![]() Cahiers Caribéens d'Égyptologie Indices and other-informations |
![]() Toutankhamon Magazine |
wonderful new site with 3d Reconstructions, photos, vrml 2 models, on Early
Dynastic Egypt, Tarkhan, Abydos, Hierakonpolis: This site must be considered
for a long tour by all those who like ny site; it contains material that I was
considering to insert in my site (sites' and tombs' maps and 3d reconstructions).
Many great photos and a vast bibliography. It is still growing and it ll become
one of the top reference sites for Egyptology on-line when more sections of
it will be concluded.
But already now you ll have a lot of things to learn by this site; some 2D and
3D models of Tarkhan tombs and their virtual nice rendering are really a path
to follow for all of us!
with the whole collection on-line !!! !!! !!!
Chicago Oriental Institute's ABZU is one of the largest
Egyptological sites: it has Regional
and Author indices and hundreds of on-line
old books of Egyptology freely downloadable.
ANE is the section
containing the Or. Institute discussions Archives (All Near East).
books uploaded in Abzu/Etana
(in PDF format): W.M.F. Petrie, Prehistoric
Egypt (1920); Petrie, Tarkhan
I and Memphis V (1913); W.M.F. Petrie - J. E. Quibell, Naqada
and Ballas (1896), J. E. Quibell,
Hierakonpolis I (1900)*** Search the index for more.
ONLINE is dedicated to one of the most important Predynastic
Egyptian sites. There are many interesting pages with informations on the most
important "localities" of the site, as the HK29A temple, the 'Amratian
house', the important élite cemetery at HK 6, the working class cemetery
(HK 43), the mudbrick 'Fort' of Khasekhemwy, rock art, flint mines, kilns, a
brewery, later periods private tombs, bibliography of the site... But the most
precious improvement has been the decision to put all the past issues of NEKHEN
NEWS on line in PDF format: the journal is a
small pearl full of interesting articlets on the HK sites, cemeteries and finds,
as the earliest known mummies, the Elephant burial in HK loc. 6, Giraffes in
AE, the survey of the Second Dynasty "Fort" of Khasekhemwy, the Narmer
Palette and many more: therefore, to quote a playful motto in NN, "don't
be a missing member", join the Friends of Nekhen.
[Also read about the recent Hierakonpolis Expeditions in Renée Friedman's reports on http://www.archaeology.org/ ]
This is a great site in Spanish language. Anyone who should spend some time
browsing through its pages would certainly often return to visit it: many articles
on several different topics (religion, mythology, arts, history, geography,writing,
language, games, various) all the Pyramids, image galleries ( e.g. CAIRO
MUSEUM Early Dynastic objects ), Museums list, CD-roms.
PHOTOS: http://www.antiguoegipto.com/
There is also a translation of some pages from my site (Dynasty 00, 0) in the
History section. An outstanding site.
The Ancient Egypt site by Egyptologist Jacques Kinnaer is one of the best (and earliest) personal sites in the genere; there is a good glossary and it' s of high value its section dealing with Saqqara Early Dynastic period. Wide bibliography of almost 500 books and great links-section. This was the first website I've ever visited on the Internet. Still one of the top ten Internet websites on Ancient Egypt.
ONLINE A new fantastic website on this marvellous site with
history of excavations and reports of the current excavations at the tomb of
Also see the associated FRIENDS
OF SAQQARA foundation webpages with many informations on their initiatives
and publications (The Saqqara Newsletter).
Cultural Heritage Organisation (ECHO) - What
is ECHO - Projects
and Events -
This Website and the related project (conceptualised by F. Hassan and G.J. Tassie)
is a very important achievement for Egyptology and for Egypt itself.
ANSE-EGYPT. Associazione Napoletana di Studi Egittologici (A.N.S.E.)
An association aiming to promote and support scientific and didactic activities related to ancient Egyptian civilization.
I am one of the four founding members of this association and I'm also the webmaster of this website (which pages are available both in English and Italian language). We are organizing an International Conference in 2008 here in Napoli (abstracts will be on-line in the site within the next months) and further initiatives.You'll also find papers (some PDF Egypt books will soon be made available) and our Photo Galleries.
EGYPTOLOGY NEWS by Andie Byrnes is an extremely useful blog about Ancient Egypt (Prehistoric and Historic periods). Highly recommended !
