General La IIe et la IIIe Dynasties (R. Weill) 1908 (97-111, 360f., 451f., 492f.) A History of Egypt (W.M.F. Petrie) 1912 (7th ed.; p. 27ff.) Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne I, 1952 (J. Vandier) (statues, tomb, enclosures: cf. the index, p. 1009) Archaic Egypt (W.B. Emery) 1961 Die Inschriften der Ägyptischen Fruhzeit (P. Kaplony) 1963 (seal impressions, 160ff.) L'Egypte (E. Drioton - J. Vandier) 1962 (143ff., 158, 164f., 638) Egypt before the Pharaohs (M.A. Hoffman) 1979 (p. 274f. and chapter 21 - Khasekhemui: a postscript to Prehistory, p. 348-354) Untersuchungen zur Thinitenzeit (W. Helck) 1987
Early Dynastic Egypt (T.A.H. Wilkinson) 1999 (esp. p. 91-94) Vereniging van de Beide Landen en de vroeg Egyptische Staat (J. van Wetering) 2004 (esp. p. 86-95) (Also cf. the article by A. Dodson, The Mysterious Second Dynasty, in: KMT 7:2, 1996, 19-31) LEXICONS, DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAE: Chasechem(ui) (P. Kaplony) L.A. I, 910-912
Chasechem / Chasechemui (T. Schneider) in id. ed. Lexikon der Pharaonen (1994)
p. 98-99
Khasekhemwy (Khasekhem) (c.2686) (I. Shaw - P. Nicholson) British Museum Dictionary
of Ancient Egypt (1995) p. 149-150
Khasekhem / Khasekhemwy (M. Rice) in id. ed. Who's Who in Ancient Egypt (1999)
p. 95
Khasekhemwy (G. Dreyer) in D. B. Redford ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient
Egypt. Vol. 2 (2001) p. 231
Main Excavations Hierakonpolis I (J.E. Quibell - F. Petrie) 1900 (on-line book)
Hierakonpolis II (J.E. Quibell - J. Green) 1902
The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties (W.M.F. Petrie) 1901 (Umm el Qa'ab,
Tomb V)
Abydos, Part III (Ayrton - Currely - Weigall) 1904
The Egyptian Expedition 1934-1935. The Museum's Excavations at Hierakonpolis,
in: BMMA (NY) 30, 1935, 37-45 (The 'Fort')
Tomb of the Courtiers and Oxyrinchos (W.M.F. Petrie) 1925 (Shunet ez Zebib) (on-line book)
Umm el-Qaab : Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof. 9. /10. (G. Dreyer et al.)
M.D.A.I.K. 54. 1998, 164-6 (Umm el Qa'ab, Tomb V)
Umm el-Qaab : Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof. 11./12.
(G. Dreyer et al.) M.D.A.I.K. 56. 2000, 122-8 (Umm el Qa'ab, Tomb V) Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof
13./14./15. Vorbericht (Dreyer et al.) MDAIK 59,
2003, 108-124 (Tomb V) Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im fruhzeitlichen Konigsfriedhof
16./17./18. Vorbericht (Dreyer, Engel, Müller, Hartmann, Lacher et al.) MDAIK 62,
2006, 67-129
Other articles and books - The Set rebellion of the IInd Dynasty (P.E.
Newberry) AE 7, 1922, 40-6
- Notes et documents pour ... Egypte et la Syrie (P. Montet) Kemi 1, 1928,
- Figurines d'animaux. Pieds de meubles. Tête de Khasekhem. Gravures de la
base des statues de Khasekhem (J. Capart) Documents pour servir à l'étude
de l'art égyptien. Vol. II : 3-9, pl. 1-5 (1931)
- A Foundation Scene of the Second Dynasty (R. Engelbach) JEA 20, 1934, 183-4
- The Museum's excavations at Hierakonpolis (A. Lansing) Supplement of BMMA
30 n. 11, 1935, 37-45
- The Step Pyramid (C.M. Firth - J. E. Quibell - J.P. Lauer) 1935 p. 17, 141
- La Pyramide a Degrees I (J.P. Lauer) 1936 (Western Massif of Djoser complex)
p. 180-186
- La Pyramide a Degrees III (J.P. Lauer) 1939 (Western Massif of Djoser complex)
pl. 22
- Fragment de vase en brêche livrant le cartouche de Khasekhemoui (M. Dunand)
in id. Fouilles de Byblos. I. 1926-1932 (1939) p. 26-27
- Notes d' epigraphie Archaique (B. Grdseloff) ASAE 44, 1944, 279-306
- Evolution de la tombe royale egyptienne jusqu'à la Pyramide à degrés (J.P.Lauer)
MDAIK 15, 1957, 148-65
- La Pyramide a Degrees IV.1 (P. Lacau - J.P. Lauer) 1961 n. 18, 95
- La Pyramide a Degrees IV.2 (P. Lacau - J.P. Lauer) 1961 p. 8, 44-45
- Bemerkungen zu einigen Steingefasen mit archaischen Konigsnamen (P. Kaplony)
MDAIK 20, 1965, 1-46
- Abydos and the Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty (B.J.Kemp) JEA 52, 1966,
- Two Archaic Egyptian Sculptures (W.S. Smith) BMFA 65, 1967, 70-84 (ONLINE paper)
- A Propos d' une inscription de l' Horus Khasekhem (G. Godron) CdE 43, 1968,
- Murs à redans encadrés par les "tombs of courtiers"et"forts"d' Abydos (J.P.
