Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt Articles (pt.2)
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by Francesco Raffaele |
Caribéens d'Egyptologie (CCdE) :
New Light on relations between Early Egypt and Sudan (B. Williams)
CCdE 1, 2000/ 5-19
Autruches et flamants- les oiseaux représentés sur la céramique
prédynastique ... Decorated (S. Hendrickx) CCdE 1, 2000/ 21-52
Le lait du chacal : quelques réflexions sur l'imy-wt, Hezat et Anubis (Terence
DuQuesne) CCdE 1, 2000/ 53-60
A propos des bovinés à cornes en avant (Jean-Loïc Le Quellec) CCdE 1, 2000/
Bœufs et pasteurs. Soudan, Lybie, Égypte ancienne (Alain Anselin) CCdE 1, 2000/
Le Noum dans les quatre couples primordiaux de l'Ogdoade hermopolitaine (Mubabingue
Bilolo) CCdE 1, 2000/ 121-127
L'infinitif complémentaire et le présent d'habitude en égyptien ancien et en
basaa (Oum Ndigi) CCdE 1, 2000/ 129-134
La catégorisation automatique des énoncés du Conte du Naufragé en égyptien ancien
(Gaëlle Jouët) CCdE 1, 2000/ 135-139
Informatique, linguistique, égyptien ancien (Dominique Montlouis-Calixte) CCdE
1, 2000/ 141
Aspectos de un proceso de cambio: Estado emergente y religiòn en el valle des
Nilo (Marcelo Campagno) CCdE 2, 2001/ 5-26
Monarchie pharaonique et royautés divines africaines (Josep Cervello Autuori)CCdE
2, 2001/ 27-52
La Maât, images, hiéroglyphes et mots du pouvoir (Alain Anselin) CCdE 2, 2001/
La Maât égyptienne et le Mbok basaa. Notes pour une étude comparée des fondements
... deux civilisations africaines (Oum Ndigi) 79-86
The spritual heritage of Egypt and Africa (Terence DuQuesne) CCdE 2, 2001/ 87-95
The papyrus and its origins (Francesca Jourdan) CCdE 2, 2001/ 97-105
La formule 714 des textes des sarcophages. Traductions et commentaires (Oscar
Pfouma) CCdE 2, 2001/ 107-113
Notes sur les Inscriptions des Colosses de Min à Coptos (Alain Anselin) CCdE
2, 2001/ 115-136
Le Huitième Congrès International des Egyptologues. Le Caire (28 mars / 3 avril
2000) (Juan Jose Castillos) CCdE 2, 2001/ 137-148
Decorated sherds from renewed excavations at Locality Hierakonpolis (Barbara
Adams) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 5-27
Checklist of predynastic Decorated pottery with human figuration (Stan Hendrickx)
CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 29-50
Histoire du chien en Egypte: les origines (Jean Olivier Gransar-Desmond) CCdE
3-4, 2002/ 51-74
Southern Canaan as an Egyptian predynastic Colony (Branislav Andelkovic) CCdE
3-4, 2002/ 75-92
Egypte et Koush. Aux origines de l'hostilite (Babacar Sall) CCdE 3-4, 2002/
Le culte d'Hathor dans les provinces égyptiennes de l'Ancien au Moyen Empire
(Valérie Selve) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 109-123
Recherche sur la rhétorique de l'image à l'époque thoutmoside: le sanctuaire
du temple de Semna (Benoit Lurson) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 125-148
Zwei inschriften von Mittelagypten (Farouk Gomaa) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 149-160
Atum-Re comme intégrateur universel à propos de la destinée
eschatologique: Spell 136 des Coffin Texts (O. Pfouma) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 161-177
A propos d'un mythe Nyangatom d'origine du bétail (Jean Loïc Le Quellec) CCdE
3-4, 2002/ 179-199
Notes sur les mythes Bassa du Cameroun et la préhistoire saharienne (Oum Ndigi)
CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 201-205
Quelques comparaisons entre le sereer et l'égyptien ancien (Aïssatou Dione)
CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 207-210
Les noms des parties du corps en égyptien ancien - essai de grammaire culturelle
(Alain Anselin) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 211-261
Egyptology between Africa and Europe (Mark de Brito) CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 263-271
Gabor Takacs: Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian. Review (Marina Sokolova)
CCdE 3-4, 2002/ 273-275
Hommage à Barbara Adams, CCdE 5, 2003, 3-6
Report on the 2000 Poznan Symposium (J.J. Castillos) CCdE 5, 2003, 7-21
From Kin-Chiefs to God-Kings. Emergence and Consolidation of the State in Ancient
Egypt (M. Campagno) CCdE 5, 2003, 23-34
Les vases Nagadiens comportant des representations d'Addax (G. Graff) CCdE 5,
2003, 35-57
Elephants in Ancient Egypt and Nubia (R.A. Lobban Jr - V. de Liedekerke) CCdE
5, 2003, 59-78
Le Lièvre et l'Eléphant (A. Anselin) CCdE 5, 2003, 79-122
Analyse des baumes de momification de la momie egyptienne conservée au
Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Perpignan (A. Perraud) CCdE 5, 2003, 123-139
A propos of certain gestures in funeral scenes from the New Kingdom (J.R. Ogdon)
CCdE 5, 2003, 141-157
La Formule 309 dans les Textes des Sarcophages. Traduction et Commentaire (O.
Pfouma) CCdE 5, 2003, 159-167
L' Obscurité dans les quatre couples primordiaux de l'Ogdoade hermopolitaine
(M. Bilolo) CCdE 5, 2003, 169-178
Notes sur la grammaticalisation du Cardinal "Un", W', en Egyptien
Ancien (O. Digi) CCdE 5, 2003, 179-185
Aegypto-Afroasiatica XVIII (G. Tacacs) CCdE 5, 2003, 187-202
Le lever héliaque de Sirius, source de datation historique (Karine Gadré)
CCdE 6, 2004, 5-26
La frontera sur de Egipto en el 3er Milenio a.C.: una perspectiva de análisis
(Silvia Lupo) CCdE 6, 2004, 27-51
L'Education relative à l'Environment dans la Tradition Africaine: un
affaire Sacrée (M. Nissiré Sarr) CCdE 6, 2004, 53-65
La Concepto y naturaleza del imyt-per. Análisis juridico-practico de
los imyt-per hallados en El-Lahun (T. Soria Trastoy) CCdE 6, 2004, 67-87
Death, Judgement and Rebirth in the Egyptian Tradition: some Reflexions (T.
DuQuesne) CCdE 6, 2004, 89-108
A propos de l'Abeille et des Textes des Sarcophages (O. Pfouma) CCdE 6, 2004,
Return to Coffin Texts Spell 836 and the Hirtengeschichte (J.R. Ogdon) CCdE
6, 2004, 117-135
A propos des noms de la grenouille et du lézard en égyptien ancien
et an basaa (O. Ndigi) CCdE 6, 2004, 137-143
Histoires de Pluriels -archéologie du nombre en égyptien ancien
(A. Anselin) CCdE 6, 2004, 145-181
Los "Apiru" (J. de la Torre Suarez) CCdE 6, 2004, 183-195
Détail du projet de constitution à l'échelle internationale d'un réseau de chercheurs en astro-égyptologie (K. Gadré) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 5-13
Egraphignures (J.L. Le Quellec) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 15-16
Inequality in Predynastic Egypt (J.J. Castillos) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 17-25
An unpublished Early Dynastic stone vessel fragment with incised inscription naming the goddess Bastet (F. Raffaele) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 27-46
Stone Vessels in Early Dynastic Egypt (F. Raffaele) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 47-60
Le sens des lamentations funèbres en Egypte pharaonique et en Afrique noire: le cas des Djerti (M.N. Sarr) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 61-78
Les Pratiques Oraculaires. Interventions royales et piété personnelle (V. Selve) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 79-90
Le Pays d'Agisymba. Chaînon clair-obscur (B. Diop) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 91-103
Voyage au Pays des Merveilles. Relectures autour du Conte du Naufragé (A. Anselin) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 105-140
Etude logique du Conte du Paysan (N. Dokoui-Cabrera, F. Silpa) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 141-152
Frogs in Ancient Egypt and Nubia (R. Lobban) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 153-167
Vers une identification des noms de la Mante Religieuse et de l'Araignee en égyptien ancien et en bantu (O. Ndigi) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 169-174
A brief note on a recent article a propos of Insects and Birds in ancient Egyptian Thought (J.R. Ogdon) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 175-178
Abeilles, serpents, défunts et renaissance.