This website is based on an academic paper by the author, aiming
to gather informations about Prehistoric and Predynastic Fayum (and related
areas') geology and archaeology. The site (and the paper) will be continuously
updated, but even in its present state (version 2.1) it undoubtedly ranks as
one of the most useful resources actually available on-line for Predynastic
Egypt and surely the WWW top-reference about Prehistoric/Predynastic Fayum,
West Delta and Southern Cairo region.
The site is well done, the structure of the paper is professional, the data
provided and the overall treatment of the subjects is exact, up to date, pleasantly
written and of great interest. Nine Appendices (with relative and absolute chronological
tables and more) and a large bibliography close the work which is of invaluable
importance for anyone who wants to gain a precise idea of past and present day
predynastic studies and field researches in this area of L.E. / Northern U.E.
The only lacuna is in the images apparatus: due to an obvious question
of copyrights, it hasn't been possible to retain on the website the original
paper images, thus it is only correlated by small photos. Needless to rehearse
that the core of this outstanding work is in the textual informations on cultural
phases, industries, 'economies', archaeological sites and their peoples' activities.
I mostly like the 'Chalcolitic' and the 'Naqada II/III' chapters in the 'Archaeology'
section. The whole work is a serious scholarly synthesis which will be certainly
very useful for trained Egyptologists yet also accessible to the lay-man.
EGYPT PORTAL by Andie Byrnes (see below for the link to a fourth website of her).
This portal on Ancient Egypt presents a selection of the most interesting scientific websites grouped into nine categories.
NEWS (for which I recommend to check Andie's own "Egyptology News" blog for more widely discussed updates on New discoveries and other daily infos); AREAS AND SITES (to search for websites focussed on restricted geographical areas or single archaeological sites); PERIODS (a list of useful sites concerned with particular Prehistoric and Historic periods of AE); ACADEMIC PAPERS (Some articles which are available on-line); GEOLOGY (websites dealing with AE from a geological perspective); INTERACTIVE (Websites which use computer technologies, 3D reconstructions, the Internet, and other informatic tools and media to help understanding AE culture; HIEROGLYPHS (sites about learning AE language and writing, related on-line papers, text editor softwares, fonts); IMAGES (Egypt Photo galleries); INSTITUTIONS (Museums and other Egyptological institutions).
Congratulations to Andie for this further, very useful guide.
THE INTERNATIONAL POTMARK WORKSHOP is a new born website focussed on proto/early dynastic potmarks ("pseudo-script" signs - incised on pottery before it was fired- the purpose of which hasn't been yet definitively ascertained). Created after an idea and the signs-corpus collection laid down by Edwin van den Brink, the website features a database of nearly all of the known signs, full bibliography and an interactive Forum where you can discuss your own and other ones' opinions on this seemingly pictographic device, about any period of Ancient Egyptian history in which it was used (late IVth to late IInd Millennium BC).
Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions by Ilona Regulski
Extremely useful database of all the known Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions from the earliest evidence (early Naqada III) to early IIIrd Dynasty (Djoser).
Nabil Swelim
New website (english and arabic language) by Cairo Egyptologist Nabil Swelim. Many articles (Minor Step Pyramids; Dry Moat around Djoser's S.P. complex), photographs, memories. Having the honor to know him, I can tell this is a great person besides an Egyptologist with about 50 years of experience in the field!
KAFR HASSAN DAWOOD on-line A Website on this very important site for the Late Predynastic period excavated since 1995 to present by prof. Fekri A. Hassan and his team. The site features site location and formation, excavations history, 1995 to 1999 fieldwork reports and pages on KHD and the Egyptian State formation (on this latter topic Prof. F. Hassan has written outstanding articles), artefacts, photos and bibliography. Really an exemplar website.
This site by Ottar Vendel has wide sections on Dyn.
0-17 and more under constructions. The descriptions are journalistic
and precise, the scanned photos and plans are from specialistic books too,
and the general treatment goes straight to the essential features. Also the
section on the Gods' outfits and attributes is well done. Congratulations!!!.
ARCHEOGATE Il portale Italiano dell' Archeologia. Egittologia ma anche altre discipline archeologiche e filologiche.
Diretto dal Prof. Alessandro Roccati, direzione editoriale del dott. Bruno Alberton.
Intute is a free online service providing you with access to the very best Web resources for education and research, selected and evaluated by a network of subject specialists. The service is brought to you by a consortium of UK universities and partners.
