-69
- A Propos du signe [DJER] (A. Badawy) ASAE 52, 1952, 137-44
- after 'Recueils des Inscriptions Egyptiennes du Sinai' (R.
Weill) 1904, 95-106
after 'Notes sur le Ouadi Maghara et sa region au Moyen Empire', in: BIFAO
102, 2002, (nouvelles inscriptions, Sekhemkhet, IIIrd dyn.)
A First Dynasty Bowl inscribed with the Group Ht (H.G. Fischer) CdE 36 (71),
1961, 19-22
- Rev. of I.E.S. Edwards, The Early Dynastic Period in Egypt,
in C.A.H. 1964 (G. Godron) CdE 42 (83), 1967, 71-76
Recherches sur l' Epoque Thinite [Compte rendu W. Helck's Thinitenzeit] (G.
Godron) BiOr 48, 1991, 13-24
Die Datierung der Gefasaufschriften aus der Djoserpyramide (Wolfgang Helck)
ZÄS 106, 1979, 120-32
- Bemerkungen zu einigen Steingefasen mit archaischen Konigsnamen
(Peter Kaplony) MDAIK 20, 1965, 1-46
- Gottespalast und Gotterfestung in der agyptischen Fruhzeit
(P. Kaplony) ZÄS 88, 1962, 5-16
- Konig Niuserre und die Annalen (P. Kaplony) MDAIK 47, 1991,
- An Archaic Bovid Statuette in Cambridge (B.J. Kemp) MDAIK
47, 1991, 205-08
- A Running of Apis in the reign of Aha and passages in Manetho
and Aelian (W. Kelly Simpson) Orientalia 26, 1957, 139-142
- A mud sealing with Seth Vanquished (?) (W. Taha el Sadeek-
J.M. Murphy) MDAIK 39, 1983, 159-75
- Two Protodynastic objects in Brussels and the Origin of
the Bilobate cult-sign of Neith (Stan Hendrickx) JEA 82, 1996, 23-42
- La Tête de Massue du Roi Scorpion (P. Gautier, B. Midant-Reynes) Archéo-Nil
5, 1995, 87-127
Chiefs and Protodynastic Egypt. A Hydraulic Relation? (A.Perez Largacha) Archéo-Nil 5, 1995, 79-85
La Palette décorée de Minshat Ezzat (Delta) (S.G. El-Baghdadi)
Archéo-Nil 9, 1999, 9-11
À propos des représentations d'enceintes crénelées
sur les palettes de l'époque de Nagada III (M. Etienne) Archéo-Nil
9, 1999, 149-163
Grenoble 2004, 9th ICE - Abstracts (S. El-Baghdadi: Minshat Ezzat; I. Incordino,
3rd Dynasty royal monuments; N. Kawai: N. Saqqara Waseda Univ.; J.P. Pätznick,
Qa-Hedjet stela)
Menes, la memoire monarchique et la chronologie du IIIe millénaire
(M. Baud) Archéo-Nil 9, 1999, 109-147
Les frontières des quatre premières dynasties. Annales royales
et historiographie égyptienne (M. Baud) BSFE 149, 2000, 32-46
Signes et mots de l'écriture en Egypte antique (A. Anselin) Archéo-Nil
11, 2001, 136ff.
L'archéologie du sacrifice humain: problèmes et hypothèses
(J.-P. Albert, E. Crubézy, B. Midant Reynes) Archéo-Nil 10,
2000, 9-18
Les Sacrifices humains à l'époque prédynastique: L'apport de la nécropole d'Adaima (E. Crubézy, B. Midant-Reynes) Archéo-Nil 10, 2000, 21-40
Le vanneau et le couteau. (M. Baud - M. Etienne) Archéo-Nil 10, 2000, 55-77
(only pt. B, Baud' s)
Mise à mort cérémonielle et prélèvements
royaux sous la 1ère Dynastie (NÂRMER-DEN) (B. Menu), Archéo-Nil
11, 2001, 164-175
Hieroglyphic Writing During the Fourth Millennium BC: an Analysis of Systems
(J. Kahl) Archéo-Nil 11, 2001, 102-134
Das Goldhaus in der Ägyptischen Frühzeit (E. Schott) GM 2, 1972, 37-41
An Emblematic reference to the Name of Hezy-ra (H.G. Fischer) GM 49, 1981,
- A note on the meaning of <mr> in Archaic texts (J.R.
Ogdon) GM 49, 1981, 61-4
- Studies on Archaic Epigraphy I. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 52, 1981,
55-6 (A sign IZ + ANKH on a Stela of Merka)
- Zur Namensform und zeitlichen Einordung des Konigs "
RO" (W. Barta) GM 53, 1982, 11-13
- Bemerkungen zur Bedeutung der mr-Hacke (W. Barta) GM 54,
1982, 11-16 (Tehenu palette vs: kings destroying- rather than founding- towns)
Notes on the Mastaba of Akhethotep; hmi and Neb kau hor; Idw at Saqqara (N.
Strudwick) GM 56, 1982, 89-94
- Gold and Silver from the Sinai (A. Nibbi) GM 57, 1982, 35-40
- Studies on Archaic Epigraphy II. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 57, 1982,
41-7 (Palermo Stone building 'Swt Netheru')
- British Museum 35324 again (P. Lacovara) GM 59, 1982, 51-50
- Kamosis (Anonimo) GM 60, 1982, 7-8
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy III. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 60, 1982,
81-4 (On the meaning of IN KHASWT)
- Note on the inscription of G4712 GM61, 1983, 27-28 (L. Kuchman
Sabbahy) (NIMAATHAP)
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy IV. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 62, 1983,
55-61(Architectural Design for construction names)
- More on a controversial Object (W. Davis) GM 63, 1983, 37-42
(B.M. 35324 pot)
- Un seul roi TAA sous la 17e Dynastie (C. Vandersleyen) GM
63, 1983, 67-70
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy V. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 64, 1983,
53-9 (Logogram S)
- BHDT in the Delta (A. Nibbi) GM 65, 1983, 63-74
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy VI. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 67, 1983,
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy VII. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 68, 1983,
- Zum Konig Ity I. der 1. Dynastie (N. Dautzenberg) GM 69,
1983, 33-5
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy XII. (J.R. Ogdon) GM 85, 1985,
- Project de Paleographie Hieroglyphique diachronique (Nicolas
Grimal) GM 89, 1986, 85-88
- Zu den Konigen Chaires und Cheneres bei Manetho (N. Dautzenberg)
GM 94, 1986, 25-29
- Das Wort fur Konig (von Oberagypten) (W. Schenkel) GM 94,
1986, 57-73
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy XIII. (J.R. Ogdon) GM96, 1987,
- Iun-Re: der erste Kronprinz des Chephren ? (N. Dautzenberg)
GM 99, 1987, 13-17
Amenmesses in Northern Egypt (K.A. Kitchen) GM 99, 1987, 23-25
Der Palasthorustitel und seine Vorlaufer in der Fruhzeit (W. Barta) GM 117/118,
1990, 55-8
- Zur Nennung von Sened und Peribsen in Saqqara B3 (W. Kaiser)
GM 122, 1991, 49-55
- Menes the Memphite (J.P. Allen) GM 126, 1992, 19-22
- Boats in non-nautical Titles in the Old Kingdom (G.H. Fischer)
GM 126, 1992, 59-78
- Marginalia II (H.G. Fischer) GM 128, 1992, 69-79
- The making of Wine in Egypt (A. Lerstrup) GM 129, 1992,
Evidence for the Titulary of the Queen from Dynasty One (L. K. Sabbahy) GM
135, 1993, 81-7
- A new King Shoshenq confirmed ? (A. Dodson) GM 137, 1993,
Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia at the end of the Fourth Millennium
(A.P. Largacha) GM 137, 1993, 59-76
Das Alter der Sonnenheiligtumer (J. Kahl) GM 143, 1994, 81-83
The first three Sekhemre kings of the Seventheenth Dynasty (C. Bennet) GM
143, 1994, 21-28
King Senakhtenre (C. Bennett) GM 145, 1995, 37-44
- Some reflections on trade relations between Egypt and Palestine
(IV-III Millennia) (A.P. Largacha) GM 145, 1995, 83-94
Princes who became Kings: Where are their Tombs ? (A.O. Bolshakov) GM 146,
1995, 11-22
- Temple Deposits at Tell Ibrahim Awad - A preliminary report
(W.M. van Haarlem) GM 148, 1995, 45-52
The structure of the Seventheenth Dynasty (C. Bennett) GM 149, 1995, 25-32
A Preliminary Report on a New Archaic Mastaba at Saqqara (M. Youssef) GM 152,
1996, 105-112
- Temple Deposits at Tell Ibrahim Awad II- An update (W.M.
van Haarlem) GM 154, 1996, 31-34
Zur Datierung des "Labyrinth-Gebaudes" auf dem Tell el-Fara'in (Buto)
(T. von der Way) GM 157, 1997, 107-111
Gab es Kronprinzen in der 4. Dynastie ? "Kronprinz" Iunre (P. Janosi)
GM 158, 1997, 15-32
Timber Analysis and C14 Dating of Wooden Egyptian Cylinder Seals... (Liphschitz-
Bonani- van den Brink) GM 158, 1997, 33-41
- Is the Hieroglyphic sign NIWT a village with Cross-Roads
? (J. Van Lepp) GM 158, 1997, 91-100
- King Qemau: A reconstruction (C. Bennett) GM 159, 1997,
Die Wahl des Konigsnamens in der Hyksoszeit (N. Dautzenberg) GM 159, 1997,
Reading the Highest attested Regnal Year Date for Senwosret II: Stela Cairo
JdE 59485 (M.C. Stone), GM 159, 1997, 91-99
Considerations sur le Sphinx de Giza (Myriam Wissa) GM 159, 1997, 101-107
Fayum in the Old Kingdom (A. Cwiek) GM 160, 1997, 17-22
The Identification of the Late Prehistoric Serekh (S.J. Wignall) GM 162, 1998/
93-105 + Appendix - The Existence of Iry Hor
Die Kopfstutze vor der dritten Dynastie (???) GM 165, 1998, 83-9
- Studies in Archaic Epigraphy XV. (J.R. Ogdon) GM166, 1998,
- Noch einmal zum zweiten Sedfest des Adjib (K.O. Kuraszkiewicz)
GM 167, 1998, 73-5
Anmerkung zu zwei unbeachteten Fragmenten des Turiner Konigspapyrus (J. von
Beckerath) GM 168, 1999, 19-21
Re assessment of a Cylinder Seal from Helwan (E.C. Kohler) GM 168, 1999, 49-56
- The Misidentification of the Predynastic Egyptian Bull's
Head Amulet (J. Van Lepp) GM 168, 1999, 101-11
- Did Tefnakht I rule as king? (D. Kahn) GM 173, 1999, 123-125
Notes on a stela of Ramesses II near Damascus (K.A. Kitchen) GM 173, 1999,
Offene Fragstellungen in Zusammenhang mit der Cheopspyramide in Giza aus baukostruktiver
Sicht (D. Ludwig) GM 173, 1999, 139-42
Nb ("jeder") als Quantitats-substantiv in der fruhen agyptischen
Sprache (J. Kahl) GM 175, 2000, 5-7
La vectorialité de la scene des travaux des champs chez Mererouka.