Quelques points de comparison entre les Textes de l'Egypte ancienne et les Oralitures et Mythologies africaines (O. Pfouma), CCdE 7-8, 2005, 179-184
La identificación del rey Nip-juru-ri [-ya] (J. de la Torre Suárez) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 185-195
Some economical terms in the Amarna Letters (G. Gestoso Singer) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 197-205
Aegyptio-Afroasiatica XVII (G. Takács) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 207-235
Hommage à Hubert Curien (J. Péaud) CCdE 7-8, 2005, 237-239
Contribution de la biologie moléculaire du gène à l'étude du passé de l'humanité. Cas de l'Afrique ancienne et moderne (J.P. Gourdine) CCdE 9, 2006, 5-19
Le mots de la bière en égyptien ancien (A. Anselin) CCdE 9, 2006, 21-39
Retour sur un mythe basaa et un thème de l'art rupestre saharien (O. Ndigi) CCdE 9, 2006, 41-43
Mise en parallèle de deux systèmes graphiques antérieurs à l'écriture: la peinture rupestre franco-cantabrique et les peintures sur les vases Nagada I-II en Egypte (G. Graff), ... 45-57
Tarkhan, Tomb 412 (W. Grajetzki) CCdE 9, 2006, 59-67
Cheops, the Tyrant? (J.J. Castillos) CCdE 9, 2006, 69-74
Egypt in the East: the Egyptian presence in the Negev and local society during the Early Iron Age (J.M. Tebes) CCdE 9, 2006, 75-93
Neue Funde aus dem Nildelta (F. Gomaà, S. Hegazy) CCdE 9, 2006, 95-111
Heron. A poem for the Winter Solstice (T. du Quesne) CCdE 9, 2006, 113-115
Studies in Archaic Epigraphy XVI. On the earliest epithets of Anubis (J.R. Ogdon) CCdE 9, 2006, 117-124
La harpe et l'Horus aveugle. Notes sur les harpes égyptiennes et africaines (O. Pfouma) CCdE 9, 2006, 125-129
Translating wordplay in the eighth petition of the Eloquent Peasant: A new Interpretation (M. H. Beatty) CCdE 9, 2006, 131-141
La rhétorique dans le Conte du Paysan Eloquent ou le Maitre de Parole (N. Dokoui-Cabrera) CCdE 9, 2006, 143-153
Una aproximacion juridico-téorica al concepto de Maat: de Maat al Derecho consuetudinario (T. Soria Trastoy) CCdE 9, 2006, 155-160
La Barque, le Défunt et les Dieux (M. Nissire Sarr) CCdE 9, 2006, 161-168
Meritaton y Anjjeperura Neferneferuaton (J. de la Torre) CCdE 9, 2006, 169-173 (E. van den Brink) CCdE 10, 2007, 5-8
Ankhou (N. Dokoui-Cabrera, L. Labridy, J.-P. Gourdine, F. Silpa, A. Anselin) CCdE 10, 2007, 9-11
Ngok Lituba (O. Ndigi) CCdE 10, 2007, 13-16
La Estratificación Social en los Orígenes de Egipto (J.J. Castillos) CCdE 10, 2007, 17-28
Aegyptio-Graphica I. Note sur la valeur phonétique du hiéroglyphe du percnoptère ... translittéré /3/ (A. Anselin) CCdE 10, 2007, 29-41
Aegyptio-Graphica V. Un pluriel archaïque sur un vase Decorated du Naqada IIC (L. Labridy, F. Silpa) CCdE 10, 2007, 43-47 [+ PDF]
Ngok Lituba I. Mbénbén, le nom de la pierre sacrée en bati (Bantu A 530) (O. Ndigi, N. Ngo Ndjoke) CCdE 10, 2007, 49-54
Ngok Lituba II. Note introductive méthodologique au projet de fouilles archéologiques sur le site de Ngok Lituba (B. Gouem Gouem) CCdE 10, 2007, 55-56
Studies in Archaic Epigraphy, XVII. Further "On the Early Epithets of Anubis" (J. R. Ogdon) CCdE 10, 2007, 57-58
L'Avaleuse de Morts. Archéologie linguistique de la Vallée des Images (A. Anselin) CCdE 10, 2007, 59-97
Lecturas Egipcias de la Alteridad Asiatica (R. Flammini) CCdE 10, 2007, 99-116
La Bière et le Vin dans la pensée religieuse des Egyptiens de l'Antiquité (M. N. Sarr) CCdE 10, 2007, 117-124
El bebé de la Tumba Real de Amarna y otras cuestiones (J. de la Torre Suárez) CCdE 10, 2007, 125-138
Una Metodología de dudosa Aplicación al conocimiento de los procesos sociales en el Antiguo Egipto (T.Soria Trastoy) CCdE 10, 2007, 139-148
Catalogue d'étoiles peuplant le ciel méridionnal de l'Égypte ancienne (K. Gadré, S. Roques) CCdE 11, 2008, 5-14
Jefaturas, Elites y los Origenes de la estratificación social en Egipto (J.J. Castillos) CCdE 11, 2008, 15-18
Provenanced and unprovenanced potmarks from Tarkhan (L. Mawdsley) CCdE 11, 2008, 19-36
Signes sur poteries et enregistrement comptable en Égypte pré et protodynastique. L'exemple du signe des «bâtons brisés» (G. Bréand) CCdE 11, 2008, 37-81
L'intention phonétique III. Le potier et le scribe. Potmarks et powermarks prédynastiques: du côte des auteurs (A. Anselin)
CCdE 11, 2008, 83-102
Aegyptio-Graphica VIII. Description comparative de l'iconographie protodynastique
des Deux Lutteurs (L. Labridy, F. Silpa) CCdE 11, 2008, 103-106
Aegyptio-Graphica XII. Le hiéroglyphe E34 et le nom fossile du livre en égyptien (A. Anselin) CCdE 11, 2008, 107-117
Ngok Lituba III. Description comparée de deux powerfacts africains, le sceptre NKhKha du pharaon et le jày li b'mb'k basaa (O. Ndigi) CCdE 11, 2008, 119-124
Ngok Lituba IV. Les Basaa du Cameroun et l'Afrique de l'Est, perspectives d'étude génétique (J.-P.Gourdine) CCdE 11, 2008, 125-127
Egypto y sus periferias en el Levante durante la dinastia XVIII (G.N. Gestoso Singer) CCdE 11, 2008, 129-143
A new vizier of the Middle Kingdom: Amenenhat-ankh (W. Grajetzki) CCdE 11, 2008, 145-147
Une statue du dieu Anubis au village Al-Amria (Centre d'Al-Mahalla Al-Koubra) (A. Z. Al-Abedine) CCdE 11, 2008, 149-158
Nekhen News 3/ 1-2, 1987 Nekhen News Update .................... 2 | Nekhen News 9, 1997 The First Mummies? ........................................... 1 Excavations in the Predynastic Cemetery ....... 2 No Bones About It ............................................. 3 Hair: Unraveling the Secrets of the Locks ...... 4 Plant Macro-Remains from HK43 ..................... 5 Tombs Two .......................................................... 6 Recording the Dynastic Tombs ........................ 7 HK43: A Pictorial ................................................. 8 The Two Ladies of Hierakonpolis ..................... 9 CameraÉ Action! .................................................. 9 When Is A Potsherd Not A Potsherd? ........... 10 The Hierakonpolis Home Page ......................... 11 Hierakonpolis Centenary ................................... 12 New Discoveries at the Ashmolean ................. 13 The Ancient Egyptian View of Hierakonpolis..14 Membership .......................................................... 15 |
Nekhen News 10, 1998 Renée Friedman 1898-1998: Hierakonpolis Celebrates 100 Years ... 1 Hierakonpolis in Aswan ............................................... 2 Something Very Special in the Elite Cemetery .......... 3 More Mummies ............................................................. 4 Trauma at HK43 ............................................................ 6 Secrets of the Locks Unraveled .................................. 7 Giraffes in Ancient Egypt ............................................ 9 Artificial Pollination: Archaeobotanical Studies at HK43...... 11 Recovering the Secrets of the Tombs ....................... 12 Archaeology of Archaeologists ................................ 14 F. W. Green: A Family Profile ..................................... 15 Magnetic Survey at Hierakonpolis ............................ 17 Hierakonpolis Online .................................................... 18 Hierakonpolis in Cairo .................................................. 19 The Hierakonpolis Home Pages .................................. 20 The Narmer Palette: A Forgotten Member ................. 22 Membership .................................................................... 23 | Nekhen News 11, 1999 Too Much Stuff! ....................................... 3 More Surprises in HK6 ............................ 4 Pondering Paddy ...................................... 6 Concession Survey .................................. 7 Investigations in the Fort of Khasekhemwy .... 9 Pottery from the Hierakonpolis Fort .... 13 Relief Decoration at the Fort ................. 14 Magnetic Anomalies .............................. 15 Geophysical Survey ............................... 17 A Look at the Lower Tombs ................. 18 Artists in the Tomb of Hormose ........... 20 Tomb of Djehuty ..................................... 21 A Visitation .............................................. 21 An Artist in Hormose ............................. 22 The Painted Tomb at Hierakonpolis ..... 23 A Harmony in Black and Ochre ............ 24 Hierakonpolis Home Pages ................... 26 Membership ............................................ 27 | Nekhen News 12, 2000 Michael Hoffman 1945-1990 ................... 2 Getting it Together .................................. 3 Some Problems Solved ........................... 4 Picking up the Pieces .............................. 6 How Now, Large Cow? ........................... 8 Preliminary Report on Analyses of Human Remains ........ 9 Excavations at HK11 .............................. 11 Ceramic Nails ........................................... 13 Figures in Flint ........................................ 14 10N5W at Nekhen ................................... 15 From Chiefdom to Kingdom and Back.. 15 Color Pages .............................................. 16 What They Ate: Plant Remains From HK43..................... 19 Mapping the Fort and More .................. 20 The Dynastic Tombs ............................... 22 Artists in the Tomb of Hormose ............ 23 The Amazing Invisible Walls ................. 24 Another Look at the Lower Tombs ....... 25 Recarving the Narmer Palette ................. 26 Hierakonpolis in the Canary Islands...... 28 An Enigmatic Pot ..................................... 28 Hierakonpolis Home Page ....................... 30 Membership ............................................... 31 |
Nekhen News 13, 2001 Talesof the unexpected ......... 3 | Nekhen News 14, 2002 | Nekhen News 15, 2003 In Memoriam: DG Park ...................2 Questions and Answers ................3 Return to the Temple: Excavations at HK29A.............4 Surprise from the Sky .....................6 Gourmets or Priests? Fauna from the Predynastic Temple............6 Chaos and order: A predynastic "Ostracon" from HK29A .........................8 Excavating an elephant ...................9 A second Elephant at HK 6............11 What was the elephant wearing? ............12 The diet of the Captive Baboons ............13 Hunting the elusive Nubian A-group ... 14 Color pages.......................................16 A Basket of Delights: The 2003 Excavations at HK43 ... 18 A fragment Mixture: Botanicals from the Basket in B333 The case of the curious cones ..............21 Meeting Matty ........................................22 It's just Mat-tastic ...................................23 The lost tombs of F.W. Green ...............24 Health and life at HK 43 ..........................25 Not just another cut throat .....................26 Big Headaches in the Predynastic: Cranial Trauma/HK 43 Lifting a Basket .................................28 The Hierakonpolis Homepage ........29 Membership ...................................... 31 Back Cover Color ..............................32 |
Nekhen News 16, 2004 Cutting Edge Excavations ......... 3 Farewell to HK 43 ......... 4 Marley: the One everyone hopes to find ......... 6 He's got a knife! Burial 412 at HK43 ......... 8 Prestige and Skill - Fishtail knives in Predynastic Egypt ......... 9 A little more off the top ......... 11 Dealing with Decapitation diachronically ......... 13 Searching for the Temple Walls ......... 15 Color pages ......... 16 Predynastic kilns at HK11C: One side of the Story ...... 18 Kilns in Square A6: the other side of the Story ......... 19 More Mysteries... ......... 20 Close encounter with HK potters ......... 21 The Modern potters of Hierakonpolis ......... 22 Seeking the C-Group. Excavations in the Nubian Cemetery, 2003 ......... 24 Nobody can eat 30 eggs ......... 27 The Hierakonpolis homepage ......... 29 Fixing the Fort ......... 30 |
Nekhen News 17, 2005 Exceeding expectations ......... 3 |
Nekhen News 18, 2006 Hierakonpolis 2005/2006 ................................................... 2 |
Nekhen News 19, 2006 Hierakonpolis 2006-2007 ................................................. 2 | Nekhen News 20, 2007 Hierakonpolis 2008: A New View .....................................2 |
- L'archéologie Nubienne et Sudanaise: Passé,
Présent et Futur (J. Vercoutter), in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and
Africa, 1991, 1-4
- Relationships between the Central Nile Valley and the Eastern Sudan in Later
Prehistory (A. E. Marks), in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa, 1991, 30-39
- Trade Routes of the Ancient Sudan 3000 BC - AD 350 (P.L. Shinnie), in: W.V.
Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa, 1991, 49-53
- Burial Customs in the Upper Main Nile. An Overview (F. Geus), in: W.V. Davies
(ed.), Egypt and Africa, 1991, 57-73
- A prospectus for exploring the Historical Essence of Ancient Nubia (B.B.
Williams), in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa, 1991, 74-91
- The Development of the 'A-Group' culture in Northern Lower Nubia (H.S. Smith),
in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa, 1991, 92-111
- Upper Nubia from 3000 BC to 1000 AD (C. Bonnet), in: W.V. Davies (ed.),
Egypt and Africa, 1991, 112-117
- The Stone Vase Deposit at Kerma (P. Lacovara), in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt
and Africa, 1991, 118-128
- Early States along the Nubian Nile (D. O'Connor), in: W.V. Davies (ed.),
Egypt and Africa, 1991, 145-165
- Preface and Short Introduction to the Nile Delta in Transition:
4th - 3rd Millennium BC (E.C.M. van den Brink), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.),
The Nile Delta in Transition; 4th - 3rd Millennium BC, 1992, vi-vii
- Excavations at Tell el-Fara'in/Buto in 1987-1989 (T. Von Der Way), in: E.C.M.
van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 1-10
- The Pre- and Early Dynastic Pottery of Tell el-Fara'in/Buto (C.E. Köhler),
in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 11-22
- Archaische Siegel und Siegelabrollungen aus dem Delta: Die Arbeit an den Siegeln
von Buto (P. Kaplony), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition,
1992, 23-30
- Tell el-Fara'in/Buto and el-Tall el-Iswid (south): The Lithic industries from
the Chalcolithic to the Early Old Kingdom (K. Schmidt), in: E. van den Brink
(ed.), The Nile..., 1992, 31-42
- Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tell Ibrahim Awad, Seasons 1988-1990
(E.C.M. van den brink), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition,
1992, 43-68
- A Temple of the Early Middle Kingdom at Tell Ibrahim Awad (D. Eigner), in:
E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 69-78
- Tell Ibrahim Awad: A Preliminary Report on the Lithic Industries (K. Schmidt),
in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 79-96
- Weitere Tierknochenfunde vom Tell Ibrahim Awad im östlichen Nildelta
J. Boessneck, A. von Driesch), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta
in Transition, 1992, 97-110
- The Archaeobotanical Remains from Tell Ibrahim Awad, Seasons 1988-1989 (G.-J.
de Roller), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992,
- Plant-Food Remains at Tell Ibrahim Awad: Preliminary Report (season 1990),
in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 117-122
- Palynological Investigations of the Ibrahim Awad Deposits (Northeastern Nile
Delta): preliminary Report (S. Bottema), in: E.C. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile
Delta..., 1992, 123-126
- Tombs of the Elite in Minshat Abu Omar (K. Kroeper), in: E.C.M. van den Brink
(ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 127-150
- Again on the Earliest Settlement at Minshat Abu Omar (L. Krzyzaniak), in:
E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 151-156
- Enviromental Conditions for Early Settlement at Minshat Abu Omar, Eastern
Nile Delta, Egypt (W. Andres, J. Wunderlich), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.),
The Nile..., 1992, 157-166
- Plant Remains from Minshat Abu Omar: First Impressions (U. Thanheiser), in:
E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 167-170
- The Nile Delta in Transition: a View from Tell el-Farkha (M. Chlodnicki, R.
Fattovich, S. Salvatori), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in
Transition, 1992, 171-190
- Transitional Late Predynastic - Early Dinastic occupation at Mendes: A Preliminary
Report (D.J. Brewer, R.J. Wenke), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta...,
1992, 191-198
- The Early Dynastic and Transitional Pottery at Mendes. The 1990 Season (R.F.
Friedman), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992,
- A Report on the Excavations of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization at Beni
Amir and El-Masha'la... (M.A. El-Hagg Ragab), in: E.C. van den Brink (ed.),
The Nile..., 1992, 207-214
- The Excavations of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization at Ezbet Hassan Dawud
(Wadi Tumilat) (M.S. El-Hangary), in: E. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta
in..., 1992, 215-216
- Predynastic Cultures of Lower Egypt: the Desert and the Nile (I. Caneva),
in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 217-224
- Burial Customs in Predynastic Egypt: a View from the Delta (J. Seeher), in:
E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 225-234
- The Trend of the Maadi Culture and the Foundation of Egyptian Civilization
(I. Rizkana), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition,
1992, 235-240
- A Statistical Analysis of the Protodynastic Burials in the "Valley"
Cemetery of Kafr Tarkhan (C. Ellis), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile
Delta in Transition, 1992, 241-258
- The Geological History of the Nile Delta (R. Said), in: E.C.M. van den Brink
(ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 259-268
- Geoelectric Resistivity Contribution to the Mode of Occurrence of Sand Islets
"Turtle Backs" in the Nile Delta (M.M. El-Gamili, A.Gh. Hassanien,
A.E. El-Mahmoudi), ibid., 269-288
- Comparison of Palaeoenvironmental Data from Neolithic and Early Dynastic Sites
of Upper Egypt, the Fayum and the Nile Delta (Abs.) (H. De Wit, M. Pawlikowski),
ibid., 289-292
- Recent Discoveries in the U- Cemetery at Abydos (G. Dreyer), in: E.C.M. van
den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 293-300
- The Evidence and Nature of Contacts between Upper and Lower Egypt during the
Predynastic: A View from Upper Egypt (D.L. Holmes), in: E. van den Brink (ed.),
..., 1992, 301-316
- Imports and Influences in the Predynastic and Protodynastic Settlement and
Funerary Assemblages at Hierakonpolis (B. Adams, R.F. Friedman), ibid., 1992,
- Means of Transport in Neolithic Egypt (M. El-Alfi), in: E.C.M. van den Brink
(ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 339-344
- Radiocarbon Chronology of the Beersheva Culture and Predynastic Egypt (T.E.
Levy), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 345-356
- The Correlation between Lower Egypt and Southern Canaan during the Early Bronze
I Period (R. Amiran, R. Gophna), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta...,
1992, 357-360
- Taur Ikhbeineh - Earliest Evidence for Egyptian Interconnections (E. Oren,
Y. Yekutieli, et al.), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition,
1992, 361-384
- The Contacts between 'En Besor Oasis, Southern Canaan, and Egypt during the
Late Predynastic and the Threshold of the First Dynasty... (R. Gophna), ibid.,
1992, 385-394
- Still More Egyptian Seal Impressions from 'En Besor (A.R. Schulman), in: E.C.M.
van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, 1992, 395-418
- Reflections on the Role of the Egyptians in the Shefelah of Palestine in the
light of recent Soundings at Tel Erani (A. Kempinski), in: E.C.M. van den Brink
(ed.), The Nile..., 419-426
- Petrie's F-Ware (R. Amiran), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta
in Transition, 1992, 427-432
- An Egyptian Colony in Southern Palestine during Late Predynastic/ Early Dynastic
Period (N. Porat), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition,
1992, 433-440
- Evidence for Egyptian Colonization of the Southern Coastal Plain and Lowlands
of Canaan during the Early Bronze I Period (B. Brandl), in: E.C.M. van den Brink
(ed.), 1992, 441-476
- Three Questions for the Archaeologist (W.Y. Adams), in: R.
Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael
Allen Hoffman 1944-1990, 1992, 1-6
- On Ethnographic Analogies (C.E. Guksch), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.),
The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 1944-1990,
1992, 7-10
- Michael Allen Hoffman in Cairo: Home at Garden City House (G. Scarzella),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated
to..., 1992, 11-14
- Wadi and Desert Settlement at Predynastic Hierakonpolis (F. Harlan), in: R.
Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 15-18
- From Prehistory to History. Beer in Egypt (J. Geller), in: R. Friedman, B.
Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 19-26
- Beyond Nutrition: Antibiotics produced through Grain Storage Practices, Their
Recognition and Implications for the Egyptian Predynastic (J.O. Mills), ibid.,
1992, 27-36
- Chipped Stone-Working Craftsmen, Hierakonpolis and the Rise of Civilization
in Egypt (D.L. Holmes), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 37-44
- Predynastic Egyptian Finewares: Insights into the Ceramic Industry (H. Hamroush,
M. Lockhart, R. Allen), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 45-52
- Preliminary Observations on the Mammalian Fauna from Predynastic Localities
at Hierakonpolis (J.E. McArdle), in: Friedman, Adams (eds.), The Followers of
Horus, 1992, 53-56
- The Development of Civilization in Egypt and South Asia. A Hoffman-Fairservis
Dialectic (W.A. Fairservis Jr), in: Friedman, Adams (eds.),
The Followers of Horus, 1992, 57-64
- The Sequence of the Artist's Strokes on a Sherd from Hierakonpolis (M. Trad),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 65-68
- Two More Lions from Upper Egypt: Hierakonpolis and Koptos (B. Adams), in:
R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 69-76
- Hierakonpolis Ivories in Oxford. A Progress Report (H. Whitehouse), in: R.
Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 77-82
- The Status of Early Egyptian Temples: An Alternative Theory (D. O'Connor),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 83-98
- Pebbles, Pots and Petroglyphs. Excavations at HK64 (R. Friedman), in: R. Friedman,
B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 99-106
- Predynastic Animal-headed Boats from Hierakonpolis and Southern Egypt (M.A.
Berger), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992,
- The Cenozoic Rivers of Egypt: The Nile Problem (B. Issawi, J.F. McCauley),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 121-138
- Late Pleistocene Human Occupation of the Suez Rift, Egypt: A Key to Landform
Development and Climatic Regime (S.L. Gawarecki, S.K. Perry), ibid., 1992, 139-146
- Dating the Earliest Central Sudan Rock Art: Archaeological and Linguistic
Data (A. Muzzolini), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 147-154
- Early Neolithic Food-Economies in the Eastern Sahara (F. Wendorf, A.E. Close),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 155-162
- Predynastic Hearths in Upper Egypt (P. Vermeersch, E. Paulissen, D. Huyge,
K. Neumann, W. Van Neer, P. Van Peer), in: Friedman, Adams (eds.), The Followers...,
1992, 163-172
- Carbon-14 Dates from El Omari (B. Mortensen), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.),
The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 173-174
- The Neolithic - Predynastic Transition in the Fayum Depression (R.J. Wenke,
D.J. Brewer), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992,
- Predynastic Chronology at Naqada (J. Crowfoot Payne), in: R. Friedman, B.
Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 185-192
- Misuring Social Inequality at Armant (W.A. Griswold), in: R. Friedman, B.
Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 193-198
- The Predynastic Cemeteries at Khozam (S. Hendrickx), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams
(eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 199-202
- Another Predynastic Pot with Forged Decoration (C. Lupton), in: R. Friedman,
B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 203-206
- Two Ivory Boxes from Early Dynastic Graves in Minshat Abu Omar (K. Kroeper,
L. Krzyzaniak), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 207-214
- Indications of Architecture with Niches at Buto (T. von der Way), in: R. Friedman,
B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 217-226
- The Eastern Desert and Egyptian Prehistory (J. Majer), in: R. Friedman, B.
Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 227-234
- The Making of Egypt: A review of the influence of Susa and Sumer on Upper
Egypt and Lower Nubia in the 4th millennium B.C. (H.S. Smith), in: Friedman,
Adams (eds.), 1992, 235-246
- La composition, le sens et la symbolique des scènes zoomorphes prédynastiques
en relief. Les manches de couteaux (K.M. Cialowicz), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams
(eds.), 1992, 247-258
- Horus Krokodil, ein Gegenkönig der Dynastie 0 (G. Dreyer), in: R. Friedman,
B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 259-264
- Corpus and Numerical Evaluation of the "Thinite" Potmarks (E.C.M.
van den Brink), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 265-296
- Origins of Egyptian Writing (K.A. Bard), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.),
The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 297-306
- Primeval Goddess to Divine King. The Mythogenesis of Power in the Early Egyptian
State (F.A. Hassan), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 307-322
- Notes on Egyptian Weeds of Antiquity: 1. Min's Lettuce and the Naqada Plant
(M.N. El-Hadidi), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 323-326
- Burial with an Unusual Plaster Mask in the Western Cemetery of Khufu's Pyramid
(Z.A. Hawass), in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus...,
1992, 327-336
- Once Again the Date of the New Kingdom Pylon at Edfu (W.J. Murnane, F.J. Yurko),
in: R. Friedman, B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 337-346
- Hot Antiquities: UNESCO, Egypt and the U.S. (R.C. Snashall Jr), in: R. Friedman,
B. Adams (eds.), The Followers of Horus..., 1992, 347-356
- Elite Tombs at Hierakonpolis (B. Adams), in: A.J. Spencer
(ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 1-15
- The Ceremonial Centre at Hierakonpolis Locality HK29A (R. Friedman), in: A.J.
Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 16-35
- The Relative Chronology of the Naqada Culture: Problems and Possibilities
(S. Hendrickx), in: A.J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 36-69
- Minshat Abu Omar - Burials with palettes (K. Kroeper), in: A.J. Spencer (ed.),
Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 70-92
- The Predynastic site of Adaima: Settlement and Cemetery (B. Midant-Reynes,
N. Buchez, E. Crubezy, T. Janin), in: A.J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt,
1996, 93-97
- Imported pottery with potmarks from Abydos (N. Porat, B. Adams), in: A.J.
Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 98-107
- Town and State in the Early Old Kingdom. A View from Elephantine (S.J. Seidlmayer),
in: A.J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 108-127
- A Report on the Analysis of the contents of a cache of jars from the tomb
of Djer (M. Serpico, R. White), in: A.J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt,
1996, 128-139
- The incised serekh-signs of Dynasties 0-1, Part I: complete vessels (E. van
den Brink), in: A.J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt, 1996, 140-158
- Social complexity and cultural contacts in Northeastern Africa
between 3000 and 1000 B.C.: a provisional model (A. Manzo), in: L. Krzyzaniak,
K. Kroeper, M. Kobusiewicz (eds.), Interregional contacts in the Later Prehistory
of Northeastern Africa, 1996, 15-27
- The Near Eastern connection II: cultural contacts with the Nile Delta and
the Sahara (A.B. Smith), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996,
- Cultural areas and interregional relations: the case of the Egyptian and Libyan
theriomorphs (J.L. Le Quellec), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 51-59
- Farafra Oasis between the Sahara and the Nile (B. Barich, F.H. Hassan, A.A.
Stoppiello), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 71-79
- Between the Oases and the Nile - Djara: Rohlf's Cave in the Western Desert
(R. Kuper), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 81-91
- Relations between Dakhleh Oasis and the Nile Valley in the Mid-Holocene: a
discussion (M.M.A. McDonald), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ...
1996, 93-99
- Architecture of Early Neolithic huts at Nabta Playa (R. Schild, H. Krolik,
F. Wendorf, A.E. Close), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996,
- The Late Neolithic of the Gilf Kebir: evolution and relations (W. Schön),
in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 115-123
- A Late Neolithic megalith complex in the Eastern Sahara: a preliminary report
(F. Wendorf, R. Schild, N. Zedeno), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 125-132
- Imports and imitations in Predynastic funerary contexts at Hierakonpolis (B.
Adams), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 133-143
- The Predynastic site of Halfiah Gibli, Upper Egypt, and interconnections within
the Nagada network (K.A. Bard), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 145-149
- Expressions of social status: a statistical approach to the Late Predynastic/Early
Dynastic cemeteries of Kafr Tarkhan (C. Ellis), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz
(eds.), 151-164
- Raw material procurement in the Tarifian and in the Naqada Culture: a case
study from the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt (B. Ginter, J.K. Kozlowski, M. Pawlikowski),
ibid., 165-179
- Recent investigations in the Badarian region (Middle Egypt) (D.L. Holmes),
in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 181-191
- Lithic assemblages from Hierakonpolis and the interregional relations in predynastic
Egypt (D.L. Holmas), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996,
- Analysis of Naqada Predynastic Crania: a brief report (S.O.Y. Keita), in:
Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 203-213
- Evidence for interregional contacts between Late Prehistoric Lower and Upper
Egypt: a view from Buto (E.C. Köhler), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz
(eds.), ... 1996, 215-225
- Human biological variation at Nagada: an analysis of dental morphological
traits (N.C. Lovell, A.L. Johnson), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 227-236
- The Predynastic site of Adaima (Upper Egypt) (B. Midant-Reynes), in: Krzyzaniak,
Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 237-240
- Late Predynastic - Early Dynastic cemetery of Beni Amir (Eastern Delta) (M.A.M.
Abd el-Moneim), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 241-251
- Late Predynastic - Early Dynastic mound of Beni Amir (Eastern Delta) (M.A.M.
Abd el-Moneim), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 253-275
- Protodynastic excavations at Tell Hassan Dawud (Eastern Delta) (M.I. Bakr,
M.A.M. Abd el-Moneim, M.O.M. Selim), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 277-278
- Local crop production versus import of cereals in the Predynastic period in
the Nile Delta (U. Thanheiser), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 291-302
- Survey in Northwestern Sinai (I. Caneva), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz
(eds.), ... 1996, 303-309
- Observations in the earliest phase of relations between Egypt and Canaan during
the Early Bronze Age (R. Gophna), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.),
... 1996, 311-314
- Post Shaheinab Neolithic remains at Geili (I. Caneva), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper,
Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996, 315-320
- Contacts between the Nubian "A-Groups" and Predynastic Egypt (M.C.
