Francesco Raffaele
I am Italian (NAPOLI) age 40 studying Egyptology
I am going to have a degree at IUO Napoli
with a thesis on the Second Dynasty (2003-4). My doctoral dissertation
will be centered on Late Predynastic culture. Co-edited the publication of "Recent Discoveries and Latest Researches in Egyptology. Proceedings of the First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology. Naples, June 18th-20th 2008", F. Raffaele, M. Nuzzolo and I. Incordino (eds.), Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2010. --- La Fin de la Période Pré-dynastique et la Dynastie 0: une introduction, Part 1 in: Toutankhamon Magazine 1, 2001, p. 20-23; Pt. 2 in: TM 2, 2002, 26-29; Pt. 3 in: TM 3, 2002 26-29. Dynastie 00: les premiers rois d'Egypte, Part 1 in: Toutankhamon Magazine 6 (Dec/Jan 2002-2003) p. 78-80; Part 2 in: TM 7 (Feb/Mar 2003) p. 70-74 [Cf. HERE] On the terms "Dynasty 0" and "Dynasty 00", in: Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología BASADE 1, 2003, p. 101-113 (English), p. 114-127 (Spanish). Read it HERE "Dynasty 0", in: A. Loprieno, S. Bickel (eds.), Aegyptiaca Helvetica 17, 2003, 99-141 [Written in 2001] An unpublished Early Dynastic Stone Vessel fragment with incised inscription naming the goddess Bastet. CCdE 7/8, 2005, 27-46 [PDF] Stone Vessels in Early Dynastic Egypt. CCdE 7/8, 2005, 47-60. [PDF] A lost Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic
royal scene from Gharb Aswan. (S. Hendrickx, N. Swelim, F. Raffaele, M. Eyckerman, R. Friedman), in: Archéo-Nil 19, 2009, 169-178. Animal Rows and Ceremonial Processions
in Late Predynastic Egypt. In: F. Raffaele, M. Nuzzolo and I. Incordino (eds.), "Recent Discoveries and Latest Researches in Egyptology. Proceedings of the First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology. Naples, June 18th-20th 2008", Wiesbaden, 2010, 245-285. The Reign of Horus Qa'a, and the end of the First Dynasty. In: CCdE 13, 2010. In preparation. ON-LINE articles: Turtles in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, 2002 (HERE) - More articles - --- Reviews
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Desidero dedicare questo sito alla memoria di Bastiaan Lieffering e Maurilio Tracanna, e alla loro passione per l'Egitto Antico.
Grazie per i consigli e per il vostro tempo. F.R.