Example of Middle First Dynasty Wooden
label (reign of DEN)
Francesco Raffaele http://members.xoom.it/francescoraf/
E Mail francescoraf@inwind.it
Go to the LABELS
See more labels of DEN
(Or read a recent commentary on Qaa label 16
of my corpus)

We'll now see the detailed reading (based on W. Helck 'Untersuchungen
zur Thinitenzeit' 1987 p. 159):
- Events of the Year :
- [square above on the right]
- Sed-fest (The King's actions and attributes are the same as those
of Djoser's Step Pyramid Complex panels) Den sits under
- the pavillion wearing the tight robe of the Heb Sed and carrying flail and
white crown.
- On the right he runs around the couple of three cairns wearing a skirt and
bringing the Nekhekhw flail and the small Mks, a
- symbol of control containing the Imyt-Per documents (cfr. J.A.R.C.E. 32
p. 1-42).
- The enthroned king looks like Narmer on the Hierakonpolis Macehead (but
there the King wears the Red crown).
- [Second section on the right]
- Opening of the Fortress' great portal (?) (a ceremony or a seizure),
illness of the young (rnp) mistress (?), transport
- of the Sem* and the sledges.
- (* or Shsmt mineral; or Sem wizards and their medicines; or the Atum
chapel ?)
- [Third register on the right]
- ....to Nswy Bity Khasty .... birds offering (?) (Den 's Nswt Bity;
this king is the first for whom this royal title is attested)
- [Lower right register]
- ................................
- [Left register]
- Hr Dn Sdjawty-Bity (or Khetemw-Bity) HMAKA : Chancellor -
of the Lower Egypt King, Horus Den - Hemaka
- Mdjhw ty Nswt hwt nw Nbw hwt nsw ITY SN : Director (?) of the Gold
palace Oil press, of the King's Palace, Itysen (?)
- (or Djebawty-Sen).
- Stj wr Thnw hat 1200 ht : 1200 rod measures of Lybian Setj-wr [oil]
(Setj-Hr) of the highest quality.
- (the number and indication of a probable submultiple in palms -Shsp- at
the base of the label is lost)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- Hemaka was official under Den only (but this King reigned c. 40 years).
- The title attested here is the most prestigious he bore , but he was also
administrator and director of the Hr-Tpy-Ht domain
- of the King and of the Hr-Skhenty-Dw which had already been administrated
by Ankhka .
- His vast tomb at Saqqara (3035) is one of the biggest in the I st Dyn. Cemetery.
Excaveted and published by W. Emery
- (1938) it revealed various seal impressions and a set of vessels, a gaming
disk, a decorated dish and a uninscribed papyrus.
For a more recently written translation and commentary
of a label see this one of Horus QA'A.