Etude ... (V. Angenot) GM 176, 2000, 5-20
Die Lebensdaten Manethos (F.X. Ryan) GM 176, 2000, 85-88
Verschlusse der Fruhzeit: Erstellung einer Typologie (E.M. Engel - V. Muller)
GM 178, 2000, 31-44
Einige Pradynastische Objecte aus der Privatsammlung J. Josephson New York
(M. Atallah) GM 177, 2000, 5-12
"Forgotten" Serekhs in the Royal Ontario Museum (T.D. Gilroy) GM
180, 2001, 67-74
Horus Ka and the Cemetery of Helwan (A. Jimenez-Serrano) GM 180, 2001, 81-7
Die altesten schriftlichen Belege fur den Gott Seth (J. Kahl) GM 181, 2001,
A checklist of sherds with Potmarks from Petrie's Excavations in the Royal
Necropolis at Umm el-Ga'ab, Abydos
....... (T.D. Gilroy - B. Adams - S. Hendrickx - E.C.M. van den Brink) GM
181, 2001, 31-58
Once again: Who was Menes ? An orthographical approach (P. F. O' Mara) GM
182, 2001, 97-105
The origin of the Palace-Facade as Representation of Lower Egyptian Elites
(A. Jimenez-Serrano) GM 183, 2001, 71-81
Some Comments in the margins of the Origin of the Palace-Facade ... (E. van
den Brink) GM 183, 2001, 99-111
Arguments for an Upper Egyptian Origin of the Palace-Facade and the Serekh
during Late ... (S. Hendrickx) GM 184, 2001, 85-110
The Representation of the "Sed-Platform" in the Early Dynastic Monuments
(A. Alexei Krol) GM 184, 2001, 27-36
Digital Egypt for Universities. On-line learning. A Museum collection on-line
(W. Grajetzki) GM 187, 2002, 5-8
Four jars with incised serekh-signs from Helwan recently retrieved from the
Cairo Museum (Köhler- van den Brink) GM 187, 2002, 59-81
Dictionnaire géographique de l'Egypte ancienne ... (P. Collombert -
I. Guermeur) GM 188, 2002, 5
BMSAES- A new Internet journal (N. Strudwick) GM 188, 2002, 7
Zur Geschichte der mittleren XX. Dynastie (J. von Becherath) GM 188, 2002,
Ankh-wdj.s: St. Petersburg - Cambridge (A. O. Bolshakov) GM 188, 2002, 21-48
On the Predynastic "proto-States" of Upper Egypt (M. Campagno) GM
188, 2002, 49-60
Keftiu = Crète ? Objections préliminaires (C. Vandersleyen)
GM 188, 2002, 109-112
Lifting the stones in 4th Dynasty Pyramid Building (U.E. Dorka) GM 189, 2002,
Rwty "Drummer" (H.G. Fischer) GM 189, 2002, 33-39
Gegner des Nar-mer aus dem Papyrus-Land: NW und W3-S (L. Morenz) GM 189, 2002,
Private Stelae of the Early Dynastic period from Abydos: an appeal for information
(G.T. Martin) GM 193, 2003, 5-8
Das Schlagen des Feindes von Hu: Gebel Tjauty Felsinschrift
1 (J. Kahl) GM 192, 2003, 47-54
Ein Moglischer Hinweis auf die Aufgabe eines z3b im Alten Reich (S.
Grunert) GM 196, 2003, 5-6
The predynastic Cemeteries of Naqada (J.J. Castillos) GM 196, 2003, 7-18
The Naqada label and the identification of Menes (J. Kinnaer) GM 196, 2003,
Gebel Tjauti Rock inscription 1 and the Relationship between Abydos and Hierakonpolis
during the early Naqada III period (S. Hendrickx -R. Friedman) GM 196, 2003,
Peut-etre deux nouvelles representations d'orycterope sur un vase Nagadien
du British Museum (G. Graff - N. Manlius) GM 197, 2003, 35-42
Sdt m dSr - Der Bau von Schiffen aus Importholz (H. Altenmüller) GM 200,
2004, 27-35
Gewandschließe oder Schreibergerät? Zu einem ikonographischen Element
des Pantherfellumhangs in den Darstellungen der Frühzeit (U. Rummel)
GM 201, 2004, 79-86
THnt (MAa) = Libysches Wüstenglas? (K. Scheele) GM 201, 2004, 87-90
Zur Lesung von ...[G5] in den Goldnamen des Alten Reiches (S.D. Schweitzer)
GM 201, 2004, 91-94
The name of King Narmer. Postscript (J.D. Ray) GM 200, 2004, 111
The name of King Narmer. Postscript (J.D. Ray) GM 201, 2004, 111
Qatna, Qdn und die Levante: Bemerkungen zur historischen Topographie des frühen 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (A.Ahrens) GM 202, 2004, 7-9
The Place of Hierakonpolis in the Egyptian Predynastic (J.J. Castillos) GM 208, 2006, 9-12
Social Stratification in Early Egypt (J.J. Castillos) GM210, 2006, 13-17
The Cradle Period of Ancient Egyptian Culture. A study of the inflow of foreign elements in the Pre and Early Dynastic Periods (M. Ohshiro) GM 210, 2006, 93-104
Aegyptio-Graphica IX. Libellés iconographiques nagadéens et pluriel archaïque hiéroglyphique (A. Anselin) GM 213, 2007, 9-13
The Funerary Meaning of the Niched Architecture in Egypt during the Third Millennium BC (A. Jiménez-Serrano) GM 213, 2007, 23-38
Zur Bedeutung und Etymologie von nzw "König" (C. Peust) GM 213, 2007, 59-62
Bemerkungen zur Bedeutung von sSd im Alten Reich I: Die Inschrift des Huni auf Elephantine (J. Bock) GM 214, 2007, 29-32
Aamkas Vater, der Rechtshänder mit dem Wurfholz. Mit Bemerkungen zur Vogeljagd und zur Ka-Hieroglyphe (P. Kaplony) GM 214, 2007, 39-69
Territory and Territoriality in Ancient Egypt. An alternative interpretation for the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods (S. Lupo) GM 214, 2007, 71-83
The Beginning of Class Stratification in Early Egypt (J.J. Castillos) GM 215, 2007, 9-24
- The Birth of Egyptian Historiography. Fifth dynasty annalists
at work and the origins of "Menes" (P. O'Mara) DE 46, 2000, 49-64
The Cairo Stone: Questions of Workmanshipand Provenance (P.F. O' Mara) GM
168, 1999, 73-82 - The Cairo Stone II. The Question of Authenticity (P.F. O'
Mara) GM 170, 1999, 69-82
- Is the Cairo Stone a Fake? An Example of Proof by Default
(P.F. O' Mara) DE 4, 1986, 33-40
- Was There an Old Kingdom Historiography? Is it Datable?
(P.F. O' Mara) Orientalia 65, 1996, 197-208
- Historiographies (Ancient and Modern) of the Archaic Period
(P.F. O' Mara) Pt.1 DE 6, 1986, 33-45
- Manetho and the Canon of Turin: A Comparison of Regnal Years
(P. O' Mara) GM 158, 1997, 49-61
- Zu den Regierungszeiten in Manethos 1. Dynastie (N. Dautzenberg)
GM 92, 1986, 23-28
- La Liste de Rois d' Abydos (M. El Alifi) DE 27, 1993, 19-26
- Potmark Forgery: A Serekh of Semerkhet from Abydos (B. Adams)
DE 25, 1993, 5-12
- La Liste de Rois de Karnak (M. El Alifi) DE 19, 1991, 29-36
- La Liste de Rois de Saqqara (M. El Alfi) DE 26, 1993, 7-11
- Report on the work of the Joint Archaeological Mission....
Saqqara (P. Munro et al.) DE 26, 1993, 47-58 (Ninetjer Tomb superstr.)
- Can the Gizeh Pyramids be dated Astronomically? .... (P.
O' Mara) DE 33, 1995, 73-85
- Egypt's Easternmost Delta before the New Kingdom (D. Lorton)
DE 7, 1987, 9-12
- Probing for unlabeled Astronomical Datings in the Old and
Middle Kingdom (P. O' Mara) DE 9, 1987, 45-54
- The Rekhyt People as Permanent Foreigners in Ancient Egypt
(A. Nibbi) DE 9, 1987, 79-96
- A Geographical note on the Libyans so-called (A. Nibbi)
DE 25, 1993, 43-62
Studies in Ancient Egyptian Magical Thought: III. Knots and Ties (J.R. Ogdon)
DE 7, 1987, 29-36
- Historiographies (Ancient and Modern) of the Archaic Period
(P.F. O' Mara) Pt.II DE 7, 1987, 37-49
- The Internal History of Heracleopolitan Period (D.Lorton)
DE 8, 1987, 21-8
- Were the Archaic Kings buried in Sakkara or Abydos ? (W.M.
van Haarlem) DE 17, 1990, 73-4
STONE) 43p.
- Hitherto Unnoticed Evidence Regarding Copper Works.... (K.
Sethe) (Trad. Hall) JEA 1, 1914, 233-6
- Le groupe <ha+inb> (Edward Naville) ZÄS 47, 1910,
- Der Palermostein als fruhester beleg fur die Weihformel
(S. Tawfik) BdE 97/2 (Mel. G.E. Mokhtar II), 1985
Quel est le lieu de provenance de la "Pierre de Palerme" ? (Gerard
Godron) CdE 53, 1952, 17-22
- A Fragment of Fifth Dynasty Annals at University College
London (Nicolas Reeves) GM 32, 1979, 47-9
- Urkunden des Aegyptischen Altertumskunde (K.Sethe- Steindorff)
I.234-49 (Kairo & Palermo stones)
- Einige Bemerkungen zur agyptischen Fruhzeit. II (Werner
Kaiser) ZÄS 86, 1961, 39-61 (Palermo Stein)
- Bemerkungen zum Annalenstein (W. Helck) MDAIK 30, 1974,
- Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der 6. bis 11. Dynastie (Winfried
Barta) ZÄS 108, 1981, 23-33
- Chronologie der 1.bis 5.Dynastie nach den Angaben des reconsr.
Annalensteins (W.Barta) ZÄS 108, 1981, 11-23
De nouvelles annales de l' Ancien Empire egyptien .... (Michel Baud - Vassili
Dobrev) BIFAO 95, 1995, 23-87
- Le Verso des annales de la VI dynastie. Pierre de Saqqara
Sud (M. Baud - V. Dobrev) BIFAO 97, 1997, 35-42
- Nilhohe und Jubilaumfest (W. Helck) ZÄS 93, 1966, 74-9
Un nouveau Fragment de la Pierre de Palerme (J.L. de Cenival) BSFE 44, Dec.
1965, 13-17
Nouvelles remarques sur la Pierre de Palerme (M.F.W. Read) BIFAO 12, 1916,
La Pierre de Palerme et la Chronologie de l' Ancien Empire (George Daressy)
BIFAO 12, 1916, 161-214
- Quatre Nouveaux fragments de la Pierre de Palerme (H. Gauthier)
in 'Musee Egyptienne III' 1915, 29-53 + pl.