Gatto, F. Tiraterra), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), ... 1996,
- The Afro-Arabian circuit: contacts between the Horn of Africa and Southern
Arabia in the 3rd-2nd millennia B.C. (R. Fattovich), in: Krzyzaniak, Kroeper,
Kobusiewicz (eds), 395-402
- Considerations on the "Analythical Bibliography of the Prehistory and
the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan" (S. Hendrickx),
ibid., 1996, 409-417
- Aegypto-Aegean relations up to the 2nd millennium B.C. (J. Phillips), in:
Krzyzaniak, Kroeper, Kobusiewicz (eds.), Interregional contacts in the Later
Prehistory of ... 1996, 459-470
- Die Reliefdekoration des Chasechemui aus dem sogenannten
Fort in Hierakonpolis (N. Alexanian), in: Grimal (ed.), Les Critères
de Datation Stilistiques à l'Ancien Empire, 1998, 1-30
- A propos des critères iconographiques établis par Nadine Cherpion
(M. Baud), in: N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères de Datation Stilistiques
à l'Ancien Empire, 1998, 31-95
- La statuaire privée d'Ancien Empire: indices de datation (N. Cherpion),
in: N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères de Datation Stilistiques à l'Ancien
Empire, 1998, 97-142
- Rayal Women as Represented in Sculpture during the Old Kingdom (B. Fay), in:
N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères de Datation Stilistiques à l'Ancien
Empire, 1998, 159-186
- Non-Royal Pre-Canonical Statuary (M. Eaton-Krauss), in: N. Grimal (ed.), Les
Critères de Datation Stilistiques à l'Ancien Empire, 1998, 209-225
- Concordances et écarts entre statuaire et représentations à
deux dimensions des particuliers de l'epoque archaique (H. Sourouzian), in:
N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères..., 1998, 305-352
- Formale Kriterien zur Datierung der königlichen Plastik der 4. Dynastie
(R. Stadelmann), in: N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères de Datation Stilistiques
à l'Ancien Empire, 1998, 353-387
- Technologische Bemerkungen zur Kunst des Alten Reiches. Neue Fakten zu den
Ersatzköpfen (D. Wildung), in: N. Grimal (ed.), Les Critères de
Datation Stilistiques..., 1998, 399-406
- Der erste König der 3. Dynastie (G. Dreyer), in: H. Guksch, D. Polz (eds.), Stationen. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens. R. Stadelmann gewidmet, 1998, 31-34
- The Topography of Heliopolis and Memphis: Some Cognitive Aspects (D. Jeffreys), ibid., 63-71
- Zur Enstehung der Mastaba des Alten Reiches (W. Kaiser), ibid., 73-86
- The interpretation of the Old Kingdom Pyramid Complex (D. O'Connor), ibid., 135-144
- Pyramid Construction. New Evidence Discovered at Giza (Z. Hawass), ibid., 53-62 (on file)
- Il più antico Egitto. Cambiamenti ambientali e origine
delle società tra il 20.000 e il 6000 bp (B.E. Barich), in: A.M. Donadoni
Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet..., 1998, 19-22
- Il predinastico: le attuali conoscenze (B. Adams), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 23-30
- Rapporti tra l'Egitto preistorico e le altre culture (I. Caneva), in: A.M.
Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998,
- L'Egitto dalla preistoria alla protostoria (A.J. Spencer), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 35-38
- L'Egitto come stato unitario (F.A. Hassan), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti
(eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 39-46
- Lo stato faraonico (P. Piacentini), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti
(eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 47-52
- La nascita della scrittura (IV e III millennio) (A. Roccati), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 53-60
- La storiografia (S. Pernigotti), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.),
Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 61-64
- La religione e i Testi delle Piramidi (S. Donadoni), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 65-70
- L'arte dell'Antico Regno (D. Wildung), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti
(eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 71-76
- L'architettura dell'Antico Egitto (S. Curto), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F.
Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 77-86
- La più antica letteratura egizia (E. Bresciani), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 87-92
- La grotta dello Uadi el-Obeiyid a Farafra (B.E. Barich), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 93-94
- Il Delta (R. Fattovich), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet.
Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 95-96
- Sviluppi culturali nella Depressione del Fayum (B.E. Barich), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 97-100
- Naqada (R. Pirelli), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet.
Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 101-106
- Il sito di el-Adaima (Alto Egitto) (B. Midant-Reynes, N. Buchez, E. Crubezy,
T. Janin), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti
del Tempo, 1998, 107-112
- Gebelein: dall'età preistorica alla fine dell'Antico Regno (A.M. Donadoni
Roveri), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti
del Tempo, 1998, 113-116
- Ieraconpoli (B. Adams), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet.
Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 117-120
- Menfi (S. Seidlmayer), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri, F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet.
Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 121-124
- Eliopoli, "la culla di tutti gli dei (E. Leospo), in: A.M. Donadoni-Roveri,
F. Tiradritti (eds.), Kemet. Alle sorgenti del Tempo, 1998, 125-127
- Catalogo (p. 130-307) della Mostra "Kemet: alle sorgenti del tempo. L'Antico
Egitto dalla preistoria alle piramidi", Ravenna Museo Nazionale, 1°
Marzo-28 Giugno 1998 (320 oggetti)
- Foreword (Renée Friedman), in: R. Friedman (ed.), Egypt and Nubia. Gifts of the Desert, 2002, xiii-xv
- Routes and Roots in Egypt's Western Desert: the Early Holocene Resettlement of the Eastern Sahara (R.Kuper), in: R. Friedman (ed.), Egypt and Nubia. Gifts of the Desert, 2002, 1-12
- Implications of Incipient Social Complexity in the Late Neolithic in the Egyptian Sahara (F. Wendorf, R. Schild), ibid., 2002, 13-20
- Palaeo-ecologic and Palaeo-climatic Background to Socio-economic Changes (R. Schild, F. Wendorf), ibid., 2002, 21-27
- Human Responses to Holocene Environmental Changes in the Northern Dongola Reach of the Nile, Sudan (D.A. Welsby, M.G. Macklin, J.C. Woodward), ibid., 2002, 28-38
- Early Mid-Holocene Ceramics from the Dakhleh Oasis: Traditions and Influences (C.A. Hope), ibid., 2002, 39-61
- Early Mid-Holocene Ceramics from the Dakhleh Oasis: Macroscopic, Petrographic and Technological Descriptions (M.A.J. Eccleston), ibid., 2002, 62-73
- Another Old Kingdom Site in the Dakhleh Oasis (A.J. Mills), ibid., 2002, 74-78
- Policing the Desert: Old Kingdom Activity around the Dakhleh Oasis (O.E. Kaper, H. Willems, with appendix by M.M.A. McDonald), ibid., 2002, 79-94
- Oases Amphorae of the New Kingdom (C.A. Hope, with contributions by M. Eccleston, P. Rose, J. Bourriau), ibid., 2002, 95-131
- Opening the Narrow Doors of the Desert: Discoveries of the Theban Desert Road Survey (J.C. Darnell, with assistance of D. Darnell), ibid., 2002, 132-155
- Gravel of the Desert and Broken Pots in the Road: Ceramic Evidence from the Routes between the Nile and Kharga Oasis (D. Darnell), ibid., 2002, 156-177
- A 'Tasian' Tomb in Egypt's Eastern Desert (R. Friedman, J.J. Hobbs), ibid., 2002, 178-191
- Cosmology, Ideology and Personal Religious Practice in Ancient Egyptian Rock Art (D. Huyge), ibid., 2002, 192-206
- The Deserts and the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Upper Egyptian Nomes during the Middle kingdom (S.H. Aufrère), ibid., 2002, 207-214
- Ancient Gold Mining in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Nubian Desert of Sudan (D.D. Klemm, R. Klemm, A. Murr), ibid., 2002, 215-231
- Pharaonic Stone Quarries in the Egyptian Deserts (J.A. Harrell), ibid., 2002, 232-243
- Life on the Edge: Gemstones, Politics and Stress in the Deserts of Egypt and Nubia (I. Shaw), ibid., 2002, 244-251
- On the Antiquities of the Eastern Desert (J.J. Hobbs), ibid., 2002, 252-255
- Color Plates
- Interaction Models, Egypt and the Levantine Periphery (T.E.
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C. KÖHLER. Craft and craft specialisation. Introduction ..... p. 3
M. BABA. Pottery-making tools: Worked sherds from HK11C
Square B4, Hierakonpolis . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F. BRIOIS & B. MIDANT-REYNES. Lithic industries from
Adaima. Between farmers and craftmen . . . . . . . 21
K. CICHOWSKI. The brewery complex from Tell el-Farkha.
Archaeological aspects of the discovery . . . . . . . 33
WETERING, D. SHARP & B. CALCOEN. A preliminary report on
the pottery from the protodynastic to Early Dynastic cemetery
at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt... 41
S. HENDRICKX. Rough ware as an element of symbolism and craft
specialisation at Hierakonpolis’ elite cemetery HK6 . . . 61
C. HOCHSTRASSER-PETIT. Artefacts made of vegetal fibres from
Adaima, Upper Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
J. JONES. Pre- and Early Dynastic textiles: technology, specialisation
and administration during the process of state formation ... 99
M.A. JUCHA. The corpus of “potmarks” from the graves at
Tell el-Farkha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
J.C. SMYTHE. New results from a second storage tomb at Helwan.
