1)   Helck, Thinitenzeit, 1987,  146

2)   Wilkinson  E.D.E., 1999, 204

3)   M.D.A.I.K. 38, 227, and plate 57c

J. Garstang, ZAS 42, 61ff.
F. Legge, PSBA 26, 125ff.; id., PSBA, 28, 252ff.
P. Newberry, P.S.B.A. 34, 1912, 279-289
V.Vikentiev, A.S.A.E. 33, 1933, 208ff.
V. Vikentiev, A.S.A.E. 34, 1ff.
V. Vikentiev, A.S.A.E. 41, 277ff.
B. Grdselof, A.S.A.E. 44, 279-282
V. Vikentiev, A.S.A.E. 48, 665ff.
J. Vandier, Manuel I, 1952, 829
R. Weill, I re Dynastie II, 1961, 32, 61ff.
J.P. Lauer, BIFAO 64, 1964, 169ff.
W. Kaiser, G. Dreyer, MDAIK 38, 1982, 227
W. Helck, Thinitenzeit, 1987, 146
Crubézy, Midant-Reynes, in: Archéo-Nil 10, 2000, 21ff.
J. Kahl, E.M. Engel, Vergraben..., 2001, 12
J. Kinnaer, KMT 12:3, 2001, 74ff.
A. Jimenez-Serrano, Royal Festivals, 94-96
J. Kinnaer, GM 196, 2003, 23-30
Aha 1
1, 2: Kahl 240 (+ 241)
3: Kahl 273

1: Reconstruction of the Naqada label.
Central part reconstructed after the duplicate label fragment published by J. Garstang, in: ZAS 42, 1905, 61, fig. 2 (= Liverpool SACOS, E5116)

2 : Naqada Royal Mastaba
(Cairo Museum, CG 14142)

3 : Abydos B15
(MDAIK 38, pl. 57c)

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