IL PAPIRO DEI RE Restaurato (G. Farina) G. Bardi ed. Roma 1938
- THE ROYAL CANON OF TURIN (A.Gardiner) Griffith inst. Oxford
Anmerkungen zun Turiner Konigspapyrus (W. Helck) SÄK 19, 1992, 151-216
- Le dinastie Egizie -Appendice a ''La Civilta' Egizia''(A.Gardiner)1961
(ed.italiana 1971)
- Bemerkungen zur Reconstruction der vorlage des Turiner Konigspapyrus
(W. Barta) GM 64, 1983, 11-13
- Anmerkungen zu zwei unbeachteten Fragmenten des Turiner
Konigspapyrus (J. von Beckerath) GM 168, 1999, 19-21
- Die Sethos-Tafel von Abydos (Dumichen) ZÄS 2, 1864,
81-3 (Tavola)
Bemerkungen zum Turiner Konigspapyrus und ... (J. von Beckerath) SÄK
11, 1984, 49-57
- The Original Version of the Royal Canon of Turin (J.Malek)
JEA 68, 1982, 93-106
after LE LIVRE DES ROIS D' EGYPTE (Gauthier) (1908) vol. 1, p.1-59 (Din. I,II,III)
M.A.S. 20, 1984, 45-55, 158-9, 169-81
The Early Dynastic period in Egypt (I.E.S. Edwards) Cambridge Ancient History
vol.I, III ediz. 1971, pag. 1-70 + bibl.
- The Old Kingdom in Egypt and the beginning of the Ist Intermediate
Period (W.S. Smith) C.A.H. v. I, p. 145-207 + bibl.
Ancient Egyptian Frontier Fortresses (S. Clarke) JEA 3, 1916, 155-79
- A Note on the Fortress of Gazirat El-Malik (R.D. Wells)
JEA 3, 1916, 180-1
- The Temple at Mirgissa (H.G. Lyons) JEA 3, 1916, 182-3
- An Ancient List of the Fortresses of Nubia (A.H. Gardiner)
JEA 3, 1916, 184-92
- Ancient Egyptian Fortifications (A.W. Lawrence) JEA 51,
1965, 69-94
- The Rock inscription of Buhen (H.S. Smith) JEA 58, 1972,
43-82 [ + Brief Communications: HMT suffix,
- The meaning of the group ..... , A Middle Egyptian word
for ' Measure' ]. JEA 58, 1972, 300-1
- The Egiptian Name of the Fortress of Semna South (L.V. Zabkar)
JEA 58, 1972, 83-90
Varia Sudanica (A.J. Arkell) JEA 36, 1950, 24-40
The Ancient name of Serra (R. Moss) JEA 36, 41-2
- Zu den sogenannten Denkmälern der Könige Skorpion
und Dr am Jebel Sheikh Suliman (Nubien) (I. Hofmann) BiOr 28/5-6, 1971, 308-309
A Rock Drawing on Gebel Sheik Suliman ... Scorpion and Human Figures (W.Needler)
JARCE 6, 1967, 87-91
- Two Proto-Kingdoms in Lower Nubia at the Fourth Millennium
BC (A. Jimenez-Serrano) in: L. Krzyzaniak (ed.), Cultural Marker (2003in pr.)
The Princes of Seyala in Lower Nubia in the predynastic and protodynastic
periods (H.S. Smith) BdE 106/2 (Homm. J. Leclant), 1993, 361-76
The Middle Nile Valley from Later Prehistory to the end of the New Kingdom
(F. Geus) Intern. Soc. Nubian Studies, 10th conf., Rome
Egyptian pottery distribution in A-Group Cemeteries, Lower Nubia: Towards an undertanding of Exchange Systems between the Naqada... (I.H. Takamiya) JEA 90, 2004, 35-62
Old Kingdom Egyptian Activity in Nubia: Reconsiderations (G.E.Kadish) JEA
52, 1966, 23-33
- Preliminary Report of the work of the Archeological Survey
of Nubia 1932-4 (W.Emery) ASAE 33, 1933, 201-07
- Some Problems relating to the Pwenet Reliefs at Deir el
Bahari (A.A. Saleh) JEA 58.1972, 140-158
- The Extent of WAWAT in the Old Kingdom (D.M.Dixon) JEA 44,
119; [Location of Irem, JEA. 73, O'Connor]
- The Location of Yam and Kush and their historical implications
(D. O' Connor) JARCE 23, 1986, 27-50
- Missione per ricerche preistoriche in Egitto (S.M. Puglisi) Origini 1, 1967, 301-312
Progetto di ricerca per il dottorato in africanistica. Linguistica
africana storico-comparativa (Alessandro Suzzi Valli) 2002
L' Egypte et le désert de Nubie entre Nil et Mer Rouge (J. Vercoutter)
Sahara 6, 1994, 63-68
Niola Doa, "il luogo delle fanciulle" (Ennedi, Ciad) (R. Simonis-
G. Faleschini- G. Negro) Sahara 6, 1994, 51-62
Rock engravings from the Messak Settafet, Libya... (R. /G. Lutz) Sahara 6,
1994, 41-50
The Saharan "girafe à lien" in rock art. Domesticated giraffe
or rain animal? (M. van Hoek) Sahara 14, 2003, 49-62
Le Sahara et l'Egypte pharaonique (J. Vercoutter) Sahara 1, 1988, 9-19
New Hieroglyphic evidence for Pharaonic activity in the Eastern Desert (Rothe-Rapp-Miller)
JARCE 33, 1996, 77-104
Da"Constructions navales Egyptiennes- Les barques de Papyrus" (A.
Servin) ASAE 48, 1948, 70-81 di 55-88
- Stations and Towers on the Quseir-Nile Road (R.Zitterkopf-S.E.Sidebotham)
JEA 75, 1989, 155-89
- Expedition Archéologique Royale au Desert Oriental
(Keft-Kosseir) R.Prelim. 1949 (Debono) ASAE 51, 59-91
- Un Graffito du Roi Djet dans le Désert Arabique (J.J.
Clère) ASAE 38, 1938, 85-93
Two Archaic Egyptian Sculptures (W.S. Smith) BMFA 65, 1967, 70-84 (Khasekhemwy's
? head and Archaic 'Mask')
El Kab and the Great Wall (S. Clarke) JEA 7, 1921, 54-79
- Report on certain Excavations made at El-Kab (1901-1902-1903-1904)
(MM. Sayce- Somers Clarke) ASAE 6, 1905, 239-272
Uncimitière particulier de la deuxième dynastie à Elkab
(S. Hendrickx, D. Huyge, E. Warmenbol) Archéo-Nil 12, 2002, 47-54
Egypt and the External world in the time of Akhenaton (H.R. Hall) JEA 7, 1921,
- The Early Chronology of Sumer and Egypt & Similarities
in their Culture (Langdon) JEA 7, 1921, 133-53
- Magan , Melukhkha , and the Synchronism between Menes and
Naram-Sin (Albright) JEA 7, 1921, 80-6
- Additional notes on the early relations between Canaan and
Egypt (S. Yeivin) JNES 27, 1968, 37-50
- Milk, Beer and Bread technology during the Early Dynastic
Period (Hendrickx- Faltings- De Beeck- Raue- Michiels) MDAIK 58, 2002, 277-304
The textiles at Abydos: New Evidence (Jana Jones) MDAIK 58, 2002, 323-340
Institutions and officials at South Abydos: An overview of the Sigillographic
Evidence (J. Wegner) CRIPEL 22, 2002, 77-106
La ville d'Elephantine et son matériel sigillaire: enquete sur un artefact
archéologique (J.P. Pätznick) CRIPEL 22, 2002, 137-151
Die Grabungen in Buto und die Reichseinigung (T. von der Way) MDAIK 47, 1991,
The Tell el Fara'in Expedition, 1967 (M.V. Seton Williams) JEA 53, 1967, 146-55
Tell Fara'in - Buto 2.Bericht (T. von der Way) MDAIK 43, 1987, 241-257
Tell Fara'in - Buto 3.Bericht (T. von der Way) MDAIK 44, 1988, 283-306
Tell Fara'in - Buto (M. Ziermann) MDAIK 58, 2002, 461-499
Report on the Work of the German Archaeological Institute at Tell el-Fara'in/Buto in 2006 (U. Hartung, P. Ballet) ASAE 82, 2008, 113-141
Salzherstellung im vor- und frühdynastischen Ägypten? Uberlegungen
zur...Grubenkopfnägel in Buto (H. Wilde - K. Behnert) ibid., 447-460
Tell el-Farkha Seasons 1998-1999. Preliminary Report (Chlodnicki- Cialowicz
et. al.) MDAIK 58, 2002, 89-117
Italian Archaeological Mission to the Eastern Nile Delta...Ligabue Res. Cent.,
1989 (Chlodnicki- Fattovich- Perlingieri- Salvatori- Usai) N.P.
The Italian Archaeological mission of the C.R.S.L.- Venice to the Eastern
Nile Delta... (Chlodnicki-Fattovich-Salvatori) CRIPEL 14,1992, 45-62
Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia in the 4th Millennium: Implications of the New
Chronology (A.H. Joffe) Current Anthrop. 41.1, 2000, 113-123
Die Beziehungen Agyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend v.Chr. (J. Budka)
Gedanken zur Rolle Unteragyptens bei Herausbildung des Pharaonenreiches (J.
Seeher) MDAIK 47, 1991, 313-318
Some suggestions and hypotheses concerning the Maadi culture and the Expansion
of Upper Egypt (Pérez Largacha) GM 135, 1993, 41-51
The Death of Pepi II - Neferkara (H. Goedicke) SÄK
15, 1988, 111-121
The Late Old Kingdom in the Turin King-list and the identity of Nitocris (Kim
Ryholt) ZÄS 127, 2000, 87-100 (Turin Canon)
- Khentkaus I, Khentkaus II and the title MWT NSWT BITY NSWT
BITY ... (M. Verner) GM 173, 1999, 215-18
Was there a cult of Khentkaus I in Abusir ? (M. Verner) GM 173, 1999, 219-24
Guardian's BB Posts (Teti-Pepi II)
Vases de Pierre de la VI Dynastie (M.G. Jequier) ASAE 34, 1934, 97-113
Zu den Sonnenheiligtumern der 5. Dynastie (W. Kaiser) MDAIK 14, 1956, 104-116
Une epithete de Radjedef et la pretendue tyrannie de Cheops. Etudes sur la
statuaire de Redjedef, II (M. Baud) BIFAO 98, 15-30
Des Annales heliopolitaines de la Troisieme Periode intermediaire (S. Bickel
- M. Gabolde - P. Tallet) BIFAO 98, 1998, 31-56
Historical and Lexical notes on the new Series of Hammamat
Inscriptions (W.K. Simpson) JNES 18, 1959, 20-37 (Review of Goyon's 'Nouvelles
Archaeological Remarks on the 4th and 5th Dynasty Chronology (M. Verner) Archiv
Orientalni 69, 2001, 363-418
A New hat/rnpt-zp for Teti and its implication for Old Kingdom Chronology
(N. Kanawati) GM 177, 2000, 25-32
Die angebliche Jubilaums-Stele Osorkons II (J. von Beckerath) GM 154, 1996,
Sothic Chronology and the Old Kingdom (L. Depuydt) JARCE 37, 2000, 167-186
Dated Texts of the Old Kingdom (A. Spalinger) SÄK 21, 1994, 275-319
- Reading a Pyramid (J.P. Allen) Hommage a J. Leclant BdE
106/1, 1993, 5-28
La signification du serdab dans la pyramide d' Ounas (B. Mathieu) OrMonsp
IX, 1997, 289-304
The "Cannibal Hymn" from the Pyramid Texts (R.O. Faulkner) JEA 10,
1924, 97-103
- The Discovery of the Pyramid Texts- To the memory of Heinrich
Brugsch - (R.T. Ridley) ZÄS 110, 1983, 74-80
- The Pyramid Texts of Queens Jpwt and Wdjebten (J.P. Allen)
JARCE 23, 1986, 1-25
- The King and the Star-Religion in the Pyramd Texts (R.O.