Lauer) MDAIK 25, 1969, 79-84
- Zu den koniglichen Talbezirken der 1und 2 Dynastie in Abydos und zur Baugeschichte
des Djoser Grabmals (Kaiser) MDAIK 25, 1969, 1-21
- Preliminary Report on the First two Seasons at Hierakonpolis p. II Early
Dynastic Palace (K.R. Weeks) JARCE 9, 1971, 29-33
- Zu den "Talbezirken" in Abydos (W. Helck) MDAIK 28, 1972, 95-99
- Die Datierung der Gefasaufschriften aus der Djoserpyramide (Wolfgang Helck)
ZAS 106, 1979, 120-32
- Le Developpement des Complexes Funeraires Royaux en Egypte (J.P. Lauer)
BIFAO 79, 1979, 355-94
- A Stela of Khasekhemuy from Abydos (R.A. Farag) MDAIK 36, 1980, 77-9
- Thinitenzeit (W. Helck) LÄ VI, 486-493
- Die Oberbauten der Konigsgraber der 2. Dynastie in Sakkara (R. Stadelmann)
BdE. 97,2 (Mel. Mokhtar II) 1985, 295-307
- New Funerary Enclosures (Talbezirke)of the Early Dynastic Period at Abydos
(D.O'Connor) JARCE 26, 1989, 51-86
- A Fragment from the Cairo Statue of Khasekhemwy (B. Adams) JEA 76, 1990, 161-3
- Some Remarks on the Great Rectangular Monuments of Middle Saqqara (N. Swelim)
MDAIK 47, 1991, 389-402
- Zur Unteririrdischen Anlage der Djoserpyramide und ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen
Einordung (W. Kaiser) in Wallert- Helck eds. ' Gegengabe - FS Emma Brunner
Traut' 1992, 167-190
- Preliminary Report of the Nat. Mus. of Scotland Saqqara Surv. Proj. 1990-91(Mathieson,Tavares)
JEA. 79, 1993, 17-31
- Zu den Konigsgrabern der 2. Dynastie in Sakkara und Abydos (W. Kaiser) in
Bryan-Lorton eds. Essays in Egyptology in honor of H. Goedicke, 1994, 113-123
(1991 paper)
- Analytical Bibliography of the Prehistory and Early Dynastic period in Egypt
and Northern Sudan (S. Hendrickx), 1995 (+ updates in Archéo Nil)
- The Relief-Decoration of King Khasekhemui from the so-called Fort at Hierakonpolis
(N. Alexanian), in C. Eyre (ed.), Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists,
Cambridge 3-9 September. Abstracts of Papers, 3, 1995 - The Mysterious Second Dynasty (A. Dodson) KMT 7:2, 1996, 19-31
- ... Vase of King Khasekhemui (G.D. Scott), in: N. Thomas (ed.), The American
Discovery of Ancient Egypt, 113, 1996, 116-118
- ... Vase inscribed with the name of Khasekhem (S.P. Harvey) in D.P. Silverman
(ed.), Searching for Ancient Egyptian Art, Architecture and Artifacts from the
University of Pennsylvania Museum p. 92-95 (1997)
- The National Museums of Scotland Saqqara Survey Project 1993-1995 (Mathieson
-Tavares et al.) JEA, 83, 1997, 17-53
- Abydos. Umm el-Qa'ab, Grab des Chasechemui (E.-M. Engel), BCE 20, 1997, 25-28 - Der erste König der 3. Dynastie (G. Dreyer), in: H. Guksch & D. Polz (eds.), Stationen. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte
Ägyptens (Fs Stadelmann) Mainz, 1998, 31-34 - Die Reliefdekoration des Chasechemui aus den sogennanten Fort in Hierakonpolis
(N. Alexanian) in N. Grimal ed. Les Criteres de datation stilistiques à
l' Ancien Empire, 1998, 1-21 (BdE 120)
- The Relief Decoration of Khasekhemwy at the Fort (N. Alexanian) Nekhen News,
11, 1999, 14-15 (on-line issue)
- Investigations in the Fort of Khasekhemwy (R. F. Friedman) Nekhen News,
11, 1999, 9-12 (on-line issue)
- Abydos. Umm el-Qa'ab, Grab des Chasechemui (E.-M. Engel), BCE 21, 2000, 50-58 - Funerary Enclosures. Early Dynastic "Forts" Reexamined (D. Sharp) KMT 12:1, 2001,
- Jasejem y Ta-Sty (A. Jimenez-Serrano) BAEDE 12, 2002 - Second Dynasty Ink Inscriptions from Saqqara paralleled in the Abydos Material from the Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH) in Brussels (I. Regulski), in: S. Hendrickx et al. (eds.), Egypt at its Origins, 2004, 949-970 - Die Entwicklung des Systems der ägyptischen Nomoi in der Frühzeit (E.-M. Engel) MDAIK 62, 2006, 151-160
(Also cf. Nekhen News issues, for articles on the Hierakonpolis Fort and related salvage campagins) Internet pages (external links)
- THE FORT- and following pages (by R. Friedman) - Digital Egypt: (... and related links) - (J. Müller - K. Adams) - TourEgypt: (by. J. Dunn) - Absolute Egyptology: (by O. Vendel) *** *** ***
Thanks to John D. Degreef and Bastiaan Lieffering for all the pleasing discussions about Early Egyptian history, archaeology, annals and other sources. |