Implications for the Naqada III period in the memphite
region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
I. H. TAKAMIYA. Firing installations and specialization: A view
from recent excavations at Hierakonpolis Locality 11C. . . 187
CALCOEN. Corpus of potmarks from the Protodynastic to Early
Dynastic cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat,
East Delta, Egypt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 [also on PDF]
E. C.M. VAN DEN BRINK. . . . . . 237
J.C. ROSE & É. CRUBÉZY. Physical anthropology. Introduction .... 243
E.K. BATEY. Paleodemography in Predynastic Upper Egypt:
investigations of the working-class cemetery at Hierakonpolis ... 249
C. COUDRAY, E. GUITARD, F. EL-CHENNAWI & J.M. DUGOUJON. Study of GM immunoglobulin allotypes in
Egyptian Berbers (Siwa Oasis) . . . . . . . . . . 265
human occupations of the Nile valley: anthropological and cultural
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
predynastic cemetery at Adaima (Upper Egypt). General presentation
and implications for the populations of Predynastic
Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
S.P. DOUGHERTY & R.F. FRIEDMAN. Sacred or mundane:
scalping and decapitation at Predynastic Hierakonpolis ... 311
A. HUARD. Reassessing age at death through tooth wear using
the population at HK43. . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
M. ZABECKI. Work Levels of a Predynastic Egyptian Population
from Hierakonpolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
S.R. ZAKRZEWSKI. Assessing the potential for dietary reconstruction
from skeletal and isotopic data . . . . . . . . . 371
M. DE DAPPER. Geoarchaeology and environmental sciences.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
A. EMERY-BARBIER. Contribution of palynology and phytolithology
to the study of Adaima’s graves. . . . . . . . . 391
A.G. El-Din FAHMY. Analysis of mummies’ gut contents
from Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Egypt (3750-3300 BC) . . 419
L. KUBIAK-MARTENS & J.J. LANGER. Predynastic beer brewing
as suggested by botanical and physicochemical evidence
from Tell el-Farkha, Eastern Delta . . . . . . 427
G. LUCARINI. Harvesting techniques in the Late Neolithic and
Predynastic Egypt — Contributions from experimental archaeology
and ethnography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Human occupation of the Nile Delta during Pre- and Early
Dynastic Times. A view from Kom el-Khilgan. . . . . . 463
U. HARTUNG. Interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
M. CHLODNICKI. Trade and exchange in the Predynastic and
Early Dynastic period in the Eastern Nile Delta. . . . . 489
K.M. CIALOWICZ. The nature of the relation between Lower
and Upper Egypt in the Protodynastic Period. A view from Tell
el-Farkha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
E.C. KÖHLER. The interaction between and the roles of
Upper and Lower Egypt in the formation of the Egyptian state.
Another review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
A. STEVENSON. Ethnicity and migration? The cemetery of el-
Gerzeh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
H. RIEMER. Interactions between the desert and the Nile valley.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
B.E. BARICH & G. LUCARINI. The Nile Valley seen from
the oases. The contribution of Farafra . . . . . . . . 569
H. BERKE. El Kharafish. A Sheikh Muftah desert camp site
between the Oasis and the Nile . . . . . . . . . 585
H. RIEMER & K. KINDERMANN. Contacts between the Oasis
and the Nile: A résumé of the Abu Muhariq Plateau Survey
1995-2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
E.C.M VAN DEN BRINK & E. BRAUN. Foreign relations. Introduction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
E. BRAUN & E.C.M VAN DEN BRINK. Appraising South
Levantine-Egyptian interaction: recent discoveries from Israel
and Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
M. CAMPAGNO. Ethnicity and changing relationships between
Egyptians and South Levantines during the Early Dynastic
Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
F. GUYOT. The origins of the “Naqadan Expansion” and the
interregional exchange mechanisms between Lower Nubia,
Upper and Lower Egypt, the South Levant and North Syria
during the first half of the 4th millennium B.C. . . . . . 707
J. L. LOVELL. Horticulture, status and long-range trade in Chalcolithic
Southern Levant: early connections with Egypt . . . 741
A. MACZYNSKA. Some remarks on Egyptian-Southern
Levantine interrelations in the first half of 4th Millennium BC. .... 763
U. SIEVERTSEN. Niched architecture in Early Mesopotamia and
Early Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Y. YEKUTIELI. Symbols in action — The Megiddo graffiti reassessed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
J. BAINES. Birth of writing and kingship. Introduction . . . 841
A. ANSELIN. Signes et mots des nombres en égyptien ancien.
Quelques éléments d’analyse et de réflexion . . . . . . 851
J. CERVELLO-AUTUORI. The thinite “royal lists”: typology and
meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
L. McNAMARA. The revetted mound at Hierakonpolis and early
kingship: a re-interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . 901
L. MORENZ. Fest-Schreibungen von Gender im Herausbildungsprozeß
der Hieroglyphenschrift . . . . . . . . . . 937
I. RÉGEN. Tomb and mat. Paleographical and archeological
approach of a burial practice through the case of the word js ..... 975
I. REGULSKI. The origin of writing in relation to the emergence
of the Egyptian state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
R. SHALOMI-HEN. Kings as gods in the Early Egyptian writing
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
D. WENGROW. Limits of decipherment: object biographies and
the invention of writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
K.M. CIALOWICZ. Cult, ideology and social complexity.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
B. ANDELKOVIC. Parameters of statehood in Predynastic
Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
N. BADUEL. Tegumentary paint and cosmetic palettes in Predynastic
Egypt. Impact of those artefacts on the birth of the
monarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
L. BESTOCK. The evolution of royal ideology: new discoveries
from the reign of Aha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
J. DEBOWSKA. Burial custom and political status of local
societies. A view from Tell el-Farkha . . . . . . . . 1107
A. JIMÉNEZ SERRANO. The origin of the state and the unification:
two different concepts in the same context . . . . 1119
A. PÉREZ LARGACHA. The Egyptian desert and the origin of
pharaonic conception . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
S.G. EL-BAGHDADI. The Protodynastic and Early Dynastic
necropolis of Tell el-Daba’a (El-Qanan) and Tell El-Samara
(El-Dakahlia province, Northeast Delta) . . . . 1151
R.F. FRIEDMAN. Excavating Egypt’s early kings: Recent discoveries
in the elite cemetery at Hierakonpolis . . . . . 1157
U. HARTUNG. Recent investigations at Tell el-Fara‘in/Buto . . 1195
P. KOLODZIEJCZYK. Architectonic constructions from the Western
Kom at Tell el-Farkha (Nile Delta). Some remarks . . . . 1221
C. LORRE. La collection préhistorique égyptienne du musée
d’Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France . . 1231
Jean-Löic Le Quellec publications on Sahara Rock-Art and related topics [all available in PDF, on-line here: ]:
2009: [J. d'Huy] Du Sahara au Nil: la faible représentation d’animaux dangereux
dans l’art rupestre du désert Libyque pourrait être liée à la crainte de leur animation. CAARS 13, 85-98
2009: À propos du nom donné à quatre styles de peinture rupestre
au Sahara central. CAARS 13, 2009, 183-88
2009: [with B. Poissonnier and A. Livingstone-Smith] Une nouvelle meule ornée au Messak (Libye). Sahara 20, 2009, 187-190
2009-a. Art rupestre, patrimoine archéologique et industrie pétrolière au Sahara. In: Colloque Unesco, Les Eyzies, Déc. 2008, 6 p. (in print)
2008-m. "Chasseurs" et "Pasteurs" au Sahara Central: les "Chasseurs archaïques" Chassés du Paradigme. In: Palethnologie. 2008:1, 401-409
2008-l. Arts rupestres: la thèse culturaliste. Beaux-Arts Magazine. Hors série « La vie des hommes de la préhistoire », 88-90
2008-k. Can one 'read' rock art? An Egyptian Example. In Paul Taylor (ed.) Iconography without Texts, London, Warburg Institue (Warburg Institue Colloquia 13), 25-42
2008-j. Du neuf avec de l'ancien: à propos des gravures et inscriptions du monument d'Abalessa. Sahara 19: 178-183
2008-i. A propos des molettes zoomorphes du Sahara central. Sahara 19: 39-60
2008-h. En suivant Monsieur Akha (ou Agha) de la Tadrart au Messak. Les Cahiers de l'AARS 12: 191-195
2008-g. L'exploration saharienne de Félix Dubois en 1907. Les Cahiers de l'AARS 12: 161-169
2008-f. [with A. Gallin]. Les ensembles céramiques du Bassin de Murzuq: une contribution de l'archéologie préventive à la connaissance du Messak. Les Cahiers de l'AARS 12: 71-88
2008-e [with D. Huyge]. Rock art research in Egypt, 2000-2004. In: Paul G. Bahn, Nathalie Franklin & Matthias Strecker [eds], News of the World III, 89-96
2008-d. What's New in the Sahara ? 2000-2004. In: Paul G. Bahn, Nathalie Franklin & Matthias Strecker [eds], News of the World III, 52-88
2008-c. Per le pitture rupestri si apre una nuova Era. Quaderni Darwin 26: 63-67
2008-b. La "pipolisation" de l'information et son "empreinte" sur la préhistoire du Sahara. Le Saharien 184-45-47
2008-a. From co-occurrence to association. Rock Art Research 25 (1): 119-121
2007-d. À propos d'un site de la Tadrart algérienne: récurrence d'une association image-inscription. Les Cahiers de l'AARS 11: 125-136
2007-c. Perceptions et attentes dans les études d'art rupestre. Les Cahiers de l'AARS 11: 113-124
2007-b. L'abbé Breuil et la Dame blanche du Brandberg. Naissance et postérité d'un mythe. Les Nouvelles de l'Archéologie 106 (4): 21-28
2007-a. Ni hommes, ni animaux: les théranthropes. Un aliment pour l'esprit ? In: Jean-Pierre Poulain [dir.], L'Homme, le mangeur, l'animal... Cahiers de l'OCHA 12 (2007): 58-77
2006-l. Rock art and cultural responses to climatic changes in the Central Sahara.... In: P. C. Reddy [ed.], Exploring the Mind of Ancient Man (FS R. Bednarik), New Delhi, 173-188
2006-k. Egypte: un art rupestre inconnu au Sahara (entretien avec Romain Pigeaud). Archéologia 441: 50-62
2006-j. Le Sahara avant les pharaons (entretien avec Fabrice Nicolino). Terre Sauvage 221: 92-94
2006-i. Des nageurs préhistoriques au Sahara (avec Pauline et Philippe de Flers). Arts & Cultures (revue des Musées Barbier Mueller), 46-61
2006-h. Prehistoric swimmers in the Sahara (with Pauline et Philippe de Flers). Arts & Cultures, 46-61
2006-g. L'extension du domaine du chamanisme à l'art rupestre sud-africain. Afrique & Histoire 6 : 41-75
2006-f. Lhote et le lootori: le retour ! in: Hic sunt leones. Mélanges sahariens en l'honneur d'Alfred Muzzolini, Cahiers de l'AARS 10: 149-150
2006-e. Une gravure de navis oneraria dans le Messak libyen. in: Hic sunt leones. Mélanges sahariens en l'honneur d'Alfred Muzzolini, Cahiers de l'AARS 10: 151-158
2006-d. The Sense in Question: Some Saharan Examples. Rock Art Research 23(2): 165-170
2006-c. L'adaptation aux variations climatiques survenues au Sahara central durant l'Holocène. In: Le Sahara et l'homme.. , Actes du colloque à Douz 27-29 déc. 2003, 109-129
2006-b. D'un certain usage du comparatisme ethnographique. In: M. Lorblanchet, J-L. Le Quellec, P.G. Bahn et al. (eds.), Chamanismes et arts préhistoriques: Vision critique, 274-86
2006-a. Chamanes et martiens, même combat! Les lectures chamaniques des arts rupestres du Sahara. In: M. Lorblanchet, J-L. Le Quellec, P.G. Bahn et al. (eds.), cit. above., 233-260
2005. Une nouvelle approche des rapports Nil-Sahara d’après l’art rupestre. ArchéoNil 15 : 67-74
2004. Une scène miniature incisée à Ti-n-Taborak (Akâkûs) et ses implications pour la chronologie des gravures rupestres du Sahara. Sahara 15 : 59-74 et pl.