Faulkner) JNES 25, 1966, 153-61
- Two Lines of the Pyramid Texts Reconsidered (A. A.H. Youssef)
ASAE 71, 1987, 261-4
- Divine conflict in thePyramid Texts (V.A. Tobin) JARCE 30,
1993, 93-109
- La Publication. par K. Sethe, des "Textes des Pyramides"
(H. Grapow) CdE 28, 1939, 218-31
Il Contributo dei Testi delle Piramidi alla conoscenza della preistoria e
protostoria egiziana (Fattovich) AION 47, 1987
La lingua egizia. Storia ed evoluzione (A. Loprieno) Sesh. Lingue e scritture
nell' Antico Egitto. Inediti dal..., F. Tiradritti (ed.) 1999, 11-20
Scrittura e società nel più antico Egitto (J. Baines) Sesh.
Lingue e scritture nell' Antico Egitto. Inediti dal Museo ... di Milano, 1999,
Scrivere e leggere un monumento egizio: l' esempio della tomba di Harwa (TT37)
(F. Tiradritti) Sesh. Lingue e scritture ...., 1999, 39-46
Gli scribi (P. Piacentini) Sesh. Lingue e scritture nell' Antico Egitto. Inediti
dal Museo Archeologico di Milano, F. Tiradritti (ed.), 1999, 61-66
Il nome del sovrano (F. Tiradritti) Sesh. " " " 104-105
La scrittura nei testi funerari (F. Tiradritti) " "110-111
Scrittura e protezione del defunto. Il sarcofago (S. Einaudi) " "
Scrittura e magia (S. Einaudi) Sesh. Lingue... 126-127
Gli strumenti dello scriba (P. Piacentini) " " " 144-145
- Della scrittura geroglifica arcaica (J. Kahl) SEAP 16,
1997, 5-23
- Origins of Egyptian Writing (K.Bard) n.e.
- Hausa-Egyptian Estabilishment (C.T.Hodge) Anthropological
Linguistics 8.1, 40-57
- La Naissance de l'Ecriture dans l'Egypte Ancienne (P.Vernus)
Archéo-Nil 3.Mag.1993, 74-108
- La Scrittura Geroglifica Egiziana (C.Barocas) AION 1983,
Das Agyptische Zweibrudermarchen (Papyrus d' Orbiney)
(J. Assmann) ZÄS 104, 1977, 1-25
Le Conte des Deux frères (G. Lefebvre) after id. 'Romans et contes
...' 1949, 137-142
Some Notes on the Story of Sinuhe and other Texts (Westcar,Peasant,Orbiney)
(A.M.Blackman) JEA 22, 1936
- Three Passages in the Story of Sinuhe (H. Goedicke) JARCE
23, 1986, 167-74
- The Route of Sinuhe's Flight (H.Goedicke) JEA 43, 1957,
- The Riddle of Sinuhe's Flight (H.Goedicke) RdE35, 1978,
- Les Aventures de Sinuhe' et la Dynastie Affermie (Cap.III
in Posener 'Letterature et Politique' p. 87-115)
Interpreting the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor (J. Baines) JEA76, 1990,
- Les Contes du Papyrus WESTCAR (C.Barocas) Akten 4 en Internat.Agypt.Kongr.
Munchen 1985/Hamb.1989
- Thoughts about the Papyrus WESTCAR (H.Goedicke) ZÄS
120, 1993
- La Stele d' AHMES-NEFERTARI o "Stele di Donazione"
(M.Trapani) AION 1996/ 97
- La Cryptographie du PAPYRUS SALT 825 (E.Drioton) ASAE 41,
1941, 99-134
- The Great Tomb Robbeies of the Ramesside Age. Papyri Mayer
A & B(T.E.Peet) JEA 2, 1915, 173-77
An Old Kingdom Monogram (H.G. Fischer) ZÄS 93, 1966, 56-69
- Two unusual Old Kingdom Texts (H. Goedicke) GM 172, 1999,
- Notes sur deux monuments inédits de l'Ancien Empire
(B. Grdseloff) ASAE 42, 1943/ 107-25
- Deux Inscriptions Juridiques de l' Ancien Empire (B. Grdseloff)
ASAE 42, 1942, 25-70
- Stela of the Boat-Captain Inikaf (A. Fakhry) ASAE 38, 1938,
- Wb' in Urk. I, 103, 3-5 (Patrizia Piacentini) SEAP 3, 1988,
Annotazioni archeologiche e storiche all' autobiografia di Uni (P. Piacentini)
Aegyptus 67, 1987, 3-12
The S§T Sign / The Determinative for Satis (A. Nibbi) JEA ???, 56-64
- Three Old Kingdom Palimpsests in the Louvre (H.G. Fischer)
ZÄS 86, 1961/21-31
- Some Values of Ptolemaic Signs (C.De Wit) BIFAO 55, 1955,
- The Spiritualization of Kagemni (A. Badawy) ZÄS 108,
1981, 85-93
- The Title "Priest of Heket" in the Egyptian Old
Kingdom (M. Barta) JNES 58, 1999/ 107-116
The Title Inspector of the Palace during the Egyptian Old Kingdom (M. Barta)
ArOr 67.1, 1999/ 1-20
Strukturprobleme der Hieroglyphenschrift (P. Kaplony) CdE 41, 1966, 60-99
- A Scribe of the Army in a Saqqara Mastaba of the early Fifth
Dynasty (H.G. Fischer) JNES 18, 1959 233-272
Some notes on the easternmost Nomes of the Delta in the Old and Middle Kingdoms
(H.G. Fischer) JNES 18, 1959, 129-142
A Reconstruction of the Reliefs of Hesy-re (W.Wood) JARCE 15, 1978/ 9-24 (+
- Das Olmagazin im Grab des Hesire in Saqqara (QS 2405) (H.
Altenmuller) SÄK 4, 1976/ 1-29
- The Old Kingdom Linen List (W.S. Smith) ZAS 71, 1935/ 134-149
Die Farbgebung in der fruhen Hieroglyphenschrift (J. Kahl) ZÄS 124, 1997/
The Practice of Dentistry in Ancient Egypt (F.F. Leek) JEA 53, 1967/ 51-8
- Notes et documents pour ... Egypte et la Syrie (P. Montet)
Kemi I, 1928/ 83-93
- The Reliefs of Ra-Htp and Nfrt from Meydum (Y. Harpur) JEA
72, 1986/ 23-40
- Zur Datierung der fruhen Grabplatten mit Opfertischszene
(J. Kahl) SÄK 24, 1997/ 137-145
- La Cosiddetta Dama di Napoli e il problema delle statue
arcaiche eiziane (Rosanna Pirelli) AION 51, 1991, 1-15
- On the Statuary of the Old Kingdom (A. Scharff) JEA 26,
1941, 41-50
- A Reconstruction of the triads of King Mycerinus (W. Wood)
JEA 60, 1974/ 82-93
- NBTY in Old-Kingdom titles and names (H.G. Fischer) JEA
60, 1974/ 94-99
- after SAQQARA MASTABAS I (M.A. Murray) 1905, 2-4, 32-36,
pl. I-III
after LES MASTABAS DE L' ANCIEN EMPIRE (Auguste Mariette) 1889, 68-95 (Shery,
Akhethotep, Hesi, Khabausokar)
- Fragments de paroi d'un mastaba (C. Barbotin) Collection
égyptienne. Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, 1995, "Reliefs et stèles", p. 28-31
(Iasen, Inkef, Sened)
Le Mastaba de Khabausokar (MM A2): Problèmes de Chronologie (N. Cherpion)
OLP 11, 1980, 79-90
- Die Laufbahn des Metjen (H. Goedicke) MDAIK 21, 1966, 1-71
- Phrnfr (H. Junker) ZÄS 75, 1939, 63-80
Walter Brian Emery + (H.S. Smith) JEA 57, 1971, 190-201
- Das sog. Mundoffnungsgerat "PsS-kf" (E. Graefe)
JEA 57, 1971, 203
A Reconsideration of NISUTEH (E.S. Meltzer) JEA 57, 1971, 202-3 (HUNI)
Der Name des Letzen Konigs der 3. Dynastie und die Stadt Ehnas (W. Helck)
SÄK 4, 1976, 125-30
- Zum altagyptischen Namen des Konigs Aches (W. Barta) MDAIK
29.1, 1973, 1-4 (HUNI)
- The Pharaoh Ny-Swth (H. Goedicke) ZÄS 81, 1956, 18-24
- On the Status and Purposes of Ancient Egyptian Art (J. Baines)
CAJ 4/1, 1994, 67-94
Restricted knowledge, Hierarchy, and Decorum: Modern Perceptions and Ancient
Institutions (J. Baines) JARCE 27, 1990, 1-23
How religious were Ancient Egyptians ? (B.J. Kemp) CAJ 5/1, 1995, 25-54
Process and agency in Early State formation (K.V. Flannery) CAJ 9/1, 1999,
What Meaning had Colour in Early Societies? (Gage/ Spence/ Barcer/ Tacon et.
al.) CAJ 9/1, 1999, 109-126
The Colossi from the Early Shrine at Coptos in Egypt (Barry J. Kemp with A.
Boyce - J. Harrell) CAJ 10.2, 2000, 211-242
Further Arguments on the Coptos Colossi (Lucas Baqué-Manzano) BIFAO
102, 2002, 17-61
Religione e cultura: le statue di Min "Medja" a Coptos (A. Belluccio)
CRIPEL 20, 1998, 25-45
The Embodied Sacrifice (E. Hill) CAJ 10/2, 2000, 317-326
Rethinking 'Cattle Cults' in Early Egypt: Towards a prehistoric perspective
on the Narmer Palette (D. Wengrow) CAJ 11/1, 2001, 91-104
Dancing or Fighting? A recently discovered predynastic scene from Abydos,
Egypt (Y. Garfinkel) CAJ 11/2, 2001, 241-254
Les rois de la Ire dynastie chez Manethon (G. Godron) OrMonsp (Fs Lauer) 1997,
- A Second Dynasty King in a Demotic Papyrus of the Roman
Period (M. Smith) JEA 66, 1980, 173-4
- A propos du Titre MDH Nxn attribue a Imhotep (L. Pfirsch)
OrMonsp IX (Fs Lauer) 1997, 351-4
Jahrestafelchen (P. Kaplony) L.Ä. III, 237-238
Ein bislang unbeachtetes Beispiel fur die Unschadlichmachung von Schriftzeichen
aus dem Menesgrab in Naqada (J. Kahl) SÄK 28, 2000
Architectural Symbolism in the Funerary Complex of Djoser at Saqqara (O. Harmansah)
www.sas.upenn.edu/~harmansa/zoser.html (10p. 1998)
Zu Entwicklung und Vorformen der Fruhzeitlichen Graber mit Reich...Oberbaufassade
(W. Kaiser) BdE 97/2 (Mel. Mokhtar II) 1985, 25-38
Zur Baugeschichte des Djoserbezirks. Grabschacht und Grabkammer der Stufenmastaba
(R. Stadelmann) MDAIK 52, 1996, 295-305
- Zu den Konigsgrabern der 2. Dynastie in Sakkara und Abydos
(W. Kaiser) in Bryan-Lorton eds. Essays in Egyptology in honor of H. Goedicke
......... 1994, 113-123 (the paper dates 1991)
Zur Unteririrdischen Anlage der Djoserpyramide und ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen
Einordung (W. Kaiser) in Wallert- Helck eds.