Subject specialists select and evaluate the websites in our database and write high quality descriptions of the resources. The database contains 116932 records.
DE LA EGIPTOLOGIA A vast and very interesting portal of
Egyptology (in Spanish).
There are many sections with various articles in each one, on all topics
and period. For those who don't read spanish the site is also worth of visit:
Image Galleries (High quality pics) and Videos are wonderful. A
MUST !!!
Another Brilliant website in Spanish is egipto.com which is really a "Guía completa de Egipto y el Museo egipcio en El Cairo.
EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS by Su and Tony Bayfield is a superb website/guide to many Egyptian sites and monuments.
Antiquity of Man Exploring human evolution and the dawn of
civilisation. Great site with many articles. By Mike Brass (this website was
Ancient Egypt
and World Prehistory ). A MUST for those who are interested in Predynastic
and Early Dynastic- Old Kingdom Egypt !!!!
Emergence of Civilization Carefully analyze these
lectures by Dr. Bruce Owen on the Birth of Civilization in Egypt and elsewhere.
They' are really very teaching. There are also lectures on Archaeology, 'Theory
of theories',Origins of Agricolture.
SPRING 2001 page; here
is the FALL 2001
updated page.
on Egyptian Late Predynastic decorated artifacts interpretations:
WHITNEY DAVIS, Masking the Blow. The Scene of Representation in Late Prehistoric
Egyptian Art (Berkeley, 1992).
Texts Online (UNAS Pyramid Texts) by Vincent Brown (with
plates from A. Piankoff, 'The Pyramid of Unas' 1968).
The website of the fantastic annual journal SAHARA - Those who love this desert, with its wonderful sites, cultures and art, will literally find gold through the pages of this important review (n. 1 appeared in 1988): reports of archaeological expeditions into some of the most remote and inaccessible places on Earth (which until few thousands years ago was a huge live savannah), professional articles on Rock-art, Prehistory and pre-Islamic History of Sahara, Monuments, megaliths, writings and several color photos especially of what can be considered the earliest African "art" masterpieces: the rock graffiti and paintings and the mysterious figurative real and mythical world they do represent (not less astonishing than the Lascaux or the Australian paintings).
For those who want to access on-line the marvellous world of the Eastern Sahara.
"This website is dedicated to the Libyan Desert (or Eastern Sahara), one
of the least explored and most strikingly beautiful places on this planet".
By András Zboray, Fliegel Jezerniczky Expeditions, Budapest.
If you want to start an on-line exploration of the Sahara this is IMO definitively
the website to start from (also see its links), containing multiple sections
on its Geography, Archaeology, Rock Art, History and History of the Explorations,
Flora & Fauna.
- www.predynastic.com
is a new website on Prehistoric-Predynastic Egypt by Andie Byrnes. The site
already features nice text and images sections but many more pages are already
in preparation: so direct your browsers on it.
Congratulations (see above for more links to her pages-sites).
- ein Erlebnis!
This website in German language is a mine of informations on Pharaohs, Pyramids,
royal necropolis, kings' names, gods, history, literature and more. GREAT site!
Egypt Photos THE
EGYPT ARCHIVE Another incredible collection of images
by Jon Bodsworth. Giza, Saqqara, Abusir, Dahshur, Meidum; Museums
images: Cairo, BM London, Petrie Mus., Ashmolean, Louvre. THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT (once named PHOTOGRAPHS OF EGYPT) has WONDERFUL photographic galleries in Cairo Museum, at Giza, Abusir, Saqqara, Dahshur, Meidum. By Frank P. Roy GIZA VIEW is another "PANORAMIC" site with professional images; hard to find an equal on books. By Jon Bodsworth. TOMBES ET MASTABAS de l'EGYPTE ANCIENNE has many reconstructions of OK and NK private and royal tombs with great photos and some virtual 3D models. This website is a little TRASURE and when further "tombs-tours" are available it might become a MONUMENT itself... Also the other sites in the same Osiris.net Webring do deserve more than a quick view. IMMAGINI DALL' EGITTO a cura della Dott.ssa Stefania Sofra. Sito da vedere per le bellissime gallerie di Immagini. This website has beautiful galleries (accompained by large text) on pharaonic, coptic, islamic, modern Egypt, Sinai and Oasis. EGYPT PHOTOS (NEW) and EGYPT ONLINE contain a huge amount of images of Egyptian landscapes ... Egiptomania.com
(Photo Archive) |
EGYPT ANCIENT HISTORY has a collection of archaeological sites (classified by period) as seen from satellite photographs provided by Google Earth.
