Francesco Raffaele
Corpus of Ist Dynasty Ivory and wooden labels
One of the main interests in the labels of Qa'a is
that they show at least two different Nebty (?) names: Sen-Nebty (written
in two forms), and Sehotep-Nebty. Qa'a 16 has the Nswt-bity name Qa'a-Nebty
as found inscribed on various stone vessels. After the reign of this
king the year labels suddenly fell in disuse.
Click on the images for full description
Qa'a 1 |
Qa'a 2 |
Qa'a 3 |
Qa'a 5 |
Qa'a 6 |
Qa'a 7 |
Qa'a 8 |
Qa'a 9 |
Qa'a 10 |
Qa'a 11 |
Qa'a 12 |
Qa'a 14 |
Qa'a 15 |
Qa'a 16 |
Qa'a 16b |
Qa'a 17 |
Qa'a 18 |
Many thanks to Bastiaan Lieffering for the color-scans of labels nr. 14-18.
For a full discussion of the oil and year labels of Qa'a (and his immediate
predecessors) from Umm el-Qaab t. Q cf.:
Eva-Maria Engel, Das Grab des Qa'a in Umm el-Qa'ab. Architektur und Inventar.
Teil I-II (Göttingen Univ. 1997 Doktoral Dissertation) p. 433-481