......... ' Gegengabe - FS Emma Brunner Traut' 1992, 167-190
Die Oberbauten der Konigsgraber der 2. Dynastie in Sakkara (R. Stadelmann)
BdE 97/2 (Mel. Mokhtar II), 1985, 295-307
Sur l'Age et l'Attribution ... de l'Excavation Monumentale de Zaouiet el-Aryan
(Lauer) RdE 14, 1962/ 21-36
- On the Date of the Unfinished Pyramid of Zawyet el Aryan
(A. Dodson) DE 3, 1985/ 21-3
- Miszelle - King ??? [Sethka/Neferka/Nebka/Aaka] (A. Dodson)
ZÄS 108, 1981/ 171 [Name on the 'Kenisah' pyr. blocks]
- Name of the King of the unfinished pyramid at Zawiyet el
Aryan (J. Cerny) MDAIK 16, 1958/ 25-9
- Fouilles de Zaouiet el Aryan 1904,1905,1906 (A. Barsanti)
ASAE 8, 1907/ 201-10
- Fouilles de Zaouiet el Aryan 1911-1912 (A. Barsanti) ASAE
12, 1912/ 57-63
- Fouilles de Zaouiét el-Aryan 1904-1905 (G. Maspero)
+ I Rapport (M.A. Barsanti) ASAE 7, 1906/ 257-9, 260-86
- Nouvelles remarques sur les pyramides à degrés
de la III dynastie (J.P. Lauer) Orientalia 35, 1966/ 440-8
- Recension - Z.Goneim Horus Sekhemkhet. Unfinished step Pyramid,
Saqqara (Lauer) BIFAO 59, 1960/315-20
Recherche et Découverte du Tombeau Sud de l' Horus Sekhemkhet... (J.P.
Lauer) RdE 20, 1968/ 97-107
Au suject du nom gravé sur la plaquette d'ivoire ... Sekhem-khet (J.P.
Lauer) BIFAO 61, 1962/ 25-28
Sondages dans la region sud du complexe funeraire de l'Horus Sekhem-khet a
Saqqarah (J. P. Lauer) ASAE 59, 1966, 53-61
from 'Fouilles et Travaux ... 1995-96 (Leclant - Clerc) Orientalia 66 ,3 /
248-9 (Abu Roasch, Piramide DJEDEFRA)
A propos du sarcophage de Sekhemkhet (M. Wissa) Or Monsp IX, 1997/ 445-7 (Fs
- La descenderie de la pyramide de Radjedef à Abu Rawash
(M. Valloggia) Or Monsp IX (Fs Lauer), 1997/ 417-25
- Fouilles de Saqqarah. La Pyramide de Djeser et l' oeuvre
d'Imhotep (J. Capart - H. Gregoire) CdE 7, 1929, 227-235
L'Oeuvre d'Imhotep a Saqqarah (J.P. Lauer) CRAIBL 1956, 369-380
L' Apport historique des récentes découvertes du SdA d'Egypte
dans la nécropole mamphite (J.P. Lauer) CRAIBL 1954, 368-379
Une stele Egyptienne portant un nouveau nom royal de la troisième dynastie
(J. Vandier) CRAIBL 1968, 16-22
Zu den Stufenpyramiden Ober- und Mittleagyptens (G.
Dreyer - W. Kaiser) MDAIK 36, 1980, 43-59 + tav. (HUNI)
Die Kleine Stufenpyramide von Abydos-Sud (Sinki) (G. Dreyer-N. Swelim) MDAIK
38, 1982, 83-93
Additional Views Concerning the Monument Called Sinki (N. Swelim) MDAIK 38,
1982, 94-5
Fouilles - El Kab 1949 ; El Kolah 1949 (J. Stienon) CdE 59, 1950, 36-45
Regum Pecuniae otiosa ac stulta ostentatio (C. Barocas) Homm. F. Daumas, Ist.
Univ. P. Valery, 1986, 55-66
Les Petites Pyramides a degrés de la IIIe dynastie (J.P. Lauer) Rev.
Arch. 52/2, 1961, 5-15
Date and Function of the so-called Minor Step Pyramids (A. Cwiek) GM 162,
1998, 39-52
Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid Site III. Fragments of inscribed vessels
(B. Gunn) ASAE 28, 1928, 153-74
- Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid Site ... An inscribed
statue of Zoser (B. Gunn) ASAE 26, 1926, 177-96
- Unpublished Blocks from Saqqara (M.I. Aly) MDAIK 54, 1998,
219-26 (Djoser, Hotephernebty, Intkaes)
- Les Plantes Decouvertes dans les Souterrains de l'Enceinte
du Roi Zoser (Lauer-Tackholm-Aberg) BIE 32, 1950
Une nouvelle stèle-borne au nom de Djoser (O. El-Aguizy) BIFAO 107, 2007, 1-4
- A fragmentary monument of Djoser from Saqqara (Z. Hawass)
JEA 80, 1994, 45-56
- Pyramide de Djoser : montant de porte (Z. Hawass); "
" : Stele-borne (C. Ziegler) Louvre Exib. Catalog 1999, 150-1
- Le Steles de Djoser (G. Jequier) CdE 27, 1939, 29-35
- Notes sur les monuments de la Pyramide à degrés
de Saqqara (R. Weill) RdE 3, 1946, 115-27 (*** v. RdE 5)
- Bemerkungen zur fruhen und spaten Bauphase des Djoserbezirkes
in Saqqara (H. Altenmuller) MDAIK 28, 1972, 1-12
- Fouilles des Antiquites a Saqqara- Sec. de la Pyramide a
Degrés (Lauer) ASAE 39, 1939, 447-56
- Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid Site IV. The funerary
Chamber (Gunn) ASAE 35, 1935, 62-65
- Fouilles ... a Saqqara (secteur nord) 1934-5 (J.P. Lauer)
ASAE 35, 1935, 66-75 (11 Gallerie est)
- Stone Vessels from the Step Pyramid (J.E.Quibell) ASAE 35,
1935, 76-80
- Decouverte a Saqqarah d' une Partie de la momie du Roi Zoser
(J.P. Lauer) ASAE 35, 1935, 25-7
- Report on Human remains from the granite sarcophagus chamber
in the Pyramid of Zoser (D.E. Derry) ASAE 35, 28-30
- Restauration et transfert au Musée Egyptien d'un
panneau orné de faïence bleues...de la pyramide... (J.P. Lauer)
ASAE 38, 1938, 551-565
Fouilles ... a Saqqara 1935-36 (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 36, 1936, 20-28 (11 Gallerie
est - pt.2)
- Vases en Pierre Dure trouves sous la Pyramide a Degres (R.
Macramallah) ASAE 36, 1936, 29-32
- Note sur divers travaux effectués à Saqqarah
en 1936 et 1937 (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 37, 1937, 103-15
- Fouilles du Service des Antiquites à Saqqarah (Nord)
(J.P.Lauer) ASAE 34, 1934, 54-69
- Stone Vessels from the Step Pyramid (J.E.Quibell) ASAE
34, 1934, 70-5
Fouilles du Service des Antiquites à Saqqarah (Nord) (J.P.Lauer) ASAE
33, 1933, 155-66
Notes sur Divers travaux ... (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 33,
1933, 153-4
Rapport sur les Restaurations ...1931-33... Djoser à Saqqara (J.P.
Lauer) ASAE 33, 1933, 146-52
Excavations of the Service des Antiquites at Saqqara 1926-27 (C.M. Firth)
ASAE 27, 1927, 105-111
after Excavations of the ... at Saqqara 1925-26 (C.M. Firth) ASAE 26, 1926,
101 (id. in ASAE 24, 25 synthesized)
after Excavations of the ... at Saqqara 1927-28 (C.M. Firth) ASAE 28, 1928,
82-3 + plate 3 (Step Pyr. Complex)
Excavations of the Department of Antiquities at Saqqara 1930-31 (C.M. Firth)
ASAE 31, 1931, 45-8
Etudes sur quelques monuments de la IIIe dynastie (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 31, 1931,
Etudes sur quelques monuments de la IIIe dynastie (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 29, 1929,
Etudes sur quelques monuments de la IIIe dynastie (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 28, 1928,
Etudes sur quelques monuments de la IIIe dynastie (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 27, 1927,
Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Saqqara (1925-1926) ASAE 26, 1926,
Les travaux du Service des Antiquites a Saqqara (1953/54) (J.P. Lauer) BSFE
18, Jul. 1955, 27-39
A Propos de la Nouvelle Pyramide a Degres de Saqqara (J.P. Lauer) BIE 36/2,
1955, 357-64
The Discovery of a New Pyramid Enclosure of the Third Dynasty at Saqqara (Z.
Goneim) BIE 36/2, 1955, 559-81
Aux pieds de Djoser - Les Mastabas entre Fosse et Enceinte ... (M. Baud) Or.
Monsp IX, 1997, 69-87 (foll. by '...Harbours of Giza...' Hawass)
The Underground relief of Djoser at the Step Pyramid Complex (F.D. Friedman)
JARCE 32, 1995, 1-42
A decorated Protodynastic Cult Stand from Abydos (S.P. Harvey), in: P. der Manuelian
ed. 'Studies ... W.K. Simpson' 1996, 361-78 [on file - 2 vols. in PDF]
Les Minéraux dans la naissance des Civilisations dans la Vallée du Nil (J. Vercoutter), in: der Manuelian
ed. 'Studies ... W.K. Simpson' 1996, 811-17 [PDF]
Notions of Cosmos in the Step Pyramid Complex (F.D. Friedman), in: P. der Manuelian
ed. 'Studies ... W.K. Simpson' 1996, 337-51
Remarques concernant l' inscription d' Imhotep sur le socle de statue ...
Neterjkhet (J.P. Lauer), in: 'Studies ... W.K. Simpson' 1996, 493-8
Origins and Development of the Funerary Complex of Djoser (R. Stadelmann),
in: P. der Manuelian ed. 'Studies ... W.K. Simpson' 1996, 787-800
- The Dry Moat of the Netjerykhet Complex (Nabil Swelim)
in J. Baines ed. 'Pyramid Studies and other Essays ... to I.E.S. Edwards'
1988, 12-22
The Dry Moat, The South Rock Wall of the Inner South Channel (N. Swelim) in: Czerny, Hein et al. (eds.), Timelines... Studies in Honour of M. Bietak, vol. 1, 2006, 363-76 [+PDF]
Rollsiegel, Pierre de Taille and an Update on a King and Monument List of
the Third Dynasty (N. Swelim) in 'Intellectual Heritage of Egypt -
.......... Studies Presented to Laszlo Kakosy .... his 60th Birthday' Studia
Aegyptiaca 14, 1992, 541-554
A Reason for the corbelled roof in Dynasty III and IV Pyramids (N. Swelim)
JSSEA 14, 1984, 6-12
Horus Seneferka. An Essay on the Fall of the First Dynasty (N. Swelim) Arch.