2003-b. Lévi-Strauss au Sahara. In : Jean Guilaine (éd.), Arts et symboles du Néolithique à la Protohistoire (séminaire du collège de France), Paris, 83-88
2003-a. L'art rupestre de style dit "arabo-éthiopien" et l'école de Chabbè-Galma. Afrique, archéologie et arts, 2: 47-68
2002. Gravures rupestres à I-n-Azawa (Algérie): l'école de Ti-n-Tarabîn. INORA 31: 10-12
2001-a. Shamans and Martians : the same struggle! In: H.-P. Francfort & R. Hamayon (eds.), The Concept of Shamanism..., Budapest, Ak. Kiado, Bibl. Shamanistica 10, 135-159
1999-c. Répartition de la grande faune sauvage dans le nord de l'Afrique durant l'Holocène. L'Anthropologie 103(1): 161-176
1999-b. Sahara, Art rupestre. In : Dictionnaire de la Préhistoire, Paris, Encyclopaedia Universalis, 977-981
1999-a. Premières exaltations du mouton. In: Le Mouton, sa vie, ses oeuvres. Exposition ... 1999 au Musée départemental de l’Abbaye de St-Riquier (catalogue), 8-10
1998. Reconnaissance à Awenât. Les figurations rupestres de Karkûr Drîss et Karkûr Ibrahîm. Sahara 10: 67-84
1997-d [with J.-L. Bernezat]. Peintures et gravures de Wazen (Sahara central). Sahara 9: 120-123
1997-c. Compte Rendu de: Emmanuel Anati 1997, L’art rupestre dans le monde. L’imaginaire de la Préhistoire, Paris, Larousse. Sahara 9:164-166
1997-b. Commentaire à la note de Nadjib Ferhat, Karl Heintz Striedter et Michel Tauveron: Une limite ante quem pour l'art bubalin du Sahara central, C.R. Adad Sci. Paris, t. 328, sér. IIa, 1997; p. 75-77. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris), 325: 1011-1012
1997-a. Comparatisme et "horizon archaïque" des gravures, du Nil au Sahara central. Lettre d'ArchéoNil 9: 43-48
1996-b [with Y. Gauthier]. A consistent nomenclature for the rock art sites of the Sahara and Africa. Survey 9-12: 111-117
1996-a. A propos de quelques canidés du Fezzan (Libye). Survey 9-12(1993-1996): 105-110
1995-b. Un panneau gravé du wâdi Teknîwen (Messak Settafet, Libye) et ses homologues régionaux (in Fr. and Eng.) INORA 12: 7-9
1995-a. "Chasseurs" et "Pasteurs" au Sahara: les "Chasseurs archaïques" fezzanais chassés du paradigme. News 96. International Rock Art Congress, Turin. Surve suppl. (CDrom)
1994. Animaux doubles, hermaphroditisme et gémellité sur les rupestres du Sahara central et dans les mythologies sub-sahariennes. Notes africaines 191: 1-10
1993-c [with Y. Gauthier]. Découvertes exceptionnelles au Messak Mellet (Fezzan sud-occidental, Libye). INORA 4: 1-3
1993-b. A propos de quelques gravures rupestres de l'Ajal (Fezzân septentrional, Libye). Réflexions sur le style de Tazina. Bulletin Société Préhistorique Française 90(5): 368-374
1993-a. Scènes de taurokathapsia au Sahara central. Memorie della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 26(2): 319-324
1989-b. Les gravures rupestres de Shormet el-Greibât, Fezzân septentrional (Libye). Sahara 2: 75-84
1989-a. Nouveaux documents rupestres fezzanais: les sites de ed-Debuât et du Jebel Lijêf (Région du Shati, Libye). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 86(4): 114-118
1987-b. Les gravures rupestres de Gârat el-Hara, Wâdi esh-Shâti, Libye. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 84(6): 186-192
1987-a. Les gravures rupestres d'el-Greïbât, Fezzân septentrional (Libye). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 84(2): 54-59
1985. Nouvelles gravures rupestres du Wâdi Bûzna (Wadi-l-Ajâl, Libye). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 82(4): 120-128
1984. Gravures rupestres inédites à Gûr el-Lesât (Wâdi-sh-Shâti), Fezzân septentrional (Libye). Groupe Vendéen d'Etudes Préhistoriques 12: 21-41.
Jacques du Fouilloux et l'ophiophagie du cerf (J.L. Le Quellec) Bulletin de la Société de Mythologie
Française 161, 1991, 19-31
D'où vient le crocodile d'Oiron? (J.L. Le Quellec) Sou An 5, 1994, 57-59
Existe-t-il un chamanisme africain? (J.L. Le Quellec) Religions et histoire 5, 2006: 28-31
La voix des Mégalithes. Une histoire de Calendrier (J.L. Le Quellec), in : J. Coget [ed.], L’homme, le
mineral et la musique, 2000, 118-137
Mégalithes et traditions populaires. La hache et le marteau de vie et de mort (J.L. Le Quellec),
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 93(3), 1996, 287-297
Rock Art Research in Southern Africa, 2000-2004 (J.L. Le Quellec) in: P. Bahn, M. Strecker, N. Franklin (eds.), Rock Art Studies. News of the World III, 2008, 97-111
Rock Art Research in Egypt, 2000-2004 (J. L. Le Quellec, D. Huyge) in: P. Bahn, M. Strecker, N. Franklin (eds.), Rock Art Studies. News of the World III, 2008, 89-96 [on-line PDF]
Can One 'Read' Rock Art? An Egyptian Example (J.L. Le Quellec), in: P. Taylor (ed.), Iconography without text. Warburg Institute Colloquia 13, 25-42, 2008 [on-line PDF]
J.L. Le Quellec's bibliography (titles and ref. of his own c. 250 publications, PDF) and his "Biblio Rupestre" (more than 5000 entries on Rock Art and related researches, RTF)
ARCHÉO-NIL. Revue de la société pour l'études des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil. Nr. 19, 2009 – L'Art rupestre de la vallée du Nil et des déserts égyptiens
Introduction (B. Midant-Reynes) p. 5-10
Les images rupestres du Jebel el-'Uweynat (J.-L. Le Quellec) 12-26
The rock art of Jebel Uweinat. Some results of the ongoing survey (A. Zboray) 27-30
Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt (H. Riemer) 31-46
– Cave Art in Egypt's Western Desert (E. Claßen, K. Kindermann, A. Pastoors) 47-66
Drawing the World: Petroglyphs from Kharga Oasis (S. Ikram) 67-82
Iconographic Attraction, Iconographic Syntax, and Tableaux of Royal Ritual Power in the Pre- and Proto-Dynastic Rock Inscriptions of the Theban West. Des. (J.C. Darnell) 83-107
Late Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Rock Art in Egypt: Qurta and El-Hosh (D. Huyge) 108-120
A Prehistoric Geometric Rock Art Landscape by the First Nile Cataract (P. Soremyr) 121-130
Rock art
from West Bank Aswan and Wadi Abu Subeira (M.C. Gatto, S. Hendrickx, S. Roma, D. Zampetti) 151-168
A Lost Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic royal scene from Gharb Aswan (S. Hendrickx, N.