THOTWEB EGYPTOLOGIE Too long to explain in few words. This portal is very useful and full of informations. Just go.
http://touregypt.net/index.htm TOUR EGYPT NET is also a very good site with many useful notes and articles.
Egyptvoyager is a beautiful new site
on many aspects of ancient and modern Egypt.
EGITTOLOGIA.NET: portale Italiano su Antico Egitto, Egittologia Mar Rosso. Con articoli, foto, forum, News.
RESOURCES Egyptology Resources has at this page the e-mail addresses of hundreds of egyptologists in the world; also links to articles as well as to downloadable stuff are present. One of the first and most important Egyptology servers on the web! Annual Egyptological Bibliography is what the title says: the list of all Egyptological books and articles published each year in the world ! THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT EGYPT If you are looking for Egyptology Books' reviews jump fast to this URL ! There are also articles on other topics (Narmer Palette and more) by Francesca Jourdan. ARCHAEOLOGY
RESOURCES DREAMSCAPE SITE GUIDE: A giant database of many topics, not only Ancient Egypt WWW - VIRTUAL LIBRARY (History/ANCIENT EGYPT) |
Another useful site-group is the one by Pietro Testa from
Naples; his pages provide accurate reconstructions (in drawings as well as in
2D/3D graphics virtual-paths)of many Old Kingdom funerary complexes (all written
in french).The first site linked,the last one the author created, has updated
links to all his own sites on the architecture of the Old Kingdom Funerary complex.
This is THE BEST SITE (group) ON THE WEB about Ancient Egyptian Architecture
in the Old Kingdom :
In ITALIANO: EGITTOLOGIA.NET portale Egittologico interamente in lingua italiana, molto ricco di informazioni e interessante.
Amigos de la Egyptologia en Argentina : a site from that land in South America, where Egyptology has many followers !!!
NEW JERSEY EGYPTOLOGY by Mark Warden who also manages the Newsgroup NJES
http://narmer.pl/ This site has beautiful pages on all the Dynasties, Genealogies ... (in Polish and English)
Ancient Egypt Online, is a growing resource covering; history, architecture, society, language and religion. As well as Gardiner's complete list of hieroglyphs, the site has detailed tutorials to help anyone learn this fascinating ancient language. The site also includes detailed pages on many of the gods, goddesses and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and many beautiful pictures.
EGYPTOLOGY FORUMS and GROUPS Guardian's Egypt Guardian's Egypt Bulletin Board XP XPArchaeology@yahoogroups.com New Jersey Egyptoplogy thoth@worldnet.att.net NEW: The Ancient Near Eeastern Chronology Forum Forum of Amun http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Amun See also EEF and AEL above |
(Egypt books Store)
(Egypt books store)
FOUNDATION METROLOGY is a site entirely devoted to metrology
and ancient measures with some theories which are very well presented. See
in particular the article on the "Saddle-back roof" sketch (B. Gunn,
A.S.A.E. 26).
A Mirror of my Present site is at Digilander - SITE DOMAIN : www.saqqara.3000.it
Take this Banner and put it into your links page
Links to other sites
Writing and Languages
Scripts of the World by Lawrence
and Christine Lorentz is a top-level site for the World Writing Systems
subject. Many ancient scripts are analysed by the authors; it could be said
that this site is the web correspondent of the Daniels and Bright edited book
(more than 900 pages): 'The World's Writing Systems' published the same year
in which this site was born. Some of the single Scripts treated in this site
have websites of their own, but I am quite sure that there are few sites including
so many detailed pages on circa 40 scripts. (Please inform me if you find
anyother one like this) .There are also sections on Phonetics, Historical
Linguistics, Bibliography & web links, a Java game: Cryptoglyph.You
must visit this one !
NEW LINK - http://www.ancientscripts.com/
has links to dictionaries and grammars of more than 200 languages, ancient as well as modern.
Proto Language is a must for all those who are interested in the reconstruction of protoindoeuropean, nostratic ....
The same author has another very interenting site about the Proto-Religion.
(send me links suggestions)