Soc. Alex. 5, 1974, 67-77
The Pyramid of Seila locally called 'El Qalah' (N. Swelim) News letter of
the Byu Exped. 1987, 1-6
-- Zawiet el Meytin, Nubt, Sila, El Kola. Piante da V. Maragioglio - C. Rinaldi
'L' Architettura delle Piramidi Memfite II' 1963 tav. 8,9,10,11
-- Plan of the Southern half of the Galleries of Saqqara tomb B, Horus Ninetjer
(copy given me by Dr. Nabil Swelim, no reference)
-- Plan du tombeau de l' Horus Hotepsekhemoui (Labrousse-Lauer-Leclant) 'Le
Temple Haut du complexe Funeraire du Roi Ounas' BdE 73
Sur Certaines Modifications et Extensions apportees au Complexe Funeraire
de Djoser au Course de son Regne (J. P. Lauer) in Baines - James
......... et al. eds. 'Pyramid Studies and other Essays presented to I.E.S.
Edwards' 1988, 5-11
Pyramid Research. From the Archaic to the S.I.P. Lists, Catalogues and
Objectives (N. Swelim) in C. Berger - G. Clerc - N. Grimal eds.
......... 'Hommages a Jean Leclant' BdE 106/1, 1994, 337-349
A Propos de l' Invention de la Pierre de Taille par Imhotep .... (J.P. Lauer)
BdE 97/2 (Mel. G.E. Mokhtar II), 1985, 61-7
Z 500 and the Layer Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan (M. Lehner) in P. der Manuelian
'Studies in Honor of W.K. Simpson' 1996, 507-22
The Work of the Harvard University - Museum of Fine Arts Egyptian Expedition
(G.A. Reisner - C.S. Fisher) BMFA 9, 1911, 54-9
Overture de la Pyramide de Zaouiet el Aryan (A. Barsanti) ASAE 2, 1901, 92-4
(Horus Khaba)
The Layer Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan: Its Layout and Context (A. Dodson)
JARCE 37, 2000, 81-90
The Early Dynastic Royal Cemetery at
Saqqara. Area West of the Step Pyramid Complex (J. van Wetering) n.p.
The Early Dynastic Royal Cemetery at Saqqara. Tomb C of a Second Dynasty king,
possibly Horus Za (J. van Wetering) n.p.
The Early Dynastic Royal Cemetery at Saqqara. The Second Dynasty - Early Third
Dynasty, 2890-2650 BCE (J. van Wetering) n.p.
Socio-Political Hierarchy of First Dynasty Sites in the East Delta (J. van
Wetering - G.J. Tassie) in press (on file)
The Stratigraphy of West Saqqara. Preliminary Remarks (A. Cwiek) P.A.M. 11,
2000, 109-117
Preliminary Report on the Leiden Excavations at Saqqara,
Season 2001: The tomb of Meryneith, (M.J. Raven, R.
van Walsem, B.G. Aston, E. Strouhal) in: JEOL 37, 2002, 71-99
Preliminary Report on the Leiden Excavations at Saqqara,
Season 2002: The tomb of Meryneith, (M.J. Raven, R.
van Walsem, B.G. Aston, E. Strouhal) in: JEOL 37, 2002, 91-109
The Unexpected find of a Royal Tomb (AAVV) The Saqqara
Newsletter 1, 2003, 8-12
Early Dynastic Period... (J. van Wetering) from www.saqqara.nl website pages,
2002-2003 (on file)
The Royal Cemetery of the Early Dynastic period at Saqqara and the Second
Dynasty Royal Tombs (J. van Wetering), in: Hendricks et al. (eds.) Egypt at its Origins, 2004.
Researches on the Topography of North Saqqara (A.J. Spencer) Orientalia 43,
1974, 1-11
- The World of North Saqqara (J.D. Ray) WA 10/2, 1978, 149-57
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1968-9
(W.B. Emery) JEA 56, 1970, 5-11
- The Historic Landscape of Early Dynastic Memphis (D. Jeffreys
- A. Tavares) MDAIK 50, 1994, 143-73
- The Organization of the Royal Cemeteries at Saqqara in the
O.K. (A.M. Roth) JARCE 25, 1988, 201-14
- Notes Sur les Objects recueillis sous la Pyramide d' Ounas
(G.Maspero) ASAE 3, 1902, 185-90 (Nebra, Nineter, Hotepsekhemui)
- Fouilles atour de la Pyramide d' Ounas (A. Barsanti) ASAE
3, 1902, 182-4
- Campagne de 1900-1901 (A. Barsanti) (Pir. Unas) ASAE 2,
1901, 249-57
- Saqqara. Fouilles du Service des Antiquites 1937-38 CdE
26, 1938, 278-86
- Excavations at Saqqara 1937-38 (S.Bey Hassan) ASAE 38, 1938,
503-21 (Unas,Mastaba Hetep,Beby ecc.)
- Die Siegelabrollungen von Hetepsechemui und Raneb aus Saqqara (E.-M. Engel), in: Czerny, Hein et al. (eds.), Timelines... Studies in Honour of M. Bietak, vol. 2, 25-34
A Propos de la Stèle de l' Horus Raneb (J.P. Lauer)
Orientalia 35, 1966, 21-7
- An Egyptian Royal Stela of the Second Dynasty (H.G. Fischer)
Artibus Asiae 24, 1961, 45-56 (Nebra's and other stelas)
Preliminary Report on the ROYAL EXCAVATIONS AT HELWAN (1942) (Z.Saad) ASAE
41, 1941/ 405-09
- Preliminary Report on the ROYAL EXCAVATIONS AT SAQQARA (1941-2)
(Z.Saad) ASAE 41/ 381-93
- Tomb 3070 at Saqqara (W.B. Emery) JEA 54, 1968/ 11-3 (A
III rd Dyn. Tomb like the one of Khabausokar)
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1964-5
(W.Emery) JEA 51, 1965/ 3-8 (aerial photo; IIIrd d. mastabas NW Saqqara)
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1965-6
(W.Emery) JEA 52, 1966/ 3-8
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1966-7
(W.Emery) JEA 53, 1967/ 141-5
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1968-69
(W.B. Emery) JEA 56, 1970/ 5-11 (S 3518)
Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqara 1969-70 (W.B. Emery)
JEA 57, 1971/ 3-13
- A Preliminary Report on the Architecture of the Tomb of
Nebetka (W.B. Emery) ASAE 38, 1938/ 455-9
- Recent Discoveries at Sakkarah (W.B. Emery) JEA 24, 1938/
243 (Ankhka, Nebitka, Sabu)
- Saqqara Nord. Fouilles du Service des Antiquites (Serv.
Antiq.) CdE 27, 1939/ 263-65 (S3157, Djer's r.; IInd dyn. Funerary Repast
- The National Museums of Scotland Saqqara Survey Project,
Earth Sciences 1990-1998 (Mathieson-Bettles-Dittmer-Reader.) JEA 85/ 21-43
Prel. Report of the Nat. Mus. of Scotland Saqqara Surv. Proj. 1990-91(Mathieson,Tavares)
JEA 79, 1993/ 17-31
- The National Museums of Scotland Saqqara Survey Project
1993-1995 (Mathieson -Tavares et al.) JEA 83, 1997/ 17-53
- Gisr el Mudir (aavv) (www) Scotland Mus. summary on line
/ 2 pag.
Some Remarks on the Great Rectangular Monuments of Middle Saqqara (N. Swelim)
MDAIK 47, 1991/ 389-402
Saqqara, Necropolen 1.-3. Dyn. (W. Helck) L.Ä. V, 1984/ 387-400
- Saqqara. Private Tombs of the 4. - 6. Dyn. (A.J. Spencer)
L.Ä. V / 400-9
- Saqqara. First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom (J.
Malek) L.Ä. V / 409
Saqqara. New Kingdom (J. Malek) L.Ä. V / 410-412
Saqqara. Late Period (H. S. Smith) L.Ä. V / 412-428
Memphis (C.M. Zivie) L.Ä. III, 1980/ 24-41 (+ Memnonkolosse, Menat Khufu
The need for Seismic Analysis and Planning ... Necropolis of Saqqara (E.D.
Johnson) JARCE 36, 1999/ 135-47
- Excavations in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara
1972-3 (G.T. Martin) JEA 60, 1974/ 15-29
- The North Saqqara Temple Town Survey: Preliminary Report
1976/77 (H.S. Smith-D.G. Jeffreys) JEA 64, 1978/ 10-21
- Memphis 1991 : Epigraphy (J. Malek - S. Quirke) JEA 78,
1992/ 13-18 (Amenemhat II Annals)
- Uncharted Saqqara: an Essay (H.S. Smith) OrMonsp IX, 1997/
379-393 (Fs Lauer)
Uncharted Saqqara : A Postscript (S. Davies) JEA 84, 1998/ 45-56
- Das Vermeintliche Sonnenheiligtum im norden des Djoserbezirkes
(R. Stadelmann) ASAE 69, 1983/ 373-8
Serdab and Statue Placement in the Private Tombs down to the Fourth Dynasty
(M. Bàrta) MDAIK 54, 1998/ 65-75
Les Calendriers de Djoser (J. Rousseau) DE 11, 1988/ 73-86
- Archaism and Kingship: A late Royal Statue and its early
Dynastic model (J. Baines- C. Riggs) JEA 87, 2001, 103-118 (Djoser serdab
The Stellar geometry of the Great Pyramid (R.J. Cook) DE 29, 1994/ 29-36
- The Star Shafts of Cheops' Pyramid (R. G. Bauval) DE 29,
1994/ 23-8
- The Hry Sshta "In Charge of Secrets" The 3000
Year evolution of a title (K.T. Rydstrom) DE 28, 1994/ 53-94
- The Pyramid of Cheops as a Calendar (S. Hellestam) DE 28,
1994/ 21-7
- Orion and the Giza pyramids (J. Malek) DE 30, 1993/ 101-114
- Master Plan for the three Pyramids of Giza ... the Belt
of Orion (R. G. Bauval) DE 13, 1989/ 7-18
- A Chronological scheme and Terminology for the Early part
of Egyptian history (J. Malek) DE 15, 1989/ 37-50
- The Calendar reforms of Ancient Egypt (N. Weggelaar - C.
Kort) DE 13, 1989/ 79-88
- Il Complesso Funerario Regale del Re Snefru in Dahshur sud
(P. Testa) DE 28, 1994/ 123-151
- On Pyramid Causeways (C. Reader) JEA 90, 2004, 63-71
Social Change.. IV Dyn.: The Spatial Organization of Pyramids,
Tombs and Cemeteries (A.M. Roth) JARCE 30, 1993
- Mastaba Mount Excavations - Gizeh Tomb N° 1 (M.D. Covington)
ASAE 6, 1905, 193-218 (Mastaba T)
- Edifice Archaique à Nezlet Batran (M.G. Daressy)
ASAE 6, 1905, 99-106 (DJET, Mastaba V)
- "Covington' s Tomb" and Related Early Monuments
at Giza (G.T. Martin) OrMonsp IX, 1997, 279-88 (Fs Lauer)
- An Archaic tomb at Old Cairo (F. Boghdady) ASAE 32, 1932,
153-60 + 6 plates
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization Samples from the Helwan Collection (A. Radwan) ASAE 78, 2004, 211-221
Preliminary report on the 2nd Excavation season ... at the cemetery of Helwan
/Ezbet el-Walda (C. Kohler) ASAE 76, 2000-2001, 23-29
The Development of the Giza Necropolis: The Khufu Project (M. Lehner) MDAIK
41, 1985, 109-43
- Development of the Royal Mortuary complex (Z. Hawass) (www)
- Khufu (Z. Hawass) (www) .guardians.com
- Etudes sur la Necropole de Giza sous la IV Dynastie (J.S.Fare
Garnot) RdE 9, 1952, 69-79
- La tombe de la reine-mère Khamerernebty I (M. Baud)
BIFAO 95, 1995, 11-21
- Le Ports des Pyramides et le Grand Canal de Memphis (G.