Swelim, F. Raffaele, M. Eyckerman, R. Friedman) 169-178
King Den in South-Sinai: the Earliest Monumental Rock Inscriptions of the Pharaonic Period (M.R. Ibrahim, P. Tallet) 179-184
settlement and cemeteries at Nag el-Qarmila, Kubbaniya (M.C. Gatto, M. De Dapper, R. Gerisch, E. Hart, S. Hendrickx, T. Herbich, H. Joris, H. Nordström, M. Pitre, S. Roma, D. Swiech, D. Usai) 186-206
Bibliography of the Prehistory and Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2009 Addition (S. Hendrickx) 207-226
Lect.: À propos de... "P..M. Vermeersch (ed.), A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence .... (2008)" and "A. Gasse, V. Rondot, Les Inscriptions de Séhel (2007)" (Y. Tristant) 229-231.
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology UEE - Open Version - | |
Jacke S. Phillips (August 31, 2009) Ostrich Eggshell | |
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Alice Stevenson (August 10, 2009) Palettes |
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Erika Meyer-Dietrich (August 7, 2009) Dance |
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Aidan Dodson (July 16, 2009) Rituals Related to Animal Cults |
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Silke Roth (July 3, 2009) Queen |
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Mark Smith (June 4, 2009) Democratization of the Afterlife |
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Geraldine Pinch and Elizabeth A. Waraksa (June 3, 2009) Votive Practices |
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David Wengrow (May 5, 2009) Predynastic Art |
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Marcelo Campagno (March 30, 2009) Kinship and Family Relations |
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André J. Veldmeijer (March 24, 2009) Cordage Production |
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Paul Nicholson (March 5, 2009) Faience Technology |
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Ben Haring (February 4, 2009) Economy |
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Filip Coppens (January 29, 2009) Temple Festivals of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods |
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Martin Stadler (December 15, 2008) Procession |
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Juan Carlos Moreno García (November 6, 2008) Estates (Old Kingdom) |
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Kathlyn M. Cooney (October 31, 2008) Scarab |
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Mark Smith (October 27, 2008) Osiris and the Deceased |
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Frédéric Servajean (September 25, 2008) Duality |
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Alice Stevenson (September 15, 2008) Mace |
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Eugene Cruz-Uribe (August 10, 2008) Graffiti (Figural) |
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Michela Luiselli (July 10, 2008) Personal Piety (modern theories related to) |
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Nicholas Lazaridis (June 25, 2008) Ethics |
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Laurent Coulon (June 19, 2008) Famine |
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Christiane Zivie-Coche (May 20, 2008) Late Period Temples |
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André J. Veldmeijer (May 16, 2008) Leatherworking |
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Karen Exell (April 18, 2008) Ancestor Bust |
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Saphinaz-Amal Naguib (April 18, 2008) Survivals of Pharaonic Religious Practices in Contemporary Coptic Christianity. |
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Martin Stadler (April 16, 2008) Judgment after Death (Negative Confession) |
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Elizabeth Waraksa (April 13, 2008) Female Figurines (Pharaonic Period) |
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Roland Enmarch (April 13, 2008) Theodicy |
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Richard H. Wilkinson (April 13, 2008) Anthropomorphic Deities |
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Kerry Muhlestein (April 3, 2008) Execration Ritual |
i-Medjat n. 2, 2008:
A.Z. Al Abedine, M.M. Mady,
A.A.A. Al Mallah, Voyage d’études à l’Oasis
de Siwa (Université de Tanta)
Oum Ndigi, Le point sur Ngok Lituba en 2008
Karine Gadré, Prix de l’Académie des Sciences de
Toulouse 2008
Ilona Regulski, Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions
The Sixth International Workshop for African
Archaeobotany (Helwan, 2009)
Alain Anselin, L’oiseau b3 avec des « l » (II)
Fabrice Silpa, L’âne, le bateau et le carré logique.
Etude comparative des produits et de leurs noms
dans les «Contes» du Paysan et du Naufragé (II)
Alain Anselin, Un mot b3.t, du grain - une
racine céréalicole transphylique
Graciela Gestoso-Singer, Amber in the Ancient Near
Mouhamadou Nissire Sarr, Les interdits
alimentaires en Egypte pharaonique: le cas du porc
Oscar Pfouma, La peau berceau et les briques de
Jessica Laguerre, Note sur un article de Serge
Sauneron À propos d’un pronostic de naissance
Oumou K.C. Bèye, Note sur un article de Serge
Sauneron À propos d’un pronostic de naissance
Egypt at its Origins 3 London (27 July-1
August 2008) A bâtons rompus
i-Medjat n. 3, 2009:
Adel Zine Al Abedine, Hathor d’im3w
Oum Ndigi, Deux courtes notes sur des manières
de penser semblables en égyptien ancien et en
basaa – et un étymon
Mboka Kiese, Fondements des mathématiques intuitionistes
Alain Anselin, Some Egyptian words of the mind
Alain Anselin, Let the people go like baboons
Emmanuelle Courboin, Lithic knapped tools in Naqadian
Alain Anselin, L’entrée en scène de la langue
dans les dispositifs iconographiques de l’Egypte
Egypt at its Origins 3 London (27 July
1 August 2008) A bâtons rompus II.
Musées, Workshops et Posters
PSBA 22, 1900; PSBA 26, 1904; PSBA 28, 1906; PSBA 29, 1907; PSBA 30, 1908 (papers on palettes, labels, Thinite kings by Legge, Newberry etc.)
Ivory and Related materials (O. Krzyszkowska, R. Morkot) Ch. 13 in: I. Shaw, P.T. Nicholson (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Cambridge. 220-231
The Egyptian Ways of Death (L. Meskell) in: M.S. Chesson (ed.), Social Memory, Identity, and Death:
Anthropological Perspectives on
Mortuary Rituals. 2001, 27-40 [book in PDF]
Sacrifices humains et autres mises à mort
rituelles : une introduction (J.-P. Albert, B. Midant-Reynes), in: Albert, Midant-Reynes (eds.), Le Sacrifice humain en Egypte ancienne et ailleurs. Paris. 2005, 10-19.
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Les noms propres de chiens, chevaux et chats de l'Egypte Ancienne. Le Role et le sens du nom personnel attribué à l'animal (K. Bouvier-Crosse) AnthrZool 37, 2003, 11-37
Domestication of the donkey: Timing, processes,
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On the Orientation of Old Kingdom Egyptian Pyramids (J. A. Belmonte) Archaeoastronomy 26 (JHA 32) 2001, 1-20
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Dance of the Cranes: Crane symbolism at ÇatalhÖyük and beyond (N. Russell, K.J. Mc Gowan) Antiquity 77:297, 445-55 [on-line]
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The oldest representation of a Nile boat (D. Usai, Salvatori) Antiquity 81:314, 2007 [on-line]
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Report on the 38th season of excavation and restoration on the island of Elephantine (D. Raue, C. von Pilgrim, F. Arnold, W. Kaiser, P. Kopp,
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A Rediscovered Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic royal scene from Gharb Aswan (Upper Egypt) (S. Hendrickx, M.C. Gatto), Sahara 20, 2009, 147-50
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Égypte, Sahara et Afrique (J. Leclant) Archéo-Nil 0, 1990, 5-9
Préhistoire et Égyptologie. Un siècle de recherches préhistoriques dans la vallée du Nil (B. Midant-Reynes) Archéo-Nil 0, 1990, 10-20
Dieu masqué, dieu sans tête (D. Meeks) Archéo-Nil 1, 1991, 5-15
Masques et thériomorphes dans l’art rupestre du Sahara Central (A. Muzzolini) Archéo-Nil 1, 1991, 16-42 (+ figures)
A Face-Mask in the Prehistoric Rock Art of the Dakleh Oasis ? (L. Krzyzaniak, K. Kroeper) Archéo-Nil 1, 1991, 59-61 (+ figures)
L'image et son cadre. Réflexions sur la structure du champ figuratif en Égypte prédynastique (R. Tefnin) Archéo-Nil 3, 1993, 7-22
Identification d'un potier prédynastique (A. Livingstone Smith) Archéo-Nil 3, 1993, 23-33
Analyse de l'espace figuratif par dipôles. La tombe décorée n°100 de Hiérakonpolis (P. Gautier) Archéo-Nil 3, 1993, 35-47
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Chiefs and Protodynastic Egypt. A hydraulic relation ? (A. Perez-Largacha) Archéo-Nil 5, 1995, 79-85
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Introduction (B. Midant-Reynes) Archéo-Nil 8, 1998, 5-8
Henri de Morgan : l'inventeur d'El Adaïma (1854-1909) (C. Lorre) Archéo-Nil 8, 1998, 11-30
La nécropole d'Adaïma : une première synthèse (E. Crubézy) Archéo-Nil 8, 1998, 33-65
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Landscape recontruction of the Predynastic site at Nag el-Qarmila (Upper Egypt) (Gatto, De Dapper, Eyckerman, Gerisch, Joris, Newton, Hendrickx) SAHARA 20, 2009, 63-68 [offprint]
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Archéo-Nil n. 3, 9, 10, 11 (+ articles)
J.E.A. 61 (Uphill): Titolo SDJAWTY BITY
J.N.E.S. 17 (Jesi) Sacrifici umani Thiniti
JNES 18 Teologia Egizia nel III° Millennio
JNES 38 Merneith (Kaplan)
JNES 44 (Adams) : Some doubts about the Lost Pharaoh of Nubia
(190) (v. JNES 46 p.15)
M.D.A.I.K. 38 : pl. 65b Sigillo di SANAKHT da Elefantina
MDAIK 45 fig.11,7 : Un Serekh da BUTO
MDAIK 51 : p. 99-187 in partic. 181: Sigillo di SANAKHT da Elefantina
RdE 4 : p.222-3 Due parole di una placchetta della tomba di
Hemaka (Lefebvre)
RdE 5 : p.45-50 I Nomi delle Piramidi (Lefebvre)
Z.Ä.S. 46 :(Borchardt) Lettura del nome NISUTEH (Huni) p.12
ZÄS 56 : Statuetta arcaica da Abusir
ZÄS 105 (42-59) (Fischer) Iscriz. Antico Regno