Goyon) RdE 23, 1971, 137-53
- La Chaussée Monumentale et la Temple de la Vallée
de la Pyramide de Kheops (G. Goyon) BIFAO 67, 1969, 749-69
- Nouvelle Observations relatives a l' Orientation de la Pyramide
de Kheops (G. Goyon) RdE 22, 1970, 85-98
- Note complementaire sur le Temple Funeraire de Kheops (J.P.
Lauer) ASAE 49, 1949, 111-23
- Le Temple Funeraire de Kheops à la Grande Pyramide
de Guizeh (J.P. Lauer) ASAE 46, 1947, 245-59
- Plotting the pyramids (O. Gingerieh) Nature 408. Nov 16,
2000, 297-98
- Ancient Egyptian chronology and the astronomical orientation
of Pyramids (K. Spence) Nature 408. Nov 16, 2000, 320-4
Preliminary Report on the Work of the Harvard-Boston Expedition in 1911-13
(G.A. Reisner - C.S. Fisher) ASAE 13, 1913, 227-52
George Andrew Reisner on archaeological photography (G.A. Reisner; ed. P.
der Manuelian) JARCE 29, 1992, 1-34
Les Grandes Pyramides. Etaient elles Peintes ? (J.P. Lauer) BIE 35, 1954,
De quand date la tomb du nain Seneb? (Nadine Cherpion) BIFAO 84, 1984, 35-53
+ tab.
Recent Discoveries at Giza Plateau (Z. Hawass) Atti del VI° Congresso
Internazionale di Egittologia (1992), 241-42
The Khufu Statuette: Is it an Old Kingdom Sculpture ? (Z. Hawass) Mel. G.E.
Mokhtar BdE 97/1, 1985, 379-94
Les Testes Magiques de Gizeh (R. Tefnin) BSFE 120, 1991, 25-37
The Riddle of the Reserve Heads (P. Lacovara) KMT 8/4, 1998, 28-36
"Semantic Homicide" and the So-called Reserve Heads: The Theme of Decapitation in Egyptian Funerary Religion... (N.S. Picardo) JARCE 43, 2007, 221-252
Zur Determination und Ikonographie der sogenannten Ersatzköpfe (H. Schmidt)
SAK 18, 1991, 331-348
[Reserve Heads. An enigma of Old Kingdom Sculpture (C. Roehrig) in: C. Ziegler
(ed.), Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids, 1999, 73-81]
--- after 'Les noms des Domaines Funeraire sous l' Ancien Empire Eg.' (H.K.
Jacquet Godron) 1962, 322-30 (Metjen, Akhtyhotep, Pehernefer)
--- after 'Famille Royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire Egyptien' (M. Baud)
BdE 126/1-2, 1999, 307-13 + some names of the Corpus
The origin of some unidentified Old Kingdom reliefs (W.S. Smith) AJAr 46,
1942, 509- 531
--- after Lana Troy "Patterns of Queenship in Egyptian Myth and History",
1989, 102-114, 152-154
Zur Aussprache der Namen Chephren und Djedefhor (H. Brunner) ZÄS 102,
1975, 94-99
Snofru und die Pyramiden von Meidum und Dahschur (R. Stadelmann) MDAIK 36,
1980, 437-449
Beitrage zur Geschichte des Alten Reiches. Die Lange der Regierung des Snofru
(R. Stadelmann) MDAIK 43, 1987, 229-240
- The Lenght of Snefru's Reign and how long it took to build
the 'Red Pyramid' (R. Krauss) JEA 82, 1996, 43-50
- A Propos du pretendu desastre de la pyramide de Meidoum
(J.P. Lauer) CdE 101, 1976, 72-89
- Zur Deutung der Pyramide von Medum (D. Wildung) RdE 21,
1969, 135-45
- Houni et Snefrou: Les Pyramides de Meidoum et Dahchour (J.M.P.
Ortiz) GM 154, 1996, 77-91
- Il Complesso Funerario di del Re Huni in Meidum (P. Testa)
DE 18, 1990, 55-69
- Bemerkungen zu den Pyramidenstadten im Alten Reich (W. Helck)
MDAIK 15, 1957, 91-111
- On Pyramid Building I & II (M. Isler) JARCE 22.1985/
129-42 , JARCE 24, 1987, 95-112
- The Mud Seal-Impressions: cap. 6 in" A History of the
Giza Necropolis" vol.II - Hetep Heres(Reisner-Smith)
- Per la storia della Tomba Privata a Piramide (S.Curto) MDAIK
37, 1981, 107-13
- Technique de la Construction dans l' Ancienne Egypte . Obelisques
(H. Chevrier) RdE 22, 1970, 15-39
- Evidence for Use of a Stone-Cutting Drag Saw IV° Din.
(R.G. Moores Jr.) JARCE 28, 1991, 139-48
- The Periodic System of Building a Pyramid (A. Badawy) JEA
63, 1977, 52-8
- Seila 1981 (L. Lesko) JARCE 25.1988, 215-35 (Piramide di
Seila III din.)
- PYRAMID NAMES (J.Bennet) JEA 52, 1966
- La Ville de Pyramide à l' Ancien Empire (R. Stadelmann)
RdE 33, 1981, 67-77
Sur les Titolatures des Rois (IV Din.) (V.Dobrev) BIFAO 1993/ 179-204+XVI
- Culte des Canides à Assiout: 3 Steles a Oupouaout
(N.Durish) BIFAO 1993 /205-221
- Inscriptional Evidence for the History of the Fourth Dynasty
(W.S. Smith) JNES 11, 1952/ 113-28
- La Chapelle de la Barque à Dendera (Hathor) ASAE
93, 1993
- Les recensements dans l' Egypte pharaonique des 3.me et
2.me millénaires (D. Valbelle) CRIPEL 9, 1987/ 33-49
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1996/ 48-77
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GM 172, 1999/ 63-71
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and Ethics/ Hastings 1980, vol. 10 p. 293-302
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Representation of Ritual and Symbolic Objects in Late XXV Dyn... (Pischikova)
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Ancient Egyptian Cheese (A. Zaky - Z. Iskander) ASAE 41, 1941, 295-313 (from
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Cedar yet again (A. Nibbi) DE 56, 2003, 69-83
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in: id., Ancient Egypt and some Eastern Neighbours, 1981, 1-31 (chap. 1)
- Sirius, étoile et jeune Horus (N.Beaux) N.P. 14 pp
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Three Archaic Egyptian constellations used as a seasonal markers? (J.D. Degreef)
n.p. pp. 21, 2001
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Zu den Msw-Nswt der älteren Bilddarstellungen und der Bedeutung von rpw.t
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RdE 9, 1952, 101-8
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- The Cairo Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days (Abd el-Mohsen
Bakir) ASAE 48, 1948, 425-31
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(R.H. Wilkinson) JARCE 28, 1991, 149-54
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et la Precession... by Z.Zaba (J.P.Lauer) BIFAO 60
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2000, 16-23
Megaliths and Neolithic astronomy in southern Egypt (Malville-Wendorf-Mazar-Schild)
Nature 392, Apr 2, 1998/ 488-91
The History of Ancient Astronomy (Neugebauer) JNES 4, 1945, 3-9 (continua)
- Egyptian Astronomy (H.Chatley) JEA 26, 1940, 120-126
Min (H. Goedicke) MDAIK 58, 2002, 247-255
The Emblem of Min (G.A. Wainwright) JEA 17, 1931, 185-95
- The Origin of Storm-Gods in Egypt/ The Origin of Amun (G.A.
Wainwright) JEA 49, 1963, 13-20/ 21-23
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- The Pharaoh's Placenta and the Moon-God Khons (A.M. Blackman)
JEA 3, 1916, 237-249
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- The Egyptian God Seth as a Trickster (H. Te Velde) JARCE
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- Das Tier des Seth (G. Schweinfurth) ASAE 13, 1913, 272 ff.
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- The God Semseru (A. Gardiner) JEA 29, 1943, 75-76 (nome
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im Alten Ägypten, 1991, 29-46
Imhotep et Djoser dans la région de la cateracte. De Memphis à Éléphantine (S.H. Aufrère) BIFAO 104/1, 2004, 1-20
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(G. Dreyer) Festsch. Fecht 1987, 98-109
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Notes prises chez les Bisarin et les Nubiens d' Assouan (L. Keimer) BIE 32,
1951, 49-101 (1: Palms; 2: Hirax; 3: Turtle Shields; 5: glyph V19)
Evidence for Artificial Irrigation in Amratian Art (J. Van Lepp) JARCE 32, 1995, 197-209
The Egyptian W3s-Scepter and its Modern Analogues: Uses as Symbols of Divine Power or Authority (A.H. Gordon, C.W. Schwabe) JARCE 32, 1995, 185-196
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- Trends in the Study of Predynastic Social Structures (R.
Fattovich) in: Reincke W.F. (ed.) Acts of 1st I.C.E. 1976, 1979, 215-220
La dimensione sociale delle pratiche funerarie predinastiche nell' alto Egitto
(R. Fattovich) Suppl. Rivista di Antropologia 66, 1988, 395-410
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in: Dostal (ed.), On Social Evolution, Wien. Beitr., 1984, 29-78
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(H. Ghaly) MDAIK 50, 1994, 57-69
Predynastic Cemeteries in the Abydos Area (J.J. Castillos) GM 199, 2004, 23-29
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La Evolucion de las comunidades predinasticas Egipcias (J.J. Castillos) RSUE
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Automatic Analysis of Predynastic Cemeteries : A New Method .... (B.J. Kemp)
JEA 68, 1982, 5-15
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CdE 42 (83), 1967, 345-253
Excavations at Armant 1929-31 (O.H. Myers, H.W. Fairman) JEA 17, 1931, 222-32
- The Amarna Working Village in Retrospect (B.J. Kemp) JEA
73, 1987, 21-50
- Remarques sur les Representations de la Peinture d'Hierakonpolis
(Tombe N° 100) (J.M.Saleh) JEA 73, 1987, 51-8
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1987/ 59-70 ******
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Egypt during the Early predynastic era (W. Anderson) JARCE 29, 1992, 51-66
Archaeological Cultural resources and modern land-use activities: ... in the
Badari region, Egypt (D. L. Holmes) JARCE 29, 1992, 67-80
A Re-examination of the Early Dynastic Necropolis at Helwan (T.A.H Wilkinson)
MDAIK 52, 1996, 337-54
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JEA 73, 1987, 181-189
Tomb 100: The Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis confirmed (J.C.Payne) JEA 59,
1973, 31-35
- Photographs of the Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis (B.J.
Kemp) JEA 59, 1973, 36-43
- Tomb 100: the Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis (H. Case -
J. Crowfoot Payne) JEA 48, 1962, 5-18
- Towards an anthropology of Myths and Rituals of offering
and sacrifice in Ancient Egypt: a Proposal (R. Pirelli) in: Pirelli ed., Essays
on State and Society, 2002, 111-136
The enigmatic Tekenu in Ancient Egyptian Funerary ritual (G. Reeder) KMT 5/3,
1994, 53-59
[The Mysterieous Muu and the Dance they do (G. Reeder)
KMT 6/3, 1995 (on-line/on file)]
Human Sacrifices in Egypt: The Classical Evidence (J.G.Griffiths) ASAE 48,
1948/ 409-23
- Le Rituel de Fondation des Temples Egyptiens (P. Montet)
Kemi 17, 1964, 74-100
Une Scène de Sacrifice Rituel chez les Anciens Egyptiens (J. Leibovitch)
JNES 12, 1953, 59-60
- Considerations on the Battle of Kadesh (H.Goedicke) JEA
52, 1966, 71-80
- Some Notes on the Battle of Kadesh (H. Burne) JEA 7, 1921,
- Pygmies and Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt (W.R. Dawson) JEA 24,
1938, 185-9
- Gli scavi italiani in Egitto (A.Siliotti) Archeologia Viva
22, 1991, 70-71
- Cedar tree products employed in Mummification (A. Lucas)
JEA 17, 1931, 13-21
- Caracters Principaux et Origine Divine des Mineraux (S.
Aufrere) RdE 34, 1977, 3-21
- Rapporti di dipendenza e ideologia funeraria. L' Ushebty
.... (Federico Poole) AION 57, 1997, 375-404
'Cumin, set milk, honey': an ancient Egyptian medicine container (Naples 828)
(F. Poole) JEA 87, 2001, 175-180
Termini di Parentela Egizi (R. Pirelli)
About a recent book on Tuthmosis III's "Botanic Garden" in Karnak-N.Beaux
(Rodolfo Fattovich) SEAP 9, 1991, 35-49
Tracing the Development of the cattle cult with regards to Predynastic and
Early Dynastic Egypt (M. Brass) www
Carte, Piante, Tavole:
Memphite necropolis (Atlas, Baines-Malek)
Giza Mastabas plans (after M.A. Shoukry 'Die Privatgrabstatue im Alten Reich'
Giza cemeteries (Junker, Giza IV, XI, XII; PM III)
- Lexikon der Ägyptologie (Persons) : Adjib, Aha, Amka,
Anchka, Dewen, Hetepsekhemui, Ni-maat-hap, Ninetjer, Sechemchet, Sechemib,
Sechen, Semerchet, Wadj (more on copyboard)
Adler, Agathos Daimon, Amentet, Amethyst, Anchnesmerire I-II, Dezimalsystem,
Dolmetscher (j'aw, a' '), Dolomit, Domänen, -vorsteher, Domestikation,
Hetepheres II, Heterophonie, Nilstandsmarken, Nini, Sechet, Semen-Hor, Wadi
Tumilat, Wadj-Amulett
Humor (end.), Hunde, Hundestele, Hyäne, Hyänehund, Hyksos (beg.),
Ibis, Ichneumon, Idiophone, Igai, Ihet, Ihi, Imet-per (end.), Imhotep, Imira-mescha,
Imitation, Imiut, Jade, Jäger, Jagd, Jagddarstellung, Jagdmethoden, Jagdritual,
Jagdtracht, Jagdzauber, Jahresrispe, Jahrestafelchen, Jahreszahlung, Jahreszeiten,
Jahreszeitendarstellung, Jakob-her, Jam (land), Königsgrab, Königskrönung,
Königskult, Königslisten, Lanze, Lapislazuli, Lasso, Magen, Maghara,
Magie, Palastverwaltung, Palermostein, Paletten/ Schmink-Pal., Palette (Schreib-),
Palimpsest, Palm, Pami (Pimay), Pamylien, Pa-neb-tawi, Panehesi, Panflöte,
Panther, Panzer(hemd), Pyramiden (until Meidum), Schildkröte.
Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et al.) Orientalia
57, 1988, 329-31 (Ptahhotep Enclosure, NeferSenedjRa, Nineter)
- Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et
al.) Orientalia 61, 1992, 230-5, 242-5, 260-1, 282-5 + plates (Qa'a labels
Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et al.) Orientalia
62, 1993, 201-03,205-07 (Gisr el Mudir, Nineter superstructure)
- Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et
al.) Orientalia 63, 1994, 381 (Dry moat trench between tombs A,B and Djoser's)
- Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et
al.) Orientalia 64, 1995, 236, 256-63, 276-78 (Gisr el Mudir, Abydos)
- Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (J. Leclant et
al.) Orientalia 65, 1996, 262-69 (Djedefra Pyr. at Abu Roash)
- Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (Leclant
- Clerk) Orientalia 66, 1997, 262-7, 280-3, 312-3 (Ny-neter tomb superstructure)
Fouilles et Travaux en Egypte et au Soudan (Leclant - Gout) Orientalia
70, 2001, 364-7, 390-3, 400-3, 434-9 (Abydos: Sekhemib, Khasekhemui)
Sintetizzati in breve:
- ** Zwei Einzelprobleme der Thinitischen Chronologie (W.
Helck) MDAIK 26/ 83-5 (Età tarda degli Annali; Djer in Nubia)
- ** An Archaic funerary stela (Gardiner) JEA 4/ 256-60 (Stele
di II dinastia al Museo Bankfield di Halifax)
- ** Da "Bemerkungen zum Narmer-Pavian" MDAIK 50
(v. RdE 21, Khnumhotep-Narmer)
- ** Arkell in JEA 44 (1958) Una rappresentazione su un bel
vaso in pietra da Hierakonpolis di Hathor con stelle tra le corna simile
- a quella su di una famosa paletta trovata a Gerzah di Naqada
- ** King AY , the successor of Tutankhamun JEA 18, 1932/
- * Piccolissimo frammento di annali V din. con numeri e poco
altro in (Reeves) GM 32, 1979
- * Was King Scorpion Menes? (Arkell) Antiquity 37
* Report on certain excavations made at El Kab (Sayce-Clarke) ASAE 6, 1905/
239ff (Khasekhemwy granite blocks; I-III dyn. tombs)
* Short report on the Excavations... at Athribis (A. Rowe) ASAE 38, 1938/
523ff (Mudbrick pyramid of Atribis also from ASAE 2)
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- NEBHEPETRA MONTUHOTEP of the eleventh Dynasty (H.E. Winlock)
JEA 26, 1940, 116-19
- King Nebhepetra Menthuhotp: His Monuments,Place in History,
Deification (L. Habachi) MDAIK 19, 1963, 16-52
- The Programmatic use of the Royal Titulary in the Twelfth
Dynasty (R.J. Leprohon) JARCE 33, 1996, 165-71
- The Tombs of the Queens of the Middle Kingdom (A.M. Dodson)
ZÄS 115, 1988, 123-36
- The tombs of the kings of the Thirteenth Dynasty in the
Memphite necropolis (A. Dodson) ZÄS 114, 1987, 36-45
- Le Roi Ougaf et la XIIIe Dynastie sur la IIme Cataracte
(J. Vercoutter) RdE 27, 1975, 222-234
On the Pyramid of Ameny Qemau and its Canopic Equipment (N. Swelim-A. Dodson)
MDAIK 54, 1998, 319-33
Some Sea Peoples (G.A. Wainwright) JEA 47, 1961, 71-90
- I Micenei e l' Egitto (I. Vincentelli) in 'La Società
Micenea' (M. Marazzi ed.) p. 307-12
- La Grecia e l'Egitto nel II Millennio (O.Carruba) Istit.Lombardo
Accad.Scienze e Lettere 129, 1995/ 141-60
- Keftiu (G.A. Wainwright) JEA 17, 1931, 26-43
- L'Egitto Copto (R. Pirelli) AION ??, 1991?
- Il simbolo della scala dall'Egitto Antico al Copto e all'
Arabo (S. Curto) Aegyptus 78, 1998, 3-14
Zu den Namen spätzeitlicher Usurpatoren, Fremdherrscher, Gegen- und Lokalkönige
(J. Kahl) ZAS 129, 2002, 31-42
The Twentieth Dynasty Revisited (K.A. Kitchen) JEA 68, 1982, 116-25
- Reconsidering the end of the Twentieth Dynasty (p. I) The
Fisherman Pnekhtemope and the date of BM 10054 (A. Thijs) GM 167, 1998
Reconsidering the end of the Twentieth Dynasty (p. III) ... whm mswt (A. Thijs)
GM 173, 1999, 175-91
- Reconsidering the end of the Twentieth Dynasty (p. V) Pap.
Ambras as an advocate of a shorter chronology (A. Thijs) GM 179, 2000
Kerma and Egypt : The significance of the Monumental Buildings Kerma I,II,
and XI (D. O'Connor) JARCE 21, 1984, 65-108
- The Viceroys of Nubia (G. Reisner) JEA 6, 1920, 28-55, ibid.,
- Menes and Naramsin (Albright) JEA 6, 1920, 89-98, ibid.,
- What is the KA (N.W. Thomas) JEA 6, 1920, 265-73
Ta Set Neferou (La Valle delle Regine) C. Leblanc/A. Siliotti Archeologia
Viva 17, 61-68
- Berenice (A.Rozzi /A. ed A. Castiglioni) Archeologia Viva
17, 10-17
ad una videocassetta.
- Nile Delta (P.Theroux) National Geographic Gen.1997/ 5-35
- The tombs of the Kings of the Seventeenth Dynasty at Thebes
(Winlock) JEA 10, 1924, 217-77
- Ahhotpe I,II and III (G. Robins) GM 56, 1982, 71-77
- Varia from the time of Hatshepsut (W.C. Hayes) MDAIK 15,
1957, 78-90
- Some Considerations on the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at
Deir el Bahari (R. Pirelli) AION 54, 1994, 455-63
- La Chronologie du Regne de Thoutmosis II. se consequences
sur la datation ... (L. Gabolde) SÄK 14, 1987, 61-81
- Miszelle- The Sites of the Tombs of the Kings of Early Eighteenth
Dynasty (A. Dodson) ZÄS 116, 1989, 181
- The Tombs of the Kings of the Early Eighteenth Dynasty at
Thebes (A.M. Dodson) ZÄS 115, 1988, 110-23
- On the Chronology of the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty (D.B.
Redford) JNES 25, 1966, 113-24
On the origin, contents and fate of Biban el Moluk Tomb 55 (A. Dodson) GM
132, 1993, 21-28
KV 55 and the end of the reign of Akhenaten (A. Dodson) Atti del VI° Congresso
Internaz. di Egittologia 1992, 135-9
The Plan of Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings (E. Thomas) JEA 47, 1961, 24
- Once again the so called Coffin of Akhenaten (H.W. Fairman)
JEA 47, 1961, 25-40
- The Tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes (C. Aldred) JEA 47, 1961,
- Appendix (A.T. Sandison) JEA 47, 1961, 60-5
- Pour une identification de la momie du Tombeau n. 55 KV
(Y.K. De Behrensen) GM 90, 1986, 51-60
- An Unpublished Photograph of the KV 55 Burial Chamber (L.
Pinch Brock) GM 175, 2000, 65-71
Smenkhkara and Zananza (M. Sadowska) GM 175, 2000, 73-77
Smenkhkare , the Ephemeral King (A. Kadry) ASAE 68, 1982, 191-4
- Akhenaten's Successor (J. Samson) GM 32, 1979, 53-8
- Nefernenefruaten-Nefertiti ... Smenkhkare (J. Samson) GM
57, 1982, 61-7
- Akhenaten's Co-regent and Successor (J. Samson) GM 57, 1982,
Aspects of Sealing and Glyptic in Egypt Before the New Kingdom (B.B. Williams) in: Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East (M. Gibson, R.D. Biggs eds.), 1977, 135-40
(+ 5 more papers by Gibson, Hallo, Rathje, Nissen, Porada)
Hieroglyphic Texts for study: Joppe/Westcar/Sinhue/Pahery/Shipwrecked Sailor/Pap. Pushkin